Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

Bar Closedown

  • Have all cakes been re-stocked and labelled?

  • Why have the cakes not been stocked up?

  • Have all rubber mats gone through glass wash?

  • Why have they not been cleaned?

  • Have all utensils gone through glass wash?

  • Why have they not been cleaned?

  • Have all nozzles been removed and cleaned?

  • Why have they not been cleaned?

  • Has the OJ machine been stripped and cleaned?

  • Why has it not been cleaned?

  • Have all trays been cleaned?

  • Why have they not been cleaned?

  • Have all surfaces been cleaned? Including back bar?

  • WhY have they not been cleaned?

  • Has the coffee machine been cleaned?

  • Why has it not been cleaned?

  • Have all the mugs been replenished?

  • Why have they not been replenished?

  • Have the coffee bean tubs and hopper been re-stocked?

  • Why have they not been re-stocked?

  • Have all speed rail / juices and BSco bottles been wiped?

  • Why have they not been re-stocked?

  • Ice dump emptied and sanitised?

  • Why has it not been emptied and sanitised?

  • Have all beer fonts been wiped?

  • Why have they not been wiped?

  • Hand wash and sink areas clean and re-stocked?

  • Why have they not been cleaned and re-stocked?

  • Full bottle up been completed including back bar displays?

  • Why has a full bottle up not been completed? We’re there any OOS items?

  • Milk and juice fridges re-stocked?

  • Why were they not re-stocked?

  • Is the lift empty and clean?

  • Why isn’t the lift empty and clean?

  • Has the glass wash been stripped and cleaned? With blades and filters on trays? DO NOT FORGET TO LEAVE DOOR OPEN TO AIR DRY!

  • Why hasn’t the glass washer been stripped and cleaned?

  • Oranges been re-stocked?

  • Why haven’t the oranges been re-stocked?

  • SUNDAYS ONLY - Has line clean been completed?

  • Why has the line clean not been completed?

Floor Closedown

  • Have all tables been thoroughly wiped?

  • Why have the tables not been wiped?

  • Have all tables been re-laid with sufficient menus?

  • Why aren’t there sufficient menus on the tables?

  • Have all tables got an allergens card?

  • Why are there tables without allergens cards?

  • Are all salt and peppers been filled?

  • Why haven’t all salt and pepper pots been filled?

  • Have all sugar pots been re-filled

  • Why haven’t all the sugar pots been filled?

  • Have all sauces been re-filled?

  • Why haven’t the sauces been filled?

  • Have all ketchup pots been cleaned?

  • Why haven’t all the ketchup pots been cleaned?

  • Has all the cutlery been polished?

  • Why hasn’t all the cutlery been polished?

  • Cutlery stations all re-stocked? I.e napkins, plates etc

  • Why haven’t the cutlery stations been re-stocked?

  • Are all hydration stations re-stocked with clean glassware?

  • Why haven’t they been re-stocked?

  • Have all chairs been put up on tables?

  • Why haven’t all the chairs been put up on tables?

  • Has all the garden furniture been wiped and brought in?

  • Why hasn’t the furniture been cleaned and brought in?

  • Have all the ashtrays been emptied and rinsed?

  • Why haven’t they been cleaned?


  • Have all tills been session changed?

  • Why have the tills not been session changed?

  • Have both tills been floated £100

  • Why is there not a £100 float in each till?

  • Have both PDQ’s been banked?

  • Why have the PDQ’s not been banked?

  • Has the banking been completed in a sealed and dated envelope with a completed slip?

  • Why has the banking not been completed?

  • Please enter the banking total

  • Has the safe been counted? Max £500.

  • Why has the safe not been counted?

  • Has Aztec been updated with banking, safe count etc?

  • Why has Aztec not been updated?

  • Has the shift report been sent with the daily blog to the shift report group?

  • Why has this not been sent?

  • Please enter todays sales.

Kitchen check

  • Who was the closing kitchen manager?

  • Is all food in date and stored correctly?

  • Has the kitchen book been fully completed and signed off?

  • Have all touch points been cleaned?

  • Has pot wash been left in an acceptable condition?

Checklist Complete

  • Please sign off the checklist to complete.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.