Title Page

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Audit details

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  • Date and time

  • Auditor Name

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Fire Risk Assessment

  • Is the fire risk assessment up to date, relevant and completed by a trained manager?

Fire Evacuation Plan

  • Is there a current and accurate fire evacuation plan for the site?

  • Are there signs around the site advising what the fire evacuation procedure is?

  • Are contractors and visitors made aware of this plan?

Fire detection & alarm system equipment

  • Is any fire detection system subject to an annual service and maintenance contract?

  • Are faults reported immediately and repaired?

  • Are service records maintained in the fire log book?

  • Do weekly fire alarm tests take place?

  • Are test records maintained in the fire log book?

Emergency lighting

  • Is the building adequately covered by an emergency lighting system? Corridors, escape rooms and rooms without windows.

  • Is the lighting system subject to a service and maintenance contract?

  • Are the service records maintained in the fire log book?

  • Is the lighting system compliant with BS5266 part 1?

  • Are faults reported immediately and repaired?

  • Do monthly tests of the lighting system take place?

  • Is the system tests recorded in the fire log book?

Fire extinguishers

  • Are there sufficient fire fighting equipment in key areas to ensure the safe evacuation from site?

  • Is the fire fighting equipment suitable for the type of fire risk?

  • Are the fire extinguisher or hose labelled and stored appropriately?

  • Is the fire fighting equipment subject to a service and maintenance contract?

  • Are faults reported immediately and repaired?

  • Are equipment service maintenance records maintained in the fire log book?

Fire Wardens

  • Are there a sufficient number of fire Wardens for the site and hours of operation?

  • Are fire Wardens trained? Is this entered into the fire log book?

  • Is fire warden training refreshed every 3 years?

  • Do fire Wardens carry out monthly site inspections?

  • Are non conformances from fire audits, fire risk assessment and fire inspections recorded and resolved?

Responsible person Person for the site fire safety

  • Is the site responsibilities person trained in fire safety? (CSM Day 1 and 2 and Fire Management module)

  • Is this training refreshed every 3 years? (Fire module)

  • Is the site responsible person aware of their responsibilities and the Fire Safety SOP13?

Fire and emergency evacuation plans

  • Is there a site plan?

  • Does the site plan detail high risk locations such as gas stores?

  • Can the plans be accessed in the event of an emergency evacuation easily? (Recommend fire box)

  • Do fire drills take place once a year during the day? (Guidance only as a minimum, more frequent is recommended)

  • Do fire drills take place once a year during the night? (Guidance only as a minimum, more frequent is recommended)

  • Are fire drills timed?

  • Do fire drill debriefs take place to capture lessons learnt?

  • Are fire drills recorded in the fire log book?

Fire log book

  • Is there a fire log book for the site?

  • Is it kept in an easily accessible location? (Suggest fire box)

  • Does it detail key information outlined in this audit?

Fire signage

  • Is there suitable and sufficient fire signage to mark escape routes and fire exits.

Storage and waste management

  • Is there an understanding of the fire triangle?

  • Are combustible materials stored away from sources of ignition?

  • Are paints and highly flammable material stored in fire proof cabinets?

  • Is appropriate fire fighting and detection equipment evident in high risk areas?

Fire escape routes and corridors

  • Are there systems and procedures in place to monitor fire escape routes and fire exits ensuring they are free from obstructions?

  • Are fire escape routes safe?

Building fabric

  • Are there procedures in place to make sure compartmentation is maintained?

  • Is there any evidence of breached fire walls or doors?

  • Is there an understanding of the risk of fire spread and adequate controls in place to prevent it?

Fire escape doors

  • Are fire escape doors clearly labelled?

  • Are fire escape doors in good condition?

  • Are fire escape doors able to form a firm seal when closed?

Fire exits

  • Are fire exit doors clearly labelled?

  • Are fire exit doors in good condition?

  • Do fire exit doors push open?

  • Do fire exit doors have a push bar to open. Key lock not permitted?

  • Is there a clear way behind the fire exit door?

Fire assembly points

  • Is the fire assembly point clearly signed?

  • Are there signs detailing where the fire assembly point is?

  • Is there information for visitors and contractors on where the fire assembly point is and what the procedures are?

Fire incident reporting

  • Are all incidents of fire, both vehicle and building reporting using the serious notification form and emailed to the healthandsafety email address?

  • Do investigations take place and lessons learnt from fire incidents get shared as well as causes remedied?

Wet and dry risers and hydrants

  • Is such equipment subject to service and inspection?

  • Is such equipment accessibly for emergency services?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.