
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Flora & Fauna

  • 1. Does the contractor have a copy of the Environmental Management Plan on site?

  • 2. Has the contractor undertaken environmental awareness training and/or site induction to toolbox flora and fauna issues?

  • 3. Has the contractor outlined specific measures to protect any sensitive flora and fauna habitat outside of the works area during construction and have these areas been identified in the construction plans and demarcated on site via temporary fencing, para webbing, star pickets?

Cultural Heritage

  • 4. Does the contractor have a copy of the CHMP/Heritage Permit on site?

  • 5. Have exclusion zones protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage been identified as per the CHMP/Heritage Permit, and marked on the construction plans?

  • 6. Are all contractors involved in ground works aware of the CHMP and it's recommendations, and have they signed In to the Cultural Heritage Register?

  • 7. Have all contractors undertaken indigenous cultural awareness training?(where required by the CHMP)

  • 8. Has the contractor confined all works within the Activity Area specified in the CHMP/Heritage Permit?

  • 9. Has the contractor undertaken any activity which is likely to impair, damage or interfere with any cultural heritage within the Activity Area, except in accordance with the provisions of a CHMP/Heritage Permit?

  • 10. Has a standard process to manage the discovery of any new cultural heritage material during construction been implemented by site management? (such as contingencies)

  • 11. Are there any other recommendations in the CHMP that need to be complied with?

Foundation Preparation

  • 12. Is the excavation being kept free of water?

  • 13. Has the dewatering pump been tagged, inspected and tested?

  • 14. Is the pump inlet being floated to prevent sediment from being suctioned?

Water Quality

  • 15. Are all nearby water sources adequately protected? (I.e Have silt traps or other sediment control measures been deployed on all drainage lines prior to commencement of works)

  • 16. Do all batters and stockpiles have adequate silt protection and self-draining surfaces or catch drains to re-direct runoff away from the stockpile?

  • 17. Is groundwater evident? If so is it being effectively managed in accordance with CWW PRO-36?

  • 18. Is discharge water being filtered prior to entry into the storm water system, waterway or sewer in accordance with a Trade Waste Agreement?

Erosion and Sediment Control

  • 19. Is the contractor protecting any area(s) within proximity to the works, from the effects of discharge water to prevent erosion, flooding or scouring of land?

  • 20. Have silt fences been correctly installed on downslopes and embankments in proximity to waterways and are they adequate?

  • 21. Are silt traps and silt fences being maintained and inspected during construction works?

  • 22. Do the contractors' silt traps and sediment fences have capacity to cater for peak flows in extreme weather?

Stockpile Management

  • 23. Are all stockpiles and other excavated material located at least 10 metres from the waterways?

  • 24. Are contaminated stockpiles present? How is contaminated water and/or contaminated materials being disposed of?

  • 25. Are roads, drains, channels and gutters being kept clear?

  • 26. Is the contractor employing tarps on trucks when catering soil off site?

  • 27. Does the contractor have delivery receipts for fill material to certify the source of origin? Is there a contact number listed?

Waste Management

  • 28. Is the site of the works free of litter and rubbish in accordance with a Waste Hierarchy Management Plan?

  • 29. Do the works involve handling of potential or actual acid sulphate soil? Are there sufficient controls to manage this?

  • 30. Is there presence of prescribed waste and are the correct protocols being followed for disposal of this waste?

Restricted Works Zones

  • 31. Is there a stabilised access point allowing entry to and exit from the site?

  • 32. Is the contractor confining all construction-related activity to the confined construction corridor by adhering to the exclusion (no-go) zones identified for native vegetation and or cultural heritage sensitivity?

  • 33. Is the contractor using any other areas outside of the approved work zone, for pipe lay down areas, material stockpiling, vehicle parking etc?


  • 34. Is the noise level at or below the general level required for normal construction activities?

  • 35. Has the contractor displayed noise hazard/hearing protection signs?

  • 36. Are all works on taking place between approved hours?

  • 37. Are all relevant site personnel wearing approved hearing protection in proximity to noise hazards?

Air Quality

  • 38. Is the contractor employing dust suppression on site to maintain ambient air quality to a safe standard?

  • 39. Is the contractor employing sufficient controls on vehicles, plant and machinery to minimise emissions to air?


  • 40. Are the levels of vibration resulting from construction works being monitored and are they at an acceptable level?

  • 41. Is damage to adjoining properties and structures being reasonably avoided?

Hazardous Goods and Substances

  • 42. Are spillage bunds in place to control hazardous goods and substances and are they sufficient?

  • 43. Is there a plant and machine SWMS on site which designates an approved area for refueling?

  • 44. Is the contractor effectively managing the cleaning out of concrete and slurry from trucks through the use of a washout bay?

  • 45. Are incompatible substances being kept a safe distance from each other?a

  • 46. Are spill kits available on site and do site personnel know how to use them?

  • 47. If working on water, are water spill kits available on site?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.