Title Page
Document No.
Name of person reporting
Are you filling this report out yourself
First Incident Details
Date & Time of Incident
Location of Incident
Incident Priority?
Incident Type?
- Hazard
- Near-Miss
- Injury
- Accident
- Slip & Fall
- Illness
- Theft
- Property Damage
- Fire
- Fatality
- Other
How serious could it have been?
Likelihood of occurrence
If an incident did occur, how serious could it be?
Name of on-duty supervisor at time of incident?
Immediate medical attention required?
What kind of medical attention was administered or required?
Describe What Happened
Describe what happened. Please be detailed but state only facts.
Record Evidence and Information
Photos, files, Images of initial Incident
People involved
Document other people involved in the incident.
Do they wish to make a statement?
Corrective Actions
Does an Improvement Action need to be completed - AIR
Sign Off
Further action/follow-up/investigation required?
Name of person/people to follow up
Name of person reporting