Conducted on
Is the area dust free?
Is the area stain free?
Is the area clear of rubbish?
Are items not in use stored appropriately?
Is the area free from evidence of general clutter?
Are the bins kept in neat condition?
Is the area free of broken plugs or outlets?
Is the floor free of extensions?
Fire control
Are the fire extinguishers in place?
Are the fire extinguishers within service dates?
Is the emergency exit signalised?
Is the emergency exit path clear?
Are the fire doors closed but not locked?
Walkways, stains & ladders
Are the floors clean, dry and free from any slip/trip hazards?
Are the stairs in good condition?
Fabric & maintenance
Are the carpets properly stuck to the floor?
If there are any appliances in the area, are they working properly? (Eg: taps, lights)