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1. General information (通用要求)

  • 1.1 Is the HT vendor including subtier approved in writing by MPE 热处理供应商(包括二级供应商)是否有MPE的书面批准?and has it been approved by a GE Level III <br>Agent?

  • 1.2 Are there operation sheet/MPP/working instruction of Heat treatment process to describe detail HT process? (including incoming inspection, surface preparation, HT cycle discribe and inspection/test planning of HT) <br>是否有详细的操作指导书描述详细过程?(包括来件检验,表面 准备,热处理加热过程描述,热处理的检验/试验计划)

  • 1.2.1 Does verify part status prior to HT operation? 是否有热处理工序前零件状态确认?

  • 1.2.2 Are these WI/MPP referred the requirement of drawing and/or specification?<br>操作指导书/热处理工艺是否参照图纸和/规范?

  • 1.2.3 Is HT resource information included? 是否包括热处理加工单位信息?

  • 1.2.4 Is loading method included? Such as loading number, loading fixture/method, loading TC type and location …… <br>是否包括装炉方法?例如装载数量, <br>装载夹具/方法,载荷/工件热 处理类型及位置等

  • 1.2.5 Are fixtures/racking diagrams approved by MPE?<br>夹具/架子图是否得到MPE的批准?

  • 1.2.6 Are HT cycle control parameter included? Such as loading temperature, heating rate, soak temperature, soak time, cooling rate/method, quench madia, quenchant temperature, atmosphere or vacuum requirement, furnace class ……) <br>是否包括热处理循环控制参数?例如装炉温度,升温速率,保温 温度, 保温时间,冷却速度/方法,淬火介质, <br>淬火温度,气氛或真空要求, 炉子的等级等)

  • 1.2.6 Are HT cycle control parameter included? Such as loading temperature, heating rate, soak temperature, soak time, cooling rate/method, quench madia, quenchant temperature, atmosphere or vacuum requirement, furnace class ……) <br>是否包括热处理循环控制参数?例如装炉温度,升温速率,保温 温度, 保温时间,冷却速度/方法,淬火介质, <br>淬火温度,气氛或真空要求, 炉子的等级等)

  • 1.2.6 Are HT cycle control parameter included? Such as loading temperature, heating rate, soak temperature, soak time, cooling rate/method, quench madia, quenchant temperature, atmosphere or vacuum requirement, furnace class ……) <br>是否包括热处理循环控制参数?例如装炉温度,升温速率,保温 温度, 保温时间,冷却速度/方法,淬火介质, <br>淬火温度,气氛或真空要求, 炉子的等级等)

  • 1.2.7 Is detail acceptance plan included? Such as discolour of HT surface, hardness test method and limitation, mechanical property test method and limitation, test sample location, number and size ...... <br>是否包括详细的热处理验收计划?例如零件表面失色,硬度试验 方法及验收标准,机械性能试验方法及验收标准,试棒取样位置 、数量及尺寸等

  • 1.3 Is the operation sheets/MPP/WI of HT approved by M&PE? 操作指导书/MPP是否得到材料工艺工程师的批准?

  • 1.4 Is the current WI/MPP same as FPQ? 现行工艺文件是否与批准的FPQ相同?

  • 1.5 If no, are all revised version to get GEE approval? 如果否,是否所有更改均得到GEE批准

  • 1.6 Is changed sheet avaliable in MPP/WI? 是否有更改单详细地陈述更改内容?

  • 1.7 Is the approved MPP/WI onsite during HT and with controlled documents' identification? <br>热处理零件时,现场是否有批准的操作指导书/热处理工艺?操作 指导书是否有文件控制标识?

  • 1.8 Is there any deviations which against approved procedures require approval from MPE and SQE? <br>是否所有违背批准工艺程序的操作都得到MPE和SQE的批准?

  • 1.9 Does the operator and inspector have been properly trained approved as recommended appraisal method of suppleir? <br>操作者及检验员是否已经按供应商推荐的评估方法进行适当的培 训及批准?

  • 1.10 Are all test and inspection equipment/gage used to accept product or control a process in good condition? <br>用于验收产品或过程控制的试验及检验设备是否状态良好?

  • 1.11 Have all equipment of process and testing equipment been properly calibrated? (including TC, temperature instrument & recorder, pressure meter, controll temperature instrument & recorder, TUS equipment, recorder, hardness test equipment……) <br>工艺及试验用设备是否经过适当的校验?(包括测温偶、温度记 录仪、压力测试装置(如果需要)、控温仪表、炉温均匀性测试 、记录仪表、硬度检测设备......)

  • 1.11.1 Is calibration status identified in testing equipment? 在试验设备上是否有校验状态标识?

  • 1.11.2 Are all equipment used to inspection, control or monitor the process calibrated by authorized lab? <br>是否所有的用于检验及过程监控的设备均在有资质的试验室行校 验?

  • 1.11.3 Are all instruments and TCs calibrated per AMS2750 and met requirement? <br>是否所有仪器仪表及热电偶均按AMS2750校准并符合要求?

  • 1.12 Is compressed air clean to use? Is seperator available to remove water, oil and moist from compressed air? (Inclding surface preparation, clean and dry surface) <br>压缩空气是否清洁?是否有油水分离器去除压缩空气中的油、水 及潮气?(包括表面准备,清理及干燥表面)。

  • 1.13 Is there a traveler/router placed with the part? Do <br>travelers/routers contain part number, material information, sequence of process operation, place to record inspection status, record identification of persons doing the work, record date operation performed …... <br>是否有流程卡/路程单与零件一起周转?流程卡/路程单是否包含零 件号、材料信息、加工流程、检验状态、操作者信息、加工日期 等......

  • 1.14 Is there a log book management procedure in order to trace treated part? (Including incoming log book,load/HT logbook, delivery logbook, calibration log book ……) Are there a log book on work floor per procedure? <br>是否有台帐管理程序以便能追踪至热处理的零件? (包括来件 台帐、热处理/装炉台帐、周转发送台帐、仪器校验台帐 ……), <br>现场是否按程序设置台帐?

  • 1.15 Do furnace temperature charts at minimum contain information required by GE for each load? Such as load number, shop order number of PO number, number of parts with drawing number and/or part identification number, time parts are loaded, time soaking cycle begins, time soaking cycle ends, furnace identification, date, material spec and HT process...... <br>热处理温度记录/表盘是否包括GE规定的最少的信息?如载荷数 量,采购订单的工作单号, 零件号, <br>热处理开始时间,热处理结束时间,热处理炉号, 日期, <br>材料规范及热处理工艺 ......

  • 1.16 Are all record achieved in safety place? <br>所有的记录是否放置在安全的地方?(防潮,防水,防火……)

2. Equipment control and maintenance(设备控制和维护)

  • 2.1 Does each control zone have over temperature protection? 是否每个控温区都有超温保护?

  • 2.2 Do each control zone have at least one controlling instrument which displays and controls temperature? <br>是否每个控温区都至少一个控温仪显示及控制温度?

  • 2.3 Do each control zone have a temperature recording from the control thermocouple? <br>是否每个控温区的都有控温偶的温度记录?

  • 2.4 Are maintenance schedules prepared with the preventive maintenance as goal ? <br>是否按预防维护目标准备了维护计划?

  • 2.5 Are there maintenance schedules of equipment? Are the maintenance schedules followed? <br>是否有设备维护计划?是否按维护计划执行?

  • 2.6 Is dew point of endothermic and/or exothermic atmospheres checked weekly and recorded? <br>吸热式保护气氛和/或放热式保护气氛的露点是否每周检查并记录 ?

  • 2.7 Is gas analysis of endothermic and/or exothermic atmosphere checked monthly and recorded? <br>吸热式保护气氛和/或放热式保护气氛的气体分析是否每月进行并 记录?

  • 2.8 Is vacuum levels and temperature recorded for each vacuum HT cycle?<br>是否记录了每一真空热处理的真空度及温度?

  • 2.9 Is leak-up rate of vacuum furnaces checked weekly at ambient temperature and recorded? <br>真空炉是否每周检查室温泄漏率?是否有记录?

  • 2.10 Are the fixtures/racks and fixture/rack material selected don't cause contamination of parts? <br>是否夹具/架子及夹具/架子材料不能污染热处理零件?

  • 2.11 Do records indicate that the inspection and maintenance have been performed in accordance with the schedule? <br>是否有记录表明按计划进行了检验和维护?

  • 2.12 Do records indicate that the control of the heating environment is followed in according to WI/MPP <br>是否有记录表明热处理环境控制符合操作指导书/MPP的要求?

  • 2.13 Are the flow meters operational and suitable for the gasand flow rates used?<br>流量计(流量表)是否可用? <br>流量计的选用是否适合所测量的气体及流量范围

  • 2.14 Do the inspection and maintenance schedule include periodic checks of floats in flow meters to ensure that they are free and functioning?<br>检验和维护计划中是否包括定期检查流量计的浮子确保流量计的 功能?

  • 2.15 Does the internal procedure address the safety shut-off valves and the emergency gas purges? <br>内部程序是否包括安全截止阀及紧急气体清洗要求?

  • 2.16 Does the internal procedure address HT atmosphere? When the atmosphere is changed, is the furnace purged in accordance<br>with an internal procedure that assures elimination of the effects of pervious atmosphere? Is there the internal procedure addresses brazing /vacuum furnace purging? <br>内部程序是否包括热处理气氛的控制?当气氛发生改变时,是否 按内部程序清洗炉子,以确保消除先前气氛的影响?是否有程序 控制钎焊/真空炉的清洗?

  • 2.17 Is the uniformity survey plan and internal procedure approved by MPE?<br>炉温均匀性测试计划及内部程序是否得到MPE批准?

  • 2.17.1 Does the plan include the size of furnace work zone, shape of furnace, number and location of the thermocouples? <br>计划中是否包括炉子工作区域的尺寸、炉子的类型、热电偶的数 量及位置?

  • 2.17.2 Are the selected temperatures used for uniformity surveys at the low and high side of nomal operating temperature ranges of the furnace? <br>炉温均匀性测试选定的温度是否包括炉子通常操作温度的上限及 下限?

  • 2.17.3 Don't the temperatures at which two adjacent surveys are run exceed 600F (335C) apart? <br>是否相邻炉温均匀性测试温度间隔不超过600F (335C)?

  • 2.17.4 Are uniformity surveys conducted with a maximum planned furnace load of production or scrapped parts? Otherewise is there any pre-approval by MPE? <br>炉温均匀性是否在最大载荷(批产产品或废件)下进行检测?否 则是否得到了MPE的事先批准?

  • 2.17.5 Does the type, number and location of the thermocouples used for uniformity survey meet requirement? Reference AMS 2750D table 11 <br>用于炉温均匀性测试时,热电偶的类型,数量及位置是否符合炉 类型及尺寸的要求?具体参照AMS2750D 表11

  • 2.17.6 Do the surveys take place using normal operating condition? For example, if fans are used during production, they shall be used during survey. For the vacuum furnaces, the lowest vacuum<br>level used during production shall be used during the survey. <br>炉温均匀性测试的条件是否与通常操作状态相符?例如,批产时 使用风扇,均匀性测试时也应使用风扇。对于真空炉,均匀性测 试时应使用批产规定的最低真空标准

  • 2.18 Is funace or baths surveyed for temperature uniformity per schedule? Is it OK? <br>是否按计划进行了炉温均匀性检测?结果合格吗?

  • 2.18.1 Is the TUS data collection started before the first furnace or TUS sensor reaches the lower tolerance limit of each test temperature? <br>炉温均匀性试验是否从第一支热电偶(无论是炉子热电偶,还是炉温 均匀性试验用热电偶)达到试验温度下限开始记录?

  • 2.18.2 Is the TUS data collection started as soon as the test load or rack is loaded into the furnace if the furnace is prestabilized? <br>如果炉子预稳定处理,炉温均匀性测试是否从试验载荷或测温架放<br>入炉中时开始?

  • 2.18.3 Is the temperature data recorded from all TUS sensors at a frequency of at least one set of all reading every two minutes for the duration of the survey once data collection begins? <br>一旦开始记录,是否所有的炉温均匀性测试用热电偶的数据都是每 两分钟记录一次?

  • 2.18.4 Is the temperature data recorded from all furnace sensors required by the applicable instrumentation type at a frequency that is the same as production, but need not be less than two minutes, but not longer than 6 minute intervals once data collection begins? <br>是否所有热电偶(控温偶,记录偶......炉子中热电偶)温度数据都按与 批生产相同的频率,用适当的测量仪器进行测量,但时间间隔不需要 小于2分钟,但不能大于6分钟

  • 2.18.5 Do TUS records verify that at no time did any test, control or recording sensor exceed the upper temperature uniformity tolerance of the test temperature being tested? <br>是否炉温均匀性试验证明试验偶、控温偶或记录偶都不超过试验 温度公差的上限?

  • 2.18.6 Do TUS records verify that the furnace was held at the test temperature until all test sensors have stabilized and after stabilization, data collection was continued for a minimum of 30 minutes? <br>炉温均匀性试验报告是否证明炉子在试验温度保温至所有试验热 电偶都已经稳定,并且在稳定之后记录至少30分钟的数据?

  • 2.19 For the repaired furnace, is new survey conducted after any changes that affect the operational characteristics of a furnace or bath?, such as change burner location, control sensor location, refractory material, heating element number, type, or location etc <br>对于修理的炉子,当影响炉子操作特性改变,是否进行了炉温均 匀性检测?例如 <br>炉子位置改变,控温偶的位置改变,耐火保温材料发生改变,加 热元件数量、类型或位置改变等

  • 2.20 Is the system accuracy test plan and internal procedure approved by MPE? <br>系统精度测试计划及内部程序是否得到MPE批准?

  • 2.20.1 Is system accuracy test conducted in each control zone of each furnace?<br>每台炉子的每个控温区是否进行了系统精度试验?

  • 2.20.2 Is SAT thermocouple 3 inches or less away from the control/working thermocouple? <br>是否系统精度试验用热电偶与控温偶/载荷偶相距3英寸以内

  • 2.20.3 Is SAT for control TC? <br>是否对控制热电偶进行SAT试验?

  • 2.20. 4 Is SAT for recorder? <br>是否对记录仪进行SAT试验?

  • 2.21 Is system accuracy test conducted per approval frequency? Is result OK to meet requirement per AMS2750? <br>是否批准的频率进行系统精度测试?结果是否符合AMS2750的要求 ?

  • 2.22 热电偶的使用是否符合AMS2750

  • 2.22.1 Are procedure in placed to ensure that the base metal thermocouples are only recalibrated and reused per AMS2750? 是否有程序规定廉金属热电偶只能按AMS2750要求进行再校验和 /或再使用?

  • 2.22.2 Are base metal thermocouples recalibrated per AMS2750? 廉金属偶的再校准是否符合AMS2750

  • 2.22.3 Is any record for base metal thermocouples reuse? 是否有廉金属偶的使用记录?

  • 2.22.4 Is the calibrated temperature range of thermocouples same as they are used? <br>热电偶检验的温度范围是否与他们的使用范围相同?

  • 2.23 Is hardness testing equipment controlled ? 是否硬度试验设备受控?

  • 2.23.1 Is hardness testing equipment daily checked for accuracy before first use?<br>是否硬度试验机每天使用前检查精度?

  • 2.23.2 Is a record of hardness checks maintained? 是否保留硬度检查的记录?

  • 2.23.3 Is hardness testing conducted per ASTE 18 for Rockwell? 是否洛氏硬度按ASTM E18进行?

  • 2.23.4 Is hardness testing conducted ASTM E10 for Brinell? 布氏硬度检验是否符合ASTME10?

  • 2.23.5 Is hardness testing equipment calibrated yearly? 硬度试验机是否每年校验一次?

3. HT practice ( 热处理操作)

  • 3.1 Is there an incoming inspection to ensure part is ready for HT prior to heat treating? No any pending non-conformance, all previous operation are treated properly …... <br>在热处理之前是否有来件检验,以确保零件可以进行热处理?没 有待处理的不合格, 之前的操作都适当地处理…...

  • 3.2 Is test sample required by approved WI/MPP? Is the test sample prepared and accepted as approved WI/MPP? <br>批准的操作指导书/MPP是否要求了试样?准备的试样是否符合批 准的操作指导书/MPP的要求?

  • 3.3 Is part cleaned per approved WI/MPP prior to loading furnace? 零件在装炉前是否按批准的操作指导书/MPP进行清理?

  • 3.4 Is furnace and instrument condition checked prior to HT? 热处理前,检查炉子及仪表的状态是否良好?

  • 3.5 Is the fixture/racking required by WI/MPP? 在操作指导书/MPP中是否有夹具的要求?

  • 3.6 Is the fixture/racking in good condition? <br> 夹具/架子的情况是否良好?

  • 3.7 Are the fixture/racking and fixture/racking material used in according to approved WI/MPP? <br>夹具/架子的使用是否按批准的操作指导书/MPP使用?

  • 3.8 Do number of part loaded meet approved WI/MPP? 装载零件的数量是否符合批准的操作指导书/MPP?

  • 3.9 Is the HT cycle set per approved WI/MPP? Including heating rate, soak tempertaure, soak time, cooling/quenching, quenching media …… Are they recorded on HT chart/record <br>热处理循环的设定是否符合批准的操作指导书/MPP? <br>包括加热速率,保温温度,保温时间,冷却/淬火速率, 淬火介质 ……? 这些参数是否记录在热处理表盘/记录上?

  • 3.10 Are parts loaded at set point per approved WI/MPP? 零件的装炉温度是否符合批准的操作指导书/MPP?

  • 3.11 Are parts unloaded at the temperature per approved WI/MPP? 零件的出炉温度是否符合批准操作指导书/MPP?

  • 3.12 Is the all information on relative HT cycle recorded on HT traveler/router? Including HT cycle date and time loaded, time soaking commences, part number, load number, furnace <br>type/number, load/working thermocouples quenching media…… 是否在热处理流水卡/路程单上记录了所有相应热循环的信息? 包括热处理的日期、加载时间、保温开始时间、零件号、载荷数 量、炉子类型/号、载荷热电偶类型/编号、冷却介质 ......

4. Inspection and Lab (检验和实验室)

  • 4.1 Is the approved PQP/MPP available for inspector during part inspection? <br>检验零件时检验员是否有批准的产品质量计划/MPP?

  • 4.2 Is inspector properly certified/ authorized by proper procedure? <br> 检验员经过适当的程序鉴定/授权进行检验工作?

  • 4.3 Are the treated part visually inspected for general condition, such as color, appearance …… <br>零件热处理后,是否进行目视检查零件的颜色及外观?

  • 4.4 Do inspector check HT chart? Including load temperature, soaking temperature, soaking time, cooling time, unload tempertature, load number, part number, vacuum level…... <br>检验员是否检查热处理表盘?包括装炉温度,保温温度,保温时 间,冷却时间,出炉温度,装炉数量,零件号,真空度……

  • 4.5 Do the furnace charts indicate that time soaking is complete and meet approved WI/MPP? <br>热处理表盘是否显示保温时间符合批准的操作指导书/MPP?

  • 4.6 Do the furnace charts indicate that HT cycle is complete and meet approved WI/MPP? <br>热处理表盘是否显示热处理循环是完整的并符合批准的操作指导 书/MPP?

  • 4.7 Is the hardness test performed on specified area per approved WI/MPP? Is the results recorded and made a conclusion? <br>硬度试验是否按批准的操作指导书/MPP在规定的区域进行?是否 记录检验结果并判定是否合格?

  • 4.8 Is test specimen prepared per approved WI/MPP? Is it properly identificated? <br>试样是否按批准的操作指导书/MPP进行了准备?是否适当地标识 了试样?

  • 4.9 Is the all test tracibility to ASTM standards or other national standards approved by GEE? <br>是否所有的试验都能追溯至美国材料协会标准或GEE批准的其它 国家标准?

  • 4.10 Is the material test lab qualified per GEE spec P28A-AL-0201? 材料实验室是否按P28A-AL-0201进行鉴定?

  • 4.11 Is there a document of certification indicating the specific test areas of certification issued by MPE? Reference P28A-AL-0201 是否有MPE批准的资格证书?资格证书应表明批准的试验地点.参 照P28A-AL-0201

  • 4.12 Is the lab certification reviewed or audited every three years? 实验室资格证书是否每三年进行重新评定或审核?

  • 4.13 Is the test planning approved by MPE? Is it strickly followed? 试验计划是否得到MPE的批准?是否严格遵守批准的计划?

  • 4.14 Are all tests listed in approved WI/MPP performed and reported by certificated/authorized personnal? <br>是否所有批准的操作指导书/MPP规定的试验由有资质的人员进行 并报告?

  • 4.15 Do the test report contain minimum information? Test source information, reference spec, test method, <br>equipement/instrument, test condition, acceptance criteria, test results, test date, reporter signature, specimen information and representative parts informationm <br>试验报告是否包括必要的信息? <br>如试验单位信息、参考规范/标准、试验方法、试验仪器设备、试 验条件、验收准则、试验结果、试验日期、报告人、试样信息及 代表零件的信息

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