
  • Restaurant #

  • MOD

  • Conducted on

  • ARL

Restaurant Visit - FSC Critical's


  • 2.1 Team member must not be observed working with symptoms of illness or infection.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) There is evidence of team members experiencing symptoms of communicable diseases. This would include, but not be limited to:

  • - Hepatitis A (fever, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea).

  • - Flu (vomiting, diarrhea).

  • - Any symptom that causes public health action (persistent runny nose, sneezing, or coughing events; higher than normal temperature; sore throat with fever; nausea).

  • 2.4 Proper hand-washing procedures followed.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Team members not observed washing hands before handling (directly touching) food or touching a food contact surface after performing ANY of the following:

  • Handling raw animal foods.

  • Taking breaks.

  • Handling money.

  • Exiting the restroom and then re-entering BOH.

  • Arriving to work.

  • Coughing, sneezing, or using a disposable tissue.

  • Cleaning tasks.

  • • (c) Team members not observed washing hands before putting on or changing gloves.

  • • (c) Team members not observed washing hands after touching their face, hair, computer, phone or clothing before moving to a direct food handling task or touching a food contact surface.

  • • (c) Team members observed not washing hands with antibacterial soap.

  • • (c) Team members observed not rinsing hands after washing.

  • • (c) Team members observed not drying hands with a paper towel after rinsing.

  • • (c) Team members observed not using hand sanitizer after drying hands.

  • • (c) Team members observed washing hands at non-hand wash sink.

  • 2.5 Hand washing sinks accessible, functioning, in good repair, used only for hand washing, and includes posted hand washing signs.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) There is no hand wash sink in BOH (prep sink, 3-comp sink and/or wait station sink cannot be set up or used for hand washing).

  • - Open sores containing pus such as a boil or infected wound that is open or draining and not covered.


  • 3.1 Only approved ingredients or food evident.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) The restaurant is using unapproved ingredients, products, or drinks.

  • • (c) Ingredient, product, or drink is not from approved supplier.


  • 4.3 Cross contamination or potential cross contamination must not be present.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Food not kept free of any non-food foreign object (e.g. hair, plastic, bandages, fingernails, glass, metal, condensation, etc.).

  • • (c) Utensils, smallwares, or food contact surfaces that came into contact with raw animal food are not cleaned and sanitized before touching cooked, ready-to-eat foods, or food contact surfaces.

  • • (c) Scissors, can openers, bag openers, or thermometer probes that came into contact with raw animal food are not cleaned and sanitized before touching cooked, ready-to-eat foods, or food contact surfaces.

  • • (c) Whole produce not rinsed before being sliced, diced, or otherwise prepared for use.

  • • (c) Team Member handling raw animal foods wearing a visibly soiled apron or uniform did not keep it away from or prevent it from touching ready-to-eat product.

  • • (c) If sneezing or coughing on food is observed, product was not discarded.

  • • (c) Ice bin not used only for ice, food or drink observed stored in ice bin.

  • • (c) Ready-to-eat or cooked food came into contact with raw animal food.

  • • (c) Team member using a cup as an ice scoop.

  • • (c) Raw animal foods stored above ready-to-eat products.

  • • (c) Returned food placed with other food to be served to other customers.

  • • (c) Food and packaging not free from chemical contamination.

  • • (c) Containers previously used for chemicals are now being used for food storage.


  • 5.1 Dish washing process set up and followed correctly, proper sanitizer concentration and test strips available.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) For dishwashers or 3-comp sink that use chemical sanitizers to sanitize, sanitizer is not available.

  • • (c) For dishwashers or 3-comp sink that use hot water to sanitize, water temperature is not greater than 180°F.

  • 5.3 Wiping cloths used and stored properly in a sanitizer bucket with correct concentration.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Sanitized wiping cloths used for cleaning consumer contact or food prep areas not kept separate from those used for raw poultry, meat, or seafood preparation.


  • 6.1 Thermometers in use are calibrated.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) No thermometer available, not in working order and not calibrated properly when presented to the FSC specialist.

  • • (c) No calibrated thermometer being used to monitor products and equipment as required.

  • • (c) Laser or infrared thermometers are being used.

  • • (c) Thermometer not accurate to within +/- 2°F.

  • • (c) Ice not available to calibrate thermometer

  • 6.2 Cold Time/Temperature Controlled for Safety (TCS) Foods must be held < 40°F.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Cold ingredients or products are not held < 40ºF AND were not discarded before 4 hours or no hold time is documented.

  • • (c) Cold foods received from distributor during FSC evaluation were received at temperatures above 40ºF without corrective action taken.

  • 6.3 Hot Time/Temperature Controlled for Safety (TCS) Foods must be held > 140°F.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Hot ingredient or products are not held above >140ºF AND were not discarded before 4 hours or no hold time is documented.

  • 6.4 Foods must be cooked or heated to the proper internal temperature.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Products not cooked, rehydrated, heated, or rethermalized to required temperature (divisions and business units to provide specific standards).

  • • (c) General cook temperature requirements (at or above):

  • - Beef (Hamburger) 155°F

  • - Poultry 165°F

  • - Fish 145°F

  • - Vegetables 140°F (150°F at KFC)

  • 6.5 Time/Temperature Controlled for Safety (TCS) Foods (e.g. batter mixes, potato bites) using only time for food safety must have documented procedures and be within four hour hold time.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Documented procedures are not available when using time instead of temperature for food safety.

  • • (c) Hold times not properly labeled.

  • • (c) Hold times exceeds 4 hours.

  • 6.7 Spoiled foods or ingredients are not in use and not for sale.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Food is spoiled and is being served or in use.

  • • (c) Spoiled item being returned is not segregated and not marked “do not use”.

  • • (c) Canned ingredients are leaking, swollen or rusted or dented at the seam.

  • 6.9 Hot carryover procedures are followed by Team; Team only carrying over ingredients which are permitted to be carried over.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Hot carryover not stored at < 1 inch depth in approved container.

  • • (c) Team carrying over ingredients which are not permitted to be carried over.

  • • (c) Team not marking expiration date and time on carryover ingredient containers.

  • • (c) Carryover ingredient temperature is not below 40ºF.

  • • (c) Carryover Items not reheated to 165°F.

  • • (c) KFC de-boned chicken carryover procedures not followed.

  • • (c) KFC frozen de-boned chicken not thawed for at least 24 hours or until no longer frozen.

  • • (c) KFC chicken pieces to be de-boned are not marked with a 6-hour expiration time.


  • 9.1 Pest Activity not present.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Presence of:

  • - Rodents: Any live or dead rodents (outside of traps); gnawed product or packaging, over 25 droppings being noted two different areas of the restaurant; evidence of breeding/nesting materials.

  • - Flies: More than 9 flies; maggots anywhere in the facility.

  • -Roaches: Any live roach anywhere in the facility

  • - Insects: Any insects or pests residing in food (e.g., ants, weevils, moths, etc.).


  • 10.1 Hot water > 120°F is available in the kitchen as measured at any sink providing hot water other than a handwash sink.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) No hot running water available in the kitchen.

  • • (c) The temperature of the hot running water is not > 120ºF.

  • 10.5 Mop sink, grease and sink traps or drains not clogged and functioning properly.

  • Standard Missed Because:

  • • (c) Sewage backup in the restaurant (either in restrooms or kitchen drains).


  • Receive a signature from the user [no options]

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.