
APLNG Field Delivery Environmental Clean-up and Reinstatement

  • Property:

  • Pressure Zone

  • Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

  • Comments

Clean Up

  • All buildings not required for ongoing operations have been removed.

  • All waste has been removed from site and disposed of including but not limited to pegs, flagging tape, bunting, signage, survey poles, surplus fencing and pipe.

  • All chemicals and fuel storage areas have been visually inspected, and any contamination cleaned up. Records and soil analysis data has been provided.

  • Site(s) of any oil / fuel / chemical spills have been cleaned up and remediated - check OCIS. Records of soil analysis data has been provided.

  • No visible contamination soil or land

Erosion and Sediment Control

  • All permanent erosion and sediment controls are installed in accordance with the site erosion control plan and specification / drawing. Included but not limited to:

  • Whoa boys

  • Ripple pads

  • Stream crossings

  • Erosion Control Measures

  • Minimum % ground cover has been achieved as required by IECA Best Practice Erosion & Sediment Control Guidelines Table 4.4.7

  • All temporary erosion and sediment control devices have been removed

  • No visible erosion

Tracks and Fencing

  • All access tracks utilised during construction and not required for operations or to be retained by Landowner, have been rehabilitated to conditions consistent with surrounding landuse.

  • All access tracks (new and pre-existing) required for use in operation or to be retained at the request of the landowner have been reinstated - any wheel ruts have been graded


  • Construction area shows no subsidence

  • Construction area has been re-profiled to stable landform, consistent with original contours and visually consistent with surrounding land features

  • Surface drainage lines have been re-established

Soil Mangement

  • Pipeline trenches have been back filled immediately after pipe laying and rehabilitated as soon as practicable but no longer than three (3) months after completion

  • Rehabilitated buried transmission pipeline corridors and flow lines have been monitored for subsidence and erosion at least every 20 business days for the first 120 business days after reinstatement or rehabilitation. Evidence provided.

  • Subsoils and are not visible at the surface

  • During the backfilling of excavations and trenches, soils have been replaced so that topsoil does not mix with sub soil, and where practicable the soil horizons are consistent with the soil horizons of the immediate surrounding areas.

  • Topsoils have been respread in an even layer to a depth reflecting baseline conditions and in accordance with topsoil stripping requirements and left rough

  • Topsoils for long term stockpiles (>1 year) has been assessed, and ameliorated as required

  • At locations where saline soils exist there is no evidence of salinity at the surface. Saline soils have been buried and covered with non-saline topsoil or appropriately ameliorated

  • Actual and potential acid sulphate soils have not been disturbed, or have been submerged, or treated to prevent environmental harm.

  • All excess stockpiles removed AND / OR any approved to be retained have been stabilised (this requires battering as needed; top soiling and seeding)

  • Soil amelioration (e.g. gypsum, lime etc) has been applied as required by site specific soil management plan


  • All disturbed areas reinstated

  • Revegetation has been implemented as appropriate to land use:

  • Seeding completed in accordance with Environmental Workpack including appropriate species

  • Seed germination and survival evident across reinstated areas<br>

  • Vegetation establishment consistent with specified seed mix

  • Distributed seed (native and pasture areas) has been sufficiently buried to allow germination success.

  • In areas of native vegetation, stockpiled mulch has been re-spread

Vegetation and Habitat features

  • Retained mature trees within tree protection zones show no negative signs of impact (shedding leaves, leaves, bark) resulting from root damage.

  • Nest boxes have been installed adjacent to the cleared area in accordance with the Environmental Workpack. Records of location of nest boxes provided

  • Micro habitat features e.g. Hollow logs have been spread and / or replaced

Waterways and crossings

  • All stream crossings have been installed in accordance with specifications

  • Creek banks have been restored to a stable profile that reflects the original profile to the greatest extent practicable

  • Stream bed and banks have been stabilised and revegetated in accordance with the Environmental Workpack.

  • Disturbed streams have been reinstated to maintain the pre-construction stream gradient and hydrology

  • Water quality has been checked

Weeds and Pests

  • No declared weeds or weeds of national significance (WoNS) are present


  • All incidents are closed out, all investigations are complete, corrective actions implemented and records have been provided


  • All site specific conditions outlined in the Workpack and Hold Points List for the disturbance approval have been fulfilled

  • GPS survey of Rehabilitated / Reinstated areas provided

Additional Comments

Additional Comments

  • Comments



  • I herby confirm the work has been completed in accordance with Contract specified drawings, technical specifications and standards

Contractor Representative

  • Role

  • Add signature

Origin Energy Representative

  • Role

  • Add signature

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