Name of person being inducted
Work Site Address
Date and Time of Audit
Site Control
Have they signed in and do they know they must sign in and out every time they have entered or leave
Is the worker qualified to do the task or will they be supervised on site? If supervised, by whom?
Does the worker know the assembly location point and what to do while on site?
Does the worker know the location of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher and who is the site first aider?
Has the worker had industry recognised safety training eg Site Safe or other? Note which course
Has the worker been introduced to the Site Foreman?
Does the worker know where the toilets and drinking water are located?
Does the worker know all injuries, near misses or hazards must be reported to the site foreman?
Does the worker have the correct PPE available if required and know how to wear it correctly?
Does the worker know the site hazard management procedures and where to check for new hazards?
Is the worker familiar with the hazards and safe work practices for the tasks they will be doing?
Has the worker completed a TA for the work they are doing?
Is the worker bringing on to site or taking away any hazardous material. A copy of SDS and relevant certificates must be kept on site if YES
Is specialised equipment required and is the worker trained and competent to use it?
Does the worker require permits to work and have these been obtained. A copy is required is YES
Has the worker had the opportunity to ask questions and is now clear on all points?
I have participated in the induction process. I have read and I am familiar with the project safety plan. I understand what is expected of me and agree to work safely and comply with these procedures at all times.
Name of Worker
Inducted By: