Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Adam Pinn
- Josh Perry
- Paul Wilkinson
- Greg Burgess
- Dave Wilkinson
- Stephen White
- Kynan O'Brien
- Luke Howard
- Rob McMaster
- Gary Eisenhauer
- Kim Broughton
- Neil Ebbels
- Mitch Ramsay
- Jordan Johnstone
Use this record to fill in the cleaning tasks that have been completed throughout the current month. Complete this inspection at the end of the month or once all tasks for the month have been completed. Only one record will be required per month, take notes and media of any areas that require attention or pose safety hazards. Follow all relevant JSEA's and Work Instructions when completing tasks wear the required PPE.
Outloading bins
The out loading bin and surrounding area have been cleaned? (Complete this monthly)
Why was this task not completed
LPG refuel station
The LPG refuel station and surrounding area have been cleaned? (Complete monthly)
Why was this task not completed
Feedmill Guttering & Drains
Neil's Parts fenceline and gutter cleaned? (Complete this as required on the cleaning schedule)
Why has the guttering not been cleaned
The feed mill guttering has been cleaned
Why has the guttering not been cleaned
Press floor roof
The press floor outside roof has been cleaned? (Complete as required on the cleaning schedule)
Why was this task not completed
Control room roof
The control roof has been cleaned? (Complete as required on the cleaning schedule)
Why was this task not completed