Title Page

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • Is welcome signage clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Is landscaping on arrival to the centre well maintained and free of litter?

  • Is navigation from the centre entrance into the car parks clear?

  • In the car parks, are disabled and parent and child bays clearly marked?

  • From the car park to the entrance is the area clear of litter and/or cigarette ends?



  • Do the landscaping and trees look healthy and well maintained?

  • Are these areas free from litter?

  • Are all areas free from green mold and moss?

  • Do planted areas provide colour?

  • Are hanging baskets and planters presentable?



  • Are walkways clean and clear of litter and/or chewing gum?

  • Are walkway areas clear of excessive leaf debris?

  • Are all areas free from green mold or moss?

  • Do rubbish bins appear to have been emptied recently?

  • Have you seen cleaning staff while moving around the centre?

  • Are customer benches clean and well maintained?

  • Are mall slabs in good condition and free from cracks or obvious damage?

  • Is external stonework and/or woodwork clean and in good condition?

  • Is music playing?

  • Are centre communication tools visible, clean and free of scuffs and marks?

  • Is the mall free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are all surfaces well decorated with no evidence of dust/cobwebs?

  • Do all high-level structures appear to be clean and free from dust and cobwebs?



  • Is the signage to the toilets visible and clean?

  • Is music playing in the toilets?

  • Are there flowers in the toilets?

  • Are the toilets clean and fresh smelling?

  • Is there evidence that the toilets have been cleaned recently?

  • Are the soap dispensers and/or paper towel dispensers clean, functioning and stocked?

  • Are the areas under the hand dryers/paper towel dispensers clean?

  • Are the tiles in the toilets in good condition and free from cracks or obvious damage?

Information Desk

Information Desk

  • Are visitors to the information desk given a warm and friendly greeting?

  • Is there evidence of enquiries being answered to the customers complete satisfaction?

  • Are the team members smartly dressed and well presented?

  • Are store directories available?

  • Are store directories up to date?

  • Are umbrellas available at the information desk for customers to purchase?

  • Are the kids cabs clean and well maintained?

  • Where applicable is fresh drinking water available for dogs?



  • Are mall maps/posters up to date?

  • Are store directories available?

Play Area

Play Area

  • Is the play area in a good state of repair?

  • Is the play area free of litter?

  • Is play equipment clean and free of markings and mold?

  • Is safety flooring in good condition?

  • Is the lighting in the play area in good working order?

  • Is relevant safety signage in place?

Store Exteriors

Store Exteriors

  • Is all brand signage accurate?

  • Is all signage clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Are all windows and fascias in a good state of repair?

  • Are all windows and fascias clean and free of cobwebs?

  • If applicable is all exterior signage correctly illuminated?

  • Are all doors unlocked and open (weather permitting)?

  • Are entry mats clean and well maintained?

  • Are door handles and finger plates clean?

Store Windows

  • Do all store windows appear to have been professionally cleaned?

  • Are all store window promotions current and relevant?

  • Are windows clear of signage that uses suction devices or self adhesives?

  • Are all window posters in good condition and wrinkle free?

  • Are all windows free of handwritten signage?

  • Is dual pricing evident in all windows?

  • Are all window lights in working order?

  • Are windows free of unnecessary messaging such as website addresses and payment methods?

Food Court/Outside Seating Areas

Food Court/Outside Seating Areas

  • Are the planters/landscaping areas in good condition?

  • Is the seating clean and in good repair?

  • Are the tables clean, tidy and well serviced?

  • Is there evidence of tables being cleared regularly?

  • Overall do the outside areas/food courts appear to be clean and well maintained?

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

  • Have you seen security staff whilst moving around the centre?

  • Do the security staff look smart and presentable?

  • Is there appropriate customer information signage around any maintenance or building works?

  • Have all tools or building materials been cleared away?

Service Areas

Service Areas

  • Is the area clean, tidy and weed free?

  • Are designated smoking areas clean and tidy?

  • Is directional signage in place for evacuation?

  • Are fire exit routes kept free from obstruction?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.