Title Page
Site conducted
S Reference
Fibre ID
PIA Number (PIANOI Ref)
Duct Section Reference Number
PN Reference
Conducted on
Prepared by
House Number and Post Code
PIA Blockages
Pre Works
Please provide an image/screenshot of the A55
Is the A55 correct?
Work In Progress (click here to add)
Please confirm dig coordinates (ie 1.2m x 400mm x 600mm)
Please provide a photo of the pre work dig area.
Please provide a photo of the full site set up. To include Barriers, Signage, Permit Boards etc..
Buried Services Noted to Dig.
Please provide a photo of the location of buried services.
Please provide a photo of the open excavation / damage to ducting.
Repair and Reinstatement
Please provide photo evidence of repair to ducting (showing both collar ends and cable straps).
Please provide photo evidence of reinstatement of wearing course.
Closing Dimensions
Please confirm closing dimensions.
Site Shutdown
Please provide a photo of the shut down site (all tools and rubbish removed)
Duct Checklist
Was a grey duct repair kit used?
Were cable straps used on the repairs?
Core drilled and pointed
Is duct >150mm above the chamber floor?
Is duct >75mm from the adjacent wall?
Is duct >50mm from other ducts?
Is ducting cut flush to brickwork?
Is draw rope installed?
Please provide a photo of A end chamber showing duct in use.
Please provide a photo of B end chamber showing duct in use.
Post Works Sign Off
Job Status
- Blockage Complete - Fully Reinstated
- De-Silt Complete
- De-Silt Incomplete
- New Track Complete - Fully Reinstated
- Blockage Incomplete - Revisit required for reinstatement (specify in notes and add images)
- New Track Incomplete - Revisit required for reinstatement (specify in notes and add images)
- Job Failed - Further Investigation Required (specify in notes and add images)
Total time spent on the job (in hours)
Auditor Sign Off