Inspection Title. R116- Heavy Duty Dense Graded Asphalt. (Ed 8 / Rev 4) .
Project Name: Tabulam New Bridge.
Prepared by
Conducted on
Work Activity Record
Has the principal released the Hold Point.
Cl Do the actual combined PSD's remain within the limits of tables R116.1 . <br>
Cl <br>Does the actual binder content remain within the limits of R116.2.
2.4.3 Asphalt Manufacturing Plant
Must produce auditable records. <br><br>
RAP materials must be dispersed uniformly throughout the mix.
Must have sufficiently capacity to supply asphalt for a continuous operation of the paver.
2.4.4 Storage and Handling
Cl 2.4.4 Storage and Handling. Binder<br>Heating and storage must comply with temperature and time limits set out in advisory note 7 published by AAPA. <br><br>Recirculate in delivery and/or storage tanks to get a uniform consistency. <br><br>
Recirculate in delivery and/or storage tanks to get a uniform consistency.
Have details been provided in the PQP of the procedures for acquisition, storage and handling of binder.
Cl 2.4.5 Manufacturing Temperatures. <br>Are thermometer registrations readable and accurate to within +-2 deg C. <br>The temperature of the asphalt must not have exceeded 175 dec C.
Cl 2.4.6 Is the sampling frequency of the asphalt as specified in Annexure R116/L
Cl 2.5 Transport of Asphalt. <br>Has sufficient transport capacity been allocated and provided. <br>Is efficient onsite management of asphalt deliveries being implemented.
Cl 3.1 Is the method of placing and finishing achieving:<br>A homogeneous product with a tight bound surface.<br>A uniform bond to the surface below<br>The finished pavement properties, specified in clause 4, within the specified tolerances. <br>No rapid cooling of the asphalt by application of water has taken place.
Cl 3.2 Has the surface been prepared in accordance with AS2150.
Cl 3.3 Is the asphalt being placed by a self propelled paving machine equipped and operated with automatic thickness control and automatic joint matching facility. <br>Hand placement only permitted for minor corrections of existing surface and in areas where placement with a paving machine is impractical. <br>Is the compaction procedure of the asphalt as detailed in the contractors PQP.
Cl 3.4 Has the traffic management been in accordance with the TMP and TGS. <br>Has traffic been kept off the surface until the asphalt has been placed, compacted and cooled sufficiently to carry traffic without damage to the work.
Cl 3.5 Has Asphalt or other material been prevented from adhering or entering grates, hydrants, valve boxes, service covers, bridge joints and other road fixtures <br>Has all waste asphalt been cleaned and removed from affected services and road fixtures.
Cl 3.6.1 Is the nominated layer thickness within the 3.0 to 5.0 times the nominal mix size. <br>
Cl 3.6.2 Has the Principal released the Hold Point. <br>
CL 3.7 Has the pavement temperature and wind velocity at the point of asphalt placing been measured and recorded. <br>Have the requirements of Cl 3.7 (a,b,c and D) been complied with. <br>Has tack coat or asphalt NOT been placed when the pavement surface is wet and/or rain is imminent.
Cl 3.8 Has the Hold Point been released.
Cl 3.9 Is the tack coat being applied to a surface that is clean, dry and free from loose material. <br>Is the tack coat applied evenly between .15 to .30 litres of residual bitumen per m2. <br>Has the contractor nominated in writing the proposed application rate prior to applying the tack coat. <br>Is a daily endorsed record of the average tack coat application per lot being submitted.<br>Is the tack coat intact at the commencement of asphalt placement. <br>
Cl 3.10 Is the procedure for the construction of joints detailed in the PQP. <br>Is this procedure being followed. <br>Has all loose, cracked and/or boney material removed from the paved material prior to placing the adjacent mat. <br>Longitudinal joints: coincide with the final traffic markings, ( unless otherwise approved by the principal). <br>Transverse joints; Formed at the commencement of each paving run.
CL 4.1.1 Do Insitu air voids for the lots comply with table R116.7.
Cl 4.1.2 Has compaction control been carried out using statistical techniques as specified in RMS Q. <br>Bulk density can be determined from cores taken from site or nuclear density meter. <br>Are cores taken in accordance with AS 2891.9.2. <br>Air voids must be determined for: every change in underlying pavement material and layering within 300 mm of the surface to the layer being measured.<br>Every change in nominated mix and specific layer thickness. <br>
Cl 4.2.1 Is the course thickness between 45mm and 53 mm
Cl 5.3 Has the frequency for the testing of the asphalt been carried out in accordance with R116/L.
Cl 4.2.2 Have the CV and average values of each lot been done as per RMS Q
Cl 4.4.2 is there no ponding of water on the finished surface. <br>Does the surface comply with the straight edge tolerance in table R116.10.
Cl 5.1 Is the asphalt homogeneous.
Cl 5.2 Have all sampling locations, frequencies and test methods been nominated in the PROJECT QUALITY PLAN.
Cl 5.3.1 Is the frequency of testing as specified in Annexure R116/L.
Cl 5.3.3 Has the results of testing been submitted with the required time frame <br>Test results for binder content , combined PSD and air voids in the laboratory compacted mix. (1 day) <br>Test results for the insitu air voids, course thickness and course shape within 3 working days of placing the asphalt.
Cl 5.5 have all non conformances been reported and closed out.
G22 Safety and G36 Environmental
Have operators demonstrated their competence to operate the plant/equipment to the satisfaction of the contractor. <br>
Has a SWMS been developed.
Is each and every item of plant being used for its designated and intended purposes.
Have the attachments for plant and processes been approved and used in accordance with their design and purposes.
Is the correct PPE being worn
Were any unsafe practices observed. <br>
Good safe practices observed.
R44 Cl 1.7 Were erosion and sediment controls in place prior to the removal of any topsoil.
Are Erosion and Sediment controls measures being installed and maintained.
Has mud been prevented from being deposited on roadways.
Have any environmental incidents or potential incidents been observed.
Good environmental procedures observed.
Compliance and Follow-up action.
Is the activity compliant.
Surveillance Officer
NCPN or memo number.
Follow up action
Product Non Conformance
System Non Conformance
Contractor generated NCR
Contractor generated a CAR
Matters arising
Contractors NCR no
CAR no
Closed out.
RMS representative's name