Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Dilapidation Report
Inverter Room
Please provide photos of Inverter room before works
Please List any defects or damage noticed prior to works in inverter room (Please provide photo evidence)
MSB & DB Switchboard
Please provide photos of MSB
Please list any defects or damage noticed prior to works in the MSB (Please provide photo evidence)
Please provide photos of DB for existing system prior to decommissioning works (if applicable)
Please list any defects or damage noticed prior to works in the DB (Please provide photo evidence)
Rooftop & Array
Rooftop elements include, but are not limited to; gutters, roofing sheets, tiles, downpipes, ridge capping, anchor points, skylights, and ridge walls.
Please provide photos of rooftop prior to decommissioning and installation works
Please list any defects or damage noticed prior to works (Please provide photo evidence)
Post-Works Condition of Site
Inverter Room
Please provide photos of current Inverter room after works
MSB & DB Switchboard
Please provide photos of MSB after works
Please provide photos of DB for existing system after decommissioning works (if applicable)
Rooftop & Array
Rooftop elements include, but are not limited to; gutters, roofing sheets, tiles, downpipes, ridge capping, anchor points, skylights, and ridge walls.
Please provide photos of rooftop after decommissioning and installation works