Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor

  • Process

  • Part number

Verification of production steps


  • Is a Job card available? enter WO No.

  • Part number and issue

  • Drawing number and issue

  • Customer name

  • Purchase order and / or sales order number

  • Are operations stamped and dated?

  • Have these been done in sequence?

  • If rework has been identified has it been documented on the route card?

  • Is a FAIR Required?

  • Is there a requirement for first off inspection to be carried out and has this been done?


  • Are all gauges in use calibrated and labelled with an expiry date?


  • Has material been issued to job?

  • Raw material batch numbers

  • Material specification

  • Size (if applicable)

Supply Chain

  • Are sub con operations listed?

  • Are batch numbers for sub con process listed and traceable?

  • Are the suppliers on our Approved supplier list?


  • Verify by checking scope of approval / skills matrix)

  • Please list all personnel who have been consulted during the audit

NCR Control

  • Has an NCR been raised for any this part?

  • Has the NCR number been noted on job card?

  • If any have been identified have the items been clearly labelled and segregated?

  • Has the part been logged on the NCR log?

  • Has any rework taken place? Is traceability maintained.. E.g. Paint touch up - have batch numbers been recorded?

Final Inspection

  • Have in process inspection operations been completed?

  • Does routing identify inspection is to take place?

  • Is the Correct part identification applied?


  • Has Certificate of Conformity been raised?

  • Please check the following

  • Correct quantity

  • Correct customer release statement.

  • Signed by approved signatory

  • Packaging and Preservation

  • Are customer requirements documented on the job card for specific packaging?

  • (Kit boxes / bubble wrap / customer supplier box) required and available?

  • Any sign of damage to packaging?


  • Are all forms in use at the time of audit registered as a form within the QMS?

Special Processes


  • Is Heat treatment called up on the drawing/routing?

  • Are System Accuracy tests (SATs) up to date?

  • Description S/N Date Calibrated Date Due

  • Is there a chart, or equivalent document, attached to the oven to show the working zone and working temperatures, and is processing being completed within these limits?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • "Dose the route / job provide clear process instructions?

  • Temperature range

  • Time in / out to be recorded

  • Customer specifications and/or internal SOP's listed.

  • Are there instructions for part separation in the furnace and are the parts viewed separated sufficiently.

  • Are test pieces available for the heat treatment process?


  • Is their a separate record sheet in use to record processing times?

Quench Tank

  • Is temperature monitored and controlled?

  • Is the water circulated/ agitated?

  • Is calibrated timer used?"

  • Are quench delays timed and recorded?


  • Is the freezer calibrated?

  • Is freezer suitable for the product stored?

  • Are items logged into and out of the freezer correctly?

  • Check that freezer is only used for heat treatment production items


  • Is any Welding being carried out?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • Are test pieces available for the welding method being performed?

  • Is there a record of materials used in creation of the weld?

  • Are weld rods controlled and identified?

  • Have waste rods been disposed of correctly?

  • Are all gauges used to control flow of gas calibrated?

  • Is there an approved data card in place to control the welding process and is it available to the operator and referenced on the route card?

  • Have all processing parameters been recorded on relevant paperwork or logs?

  • Check Equipment Calibration- equipment selected:

  • Description

  • Serial number

  • Calibrated date


  • Is any Chemical Processing carried out?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • Have all processing parameters been recorded on relevant paperwork or logs?

  • Are all tank temperatures within specification limits?

  • Are all immersion times in compliance with routing requirements?

  • Are any delays between processes recorded and do they meet the requirements?

  • Check Equipment Calibration- equipment selected:

  • Description

  • Serial number

  • Calibrated date


  • Is any Non-destructive Testing carried out?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • Is a valid approval certificate for the NDT method being used?

  • Have all processing parameters been recorded on relevant paperwork or logs?

  • Is the applicable process/datacard available for review? is it the correct revision/date?

  • Does the inspector have a valid annual assessment and eye test?

  • Are the daily, weekly and monthly checks up to date?

  • Check Equipment Calibration- equipment selected:

  • Description

  • Serial number

  • Calibrated date


  • Is any Electrical Bonding carried?

  • Is there evidence that operators have been trained in the electrical bonding process?

  • Is the electrical bond test unit in calibration?

  • Is the electrical bond test result recorded on the route card, and is it within the limits requested on the route card?

  • Is there evidence of pre-cleaning operation if required.

  • Have all processing parameters been recorded on relevant paperwork or logs?


  • Is any painting carried out?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • Have records of paint mixing and application been retained, including batch numbers of product used?

  • Is viscosity verification completed if required for the paint specification?

  • Are paint containers identified - paint tins, mixed paint cups? Paint mix ref Batch no. Paint type

  • Are any delays between processes recorded and do they meet the requirements?

  • Are all paints stored within their shelf life?

  • Have the correct paints been used, and is there a clear link between the paints used and the route card?

  • Are mixing and application environmental conditions correct to requirements and are they recorded?

  • Check Equipment Calibration- equipment selected:

  • Description

  • Serial number

  • Calibrated date


  • Is any Assembly carried out?

  • Is the operator approved for the process?

  • Have all processing parameters been recorded on relevant paperwork or logs?

  • Has the operator used the correct sealants, and is there a clear link between the sealant used and the sealant referenced on the routing?

  • Are the sealants used in date?

  • Have the sealants been labelled up clearly with an expiry time when they have been mixed

  • Has the operator logged the batch number for sealant used?

  • Has the operator mixed the sealant to correct ratio?

  • Are opened sealants stored correctly?

  • Are scales used for mixing of sealants calibrated, and are they accurate to 1% of the weight being measured?

  • Are the correct items present for assembly as per the works order list (i.e rivets, anchor nuts), and is there a trace to which batches have been used?

  • Is there a copy of the assembly drawing available to the operator?

  • Can the operator access relevant customer specifications for the job where required?

  • Check Equipment Calibration- equipment selected:

  • Description

  • Serial number

  • Calibrated date


  • Signature of Auditor

  • Signature of Auditee. Any NCRs have been accepted as a true reflection of any findings

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.