Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Has the Corporate HSW policy been accepted or understood by all staff?
Are site specific arrangements in place for the management of H&S?
Can the premise provide a completed H&S file or Premise Co-ordinator checklist?
Have documented risk assessments been carried out for all significant risks and reviewed at appropriate intervals?
Is there documented evidence to show that the contents of the risk assessments have been communicated to all relevant staff?
Is there evidence of up to date Coshh assessments on site as well as a process for tracking and updating information when required
Is there evidence of a positive H&S training programme with appropriate records kept
Is there suitable first aid cover and the provision of appropriate equipment and signage
Have all staff completed an up to date DSE assessment?
Does the premise have access to a trained DSE asessor?
Does the premise have someone appointed to report accidents/incidents on the councils incident reporting system and CCL system?
What is the generals state of the premise?
Are documented inspections of the premise carried out according to risk?
Does the premise have an emergency plan in place should any area become unsafe?
Does the premise have a current asbestos management plan?
Does the premise have any evidence to show that H&S requirements are taken into account when the site/business is commissioning work?
Can the site demonstrate suitable controls for the management of contractors on site?
What arrangements are in place for partnership or shared premise working?
Can the premise provide an up to date Fire Risk assessment and Action plan?
Can the premise provide documented evidence of appropriate maintenance, inspection and training for specific work equipment?