Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Purchase & Delivery

  • 1.1 Is there a list of suppliers presently being used?

  • 1.2 Are all suppliers used on the HQ suppliers list?

  • 1.3 Have foods been purchased from elsewhere at short notice?

  • 1.4 Was a reputable supplier used?

  • 1.5 Is it possible for foods to be delivered directly into the kitchen? If not, give details.

  • 1.6 Are supplier/delivery vehicles inspected occasionally? Have logs of this been made?

  • 1.7 Have any issues with suppliers or deliveries been identified?

  • 1.8 Have any issues with suppliers or delivery vehicles been escalated appropriately? Is corrective action recorded?

  • 1.9 Are there logs of food temperatures when received?

Chilled Storage<br>

  • 2.1 Is there regular monitoring of fridge temperatures?

  • 2.2 Has there been any deviation in the fridge temperatures?

  • 2.3 If there has been a deviation are reasons noted? Are they acceptable?

  • 2.4 Is stock rotation visible?

  • 2.5 Are all chilled units working correctly? I.e. no leaks.

  • 2.6 Is the racking observed to be in a good condition?

  • 2.7 Are food items stored off the floor?

  • 2.8 Are chilled areas clean?

  • 2.9 Are raw foods (raw meat, raw eggs, raw fish, unwashed salad and vegetables) stored below ready-to-eat foods?

  • 2.10 Are all foods correctly sealed?

  • 2.11 Are all foods labelled appropriately?

  • 2.12 Are foods stored within their dated period?

Frozen Storage<br>

  • 3.1 Is there regular monitoring of freezer temperatures?

  • 3.2 Has there been any deviation in the freezer temperatures?

  • 3.3 If there has been a deviation are reasons noted? Are they acceptable?

  • 3.4 Is stock rotation visible?

  • 3.5 Are all freezer units working correctly? I.e. no leaks.

  • 3.6 Is the racking observed to be in a good condition? If applicable

  • 3.7 Are food items stored off the floor? If applicable

  • 3.8 Are freezer areas clean?

  • 3.9 Have freezers been defrosted with no sign of ice build-up?

  • 3.10 Are all foods correctly sealed?

  • 3.11 Are foods displaying the appropriate labelling?

  • 3.12 Are foods stored within their dated period?

Dry Storage<br>

  • 4.1 Is stock rotation visible?

  • 4.2 Is the racking observed to be in a good condition?

  • 4.3 Are food items stored off the floor?

  • 4.4 Are dry store areas clean?

  • 4.5 Are all foods correctly sealed?

  • 4.6 Are allergens stored below other foods in covered containers?

  • 4.7 Is lighting in the area appropriate?

  • 4.8 Are foods stored in line with manufacturer’s guidelines?


  • 5.1 Are all items on the menu recorded on the food allergen software?

  • 5.2 Are chefs aware of which menu items contain allergens?

  • 5.3 If Gluten-free foods are offered, are suitable precautions in place to prevent cross-contamination during preparation?

  • 5.4 Is there a process for ensuring these areas are clean prior to use?

  • 5.5 Is equipment observed to be clean?

  • 5.6 Is equipment well maintained?

  • 5.7 Are maintenance records for equipment available?

  • 5.8 Are items appropriately labelled following preparation? (If being stored)

  • 5.9 Have kitchen team undertaken appropriate training relevant to their position? (essentials of hygiene for all, Level 2 food safety for food handlers, Level 3 for Head Chefs)

  • 5.9.1 Head Chef Proof

  • 5.9.2 Hospitality Manager Proof

  • 5.9.3 Nominated Other Proof

  • 5.10 Is separate equipment available for use when handling raw foods? (tongs, knifes, cling film dispensers, sanitizer bottles etc, dependant on level of raw food preparation)

  • 5.11 Are colour-coded boards available and stored separately?

  • 5.12 Are separate areas available for preparing raw and ready-to-eat foods, either permanently or using time separation? If separated by time, can the chef explain how food is prepared to prevent cross-contamination? – Method of separation dependant on level of raw food preparation)

  • 5.13 Do preparation surfaces look suitable?

  • 5.15 Is sanitizer available at the correct dilution? Are team members responsible for sanitizing food areas and equipment aware of the correct contact time?


  • 6.1 Are foods thawed in an appropriate location?

  • 6.2 Are temperature / physical checks of thawed foods undertaken?

  • 6.3 Is thawing undertaken within 24 hours? If not, are suitable measures taken?

Cooking & Reheating<br>

  • 7.1 Are food temperature readings taken and recorded?

  • 7.2 Are probes and sanitizer wipes available to chefs and management on the pass?

  • 7.3 Have probe checks been undertaken and recorded?

  • 7.4 Are food temperature readings taken and recorded?


  • 8.1 Are foods chilled manually within a suitable time-frame?

  • 8.2 Are chilling-down hot food records available?

  • 8.3 Is a blast chiller available?

  • 8.4 If a blast chiller is available is it maintained?

  • 8.5 Is an appropriate area used for chilling foods?

  • 8.6 If foods do not chill in time are measures taken? I.e. made smaller.

Hot Holding (if applicable)<br>

  • 9.1 Are temperature checks undertaken?

  • 9.2 Do temperature recordings fall under 63? Is appropriate corrective action taken and recorded?

  • 9.3 Are trays exchanged for fresh?

  • 9.4 Do you reheat leftovers?

  • 9.5 Are foods kept covered? Or are sneeze guards in place?

  • 9.6 Is the hot holding maintained?

  • 9.7 Is the hot holding and associated equipment in good condition?

Cold Holding & Service<br>

  • 10.1 Are temperature checks undertaken?

  • 10.2 Are temperature recordings of cold holding units above 8 °C?

  • 10.3 If temperature recordings are over 8 does this exceed 2 hours?

  • 10.4 Is food displayed at ambient temperature removed after 2 hours?

  • 10.5 Is food in bar areas only for display purposes?

  • 10.6 Are high risk foods labelled appropriately? Allergen and date.

  • 10.7 Are there separate utensils available for serving gluten-free cakes?

  • 10.8 Is the cold holding maintained?

  • 10.9 Is the cold holding and associated equipment in good condition?

  • 10.10 Are foods covered or sneeze guards in place?

  • 10.11 Is over produced or unsold food disposed of?

  • 10.12 Are probes available on the pass for managers?

Cleaning, Hygiene and Pests<br>

  • 11.1 Are food and hand-contact surfaces visually clean?

  • 11.2 Are walls, floors and shelving clean and free of grease and debris?

  • 11.3 is there a written cleaning schedule in place that covers all cleaning tasks?

  • 11.4 Is the cleaning schedule up to date?

  • 11.5 Are there any areas where unclean materials could enter food areas?

  • 11.6 Are changing facilities provided?

  • 11.6 Are staff toilets clean?

  • 11.7 Are adequate facilities available for outside clothing items?

  • 11.8 Are chefs wearing jewellery? None allowed except plain wedding band.

  • 11.9 Is there a hand-washing area?

  • 11.10 Does the hand washing area have the appropriate amenities?

  • 11.11 Is there evidence of adequate hand-washing?

  • 11.12 Are there any signs of pests?

  • 11.13 Is there pest management in place? (regular checks from pest contractor with records available)

  • 11.14 Are pest-contractor’s recommendations implemented?

  • 11.15 Premises is pest-proof? (fly screens where required, no gaps under doors, no holes)

  • 11.16 Have all waste been removed and new bags put in the bins?

  • 11.17 Are internal bin areas clean?

  • 11.18 Are external bin areas clean? (all bins covered, no debris or clutter in bin area)

  • 11.19 Does the dishwasher appear to be clean? (spray arms and jets, roof and door runners all clean with no sign of mould, slime of food debris)

Restaurants & Bar<br>

  • 12.1 Is there a documented food safety management system available?

  • 12.2 Is there an allergen warning on all menu’s, advising of the presence of potential allergens and advising how allergen information may be obtained? Is there allergen signage for buffets and cake displays?

  • 12.3 Is all equipment working properly? (Ovens, fridges, freezers, chillers)

  • 12.4 Are staff fit for work – wearing clean work clothes?

  • 12.5 Are food preparation areas clean? (Work surfaces, equipment, utensils)

  • 12.6 Are there plenty of hand washing and cleaning materials available? (Soap, cloths)

  • 12.7 Is the glasswasher clean?

  • 12.8 Is the ice machine clean?

  • 12.9 Are there a suitable amount of ice scoops? Are they stored correctly?

  • 12.10 Are glass shelves and storage areas clean?

  • 12.11 Is suitable stock rotation being undertaken?

  • 12.12 Are cleaning schedules devised and recorded?


  • 13.1 Is everyone working in the kitchen wearing appropriate footwear (washable kitchen shoes)?

  • 13.2 Is all footwear clean and in good condition?

  • 13.3 Are other PPE samples in good condition and appropriate for the tasks being undertaken?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.