
  • Surveillance Checklist. R106- Sprayed Bituminous Surfacing. (Ed4Rev1) .

  • Project Name: New Bridge over the Clarence River at Tabulam

  • Location:

  • Contractor

  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

Work Activity Record


  • Cl 2.1.1 Is the binder to be used as specified in Annexure R106/A and does it conform to spec RMS 3253.<br>Has the contractor provided. <br>Documented evidence proving the binder conformity for each delivery. <br>Provide a sample of the binder from the delivery point to the principal.

  • Cl 2.1.2 Has the binder been kept below 190Deg C or the manufacture's written recommendations (whichever is the lesser)<br>Do not use in the works: bitumen that has been overheated or stored in violation of the temperature and time combinations specified by the manufacture.

  • Cl 2.2 Does the precoating and adhesion agents used, comply to the required spec Precoat RMS 3258, Adhesion RMS 3259

  • Cl 2.4.1 Does the supply and deliver of aggregate conform to spec RMS 3151 <br>Have the test results been supplied prior to incorporating into the works.

  • Cl 2.4.2 Maximum stockpile lot size is 250m3 <br>Stockpiles on firm level ground.<br>Quantity and type of each stockpile signposted.


  • Cl 3.1 Has a design been carried out and the results submitted. (Texture testing for reseals, ball embedment tests for seals)

  • Cl 3.2 The proportions of constituents must conform to Table R106.1 (see table section)<br>Bitumen adhesion agent prime/primerseal 1% max, seal/reseal 0.5 - 1% <br>Cutter oil prime/primerseal as per design, seal/reseal as per RMS form 382. <br>Flux oil seal/reseal subject to principal's approval up to 4%

  • Clause 3.3.3 HOLD POINT

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  • Cl 3.3.3 Has the HOLD POINT been released.

  • Has the HOLD POINT been released.

Cl 3.4 HOLD POINT, Process Held: Sprayed Sealing works for each work location.


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  • Cl 4.1 Has the sampling and testing been carried out in accordance with: <br>The relevant material specs. <br>Complies with Annexure R106/L

  • Cl 4.2 Has the binder been sprayed to achieve: <br>Uniform binder application and aggregate cover. <br>Effective binder bond with aggregate.

  • Cl 4.3 Have process control charts been used for works where 10 or more sprayer runs greater than 1000lts are required. <br>If used, does it show specific tolerances and plot the differences between individual results. <br>Has action been taken if any point is between 2% and 5% (inclusive) above or below the target over 5 successive runs.

  • Cl 4.4 Have details of the works been recorded using Form RMS 500A or 500C. <br>Has the principal been supplied with a copy of the completed form.

Cl 5 CONDITION for Commencement

  • Cl 5.1 Has the aggregate been precoated:<br>

  • Cl 5.1 Has it provided a complete light, uniform, effective cover of all aggregate.

  • Cl 5.1 Has the stockpile been covered to prevent:<br>Precoat agent being washed off. <br>Settlement of dust and penetration of moisture.<br>Precoat agent drying out

  • Cl 5.2 Has the pavement been swept at least 300mm beyond the edge of the sprayed area. <br>. <br>.

  • Cl 5.2 Has all loose and foreign material been removed

  • Cl 5.2 Have raised pavement markers been masked or removed.

  • Cl 5.3 Has the pavement temperature been recorded at regular intervals. <br>Has the pavement temperature been above 10degC for at least a hour prior to sealing. <br>. <br>

  • Cl 5.3 Spraying has not been done when pavement was wet, rain was imminent, or during strong winds or dust storms

  • Cl 5.4 Have all necessary precautions been taken to prevent binder or other material from sticking to road fixtures.


  • Cl 6.1 Has the sprayer got a current certificate (RMS Form 354).<br>. <br>.

  • Cl 6.1 Is the spreading equipment used capable of achieving a uniform spread rate

  • Cl 6.1 Are rollers achieving mechanical interlock between aggregate without breaking down or crushing the aggregate

  • Cl 6.2 Do the runs start and finish on suitable paper. <br>

  • Cl 6.2 Is a constant road speed by the sprayer being maintained throughout each run

  • Cl 6.2 Is spraying stopped when defects develop or nozzle blockage occurs

  • Cl 6.2 Is the sprayer stopped if the actual application rate for 3 continuous runs differs more than 5%. (IF so the sprayer is not to be used until a new sprayer certificate is obtains

  • Cl 6.3 Is the binder being keep within the temperature range shown in Table R106.2 or R106.3 (see table section)<br>.

  • Cl 6.3 Is there 2 or more fully charged pressurised chemical fire extinguishers conveniently placed near the heaters while the heating is in place

  • Cl 6.4 Has the geotextile (if ordered) been applied: <br>After the tact coat has been applied.

  • Cl 6.2 Are longitudinal overlaps 50mm if end jets used, 300mm for other jets

  • Cl 6.4 Has it been placed smoothly and without wrinkles.

  • Cl 6.4 Has it a minimum of 100mm overlap

  • Cl 6.5 Is the traffic management is accordance with spec RMS G10 and the TCWS manual. <br>Have necessary steps been taken to minimise delays and inconvenience to road users. <br>

  • Cl 6.5 Have all vehicles been controlled to travel at a sufficiently low speed to prevent displacement of aggregate

  • Cl 6.6 Has the binder been sprayed within the temperature ranges in tables R106.2 and R106.3 (see table section)

  • Cl 6.7 Has the amount of cutter oil been recorded on RMS form 382(seals and reseals) or 395A (primes or primerseals) <br>If cutter oil and hot bitumen are mixed onsite has it been circulated at 700lts per minute for 20 minutes <br>If flux oil added to hot bitumen circulate at a rate of 700 lts a minute for 15 minutes. <br>If bitumen adhesion agent added to hot bitumen circulate at the rate of 700 lts a minute for 15 minutes.


  • Cl 7.1 Has the area sprayed been limited to an area that can be covered aggregate at the target application spread rate within 15 minutes.

  • Cl 7.2 Is the class and grade of the primer and primer binder sprayed as specified in Annexure R106/A<br>

  • Cl 7.2 Has at least 48 hours elapsed or a longer time if required for the binder to become completely dry before the binder for the seal is applied

  • Cl 6.5 Where early traffic of the seal is needed:<br>Has the initial rolling been completed.

  • Cl 7.2 Has the application rates been adjusted using RMS form 500A when adhesion agent and/or cutter oil have been added to the binder

  • Cl 7.3 Is the class and grade of the binder sprayed as specified in Annexure R106/A<br>

  • Cl 7.3. Has the application rates been adjusted when adhesion agent and/or cutter oil have been added to the binder.

  • Cl 7.3 Where refinery cutback bitumen is used as the binder, increase the target application rate of binder to allow for the cutter oil in the mixture in accordance with Table R106.4 (see table section.)


  • Cl 8 Have only precoated aggregates been used. <br>

  • Cl 8 Was the aggregate free of surface moisture and/or free surface water

  • Cl 8 Was the aggregate evenly spread

  • Cl 8 Was the binder covered within 15 minutes of it being sprayed

  • Cl 8 Has the aggregate been rolled with not less 8 passes with a roller.


  • CL 9 WITNESS POINT. See Table R106.5 (see table section)

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  • Any areas open to traffic exceeding 60 kph before final sweeping. Must have loose stone and slippery warning signs erected and temporary 60 speed zoning in place until maximum allowable loose aggregate requirement is met. <br>

G22 Safety and G36 Environmental


  • Have operators demonstrated their competence to operate the plant/equipment to the satisfaction of the contractor. <br>

  • Has a SWMS been developed.

  • Is each and every item of plant being used for its designated and intended purposes.

  • Have the attachments for plant and processes been approved and used in accordance with their design and purposes.

  • Are the Worker on Foot procedures being followed.

  • Are all plant and vehicles fitted with beacons, reversing alarms and cameras where required.

  • Are daily prestart checks being preformed on plant.

  • Is the correct PPE being worn

  • Were any unsafe practices observed. <br>

  • Good safe practices observed.


  • Are Erosion and Sediment controls measures being installed and maintained.

  • Has mud been prevented from being deposited on roadways.

  • Are weather conditions being monitored.

  • Have any environmental incidents or potential incidents been observed.

  • Good environmental procedures observed.

Compliance and Follow-up action.

  • Is the activity compliant.

  • Surveillance Officer

  • NCPN or memo number.

  • Follow up action

  • Product Non Conformance

  • System Non Conformance

  • Contractor generated NCR

  • Contractor generated a CAR

Matters arising

  • NCPN no

  • Contractors NCR no

  • CAR no

  • Closed out.

  • RMS representative's name


  • Table R106.1

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  • Table R106.2

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  • Table R106.3

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  • Table R106.4

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  • Table R106.5

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