Audit Title
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Client / Site
Conducted on
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Is there any spare lines?
Is there power under bar for secondary cooling/lighting transformer?
Is there room for secondary cooling?
What existing products are there?
What new products are required?
Position of new products.
What products are to be removed
Is this a under counter set up?
Bar lay out
Do the spare lines match the bar?
Is there cellar cooling?
Is there a duct of some description from cellar to bar?
What pythons are on site?
- 4+2 cask
- 6+2 cask
- 10+2 cask
- 4+2 keg
- 6+2 keg
- 10+2 keg
- 14+2 keg
Is there room in it for two or more pythons?
Is the equipment reusable?
Is gas required?
What gas is on site or required?
- 60/40
- 70/30
- 50/50
- co2
- compressed air
- nitrogen
- 60/40--70/30
- 60/40--co2
- 70/30--co2
Is there power in the cellar?
Cellar lay out.
Job details
Give job description.
Equipment required.
Founts required
T/bars required
Cask python required
Keg python required
All other equipment required
Access time from & date install required by.
Are you happy with the proposed survey
Custermer signature.