Title Page
Site conducted
Gate Number:
Flight Number:
Audit No:
Airline Being Audited
Can you confirm that both a Pack Safely Card and a Cabin Offload Card are present at the Boarding Gate, clearly visible to the customers?
Can you confirm the agent asked the question “Can you confirm you have none of the items listed on this receipt?” to each customer who has a cabin bag tagged for the hold and received a verbal agreement from each customer?
Is the gate area clean and tidy?
Has Shares set(s) been switched on?
Is the baggage gauge in place at the gate?
Does the tannoy/PA system work?
Was the flight called for boarding in sufficient time?
Have special needs passengers been identified for pre-boarding?
Was Shares used to reconcile passengers at the gate?
Did agents observe Social Distancing Rules by not handling Customer Electronic Devices?
Were boarding card stubbs disposed of securely?
Were boarding card stubbs disposed of securely?
Was the flight called to board correctly? (Flt No./Destination)
Audit Feedback
Is an audit feedback meeting required?
Findings and Observations
Finding or Observation Description
Severity of Finding
Corrective Action Taken
Corrective Action Assigned To
Corrective Action Due By
Signature of Auditee
Signature of Auditer