
  • Name of Audit

  • Site

  • Prepared by

  • MOD

  • Conducted on

Front of House


  • Are all plants and flowers well kept?

  • Are all access and egress areas free from potential hazards for slips, trips, or falls?

  • Courtyard steps and flags clean with no green moss?

  • Is outside menu box lit and contains up to date menu?

  • Is A-board displayed and insert is appropriate?

  • All entrances area free from cigarette buds?

  • Are awnings well maintained and clean?

  • Is all outside furniture in good condition?


  • Host stand is well presented ?

  • Floor is ready for service?

  • Bar is ready for service ?

  • Food menu's clean and well presented?

  • Were tables cleaned and sanitised quickly after guests left the restaurant ?

  • Tables and chairs organised and free from damage?

  • Staff are friendly/sharing a smile?

  • All deliveries have been put away and out of sight?

  • Staffing levels are correct for the shift?


  • Are all servers in full clean uniform including all marks?

  • Ask floor member of staff a core, financial and service criteria question?

  • Ask floor staff about brand values?

  • Place a food order /Starters / Mains/ Desserts.<br>Was the server Knowledgeable?<br>

  • Did the server use an IPad?

  • Ask a server liquor/ beverage spec question?

  • Ask server about allergen procedure?

  • Any staff comments [HOTSPOTS]



  • No damaged to walls, floor or ceiling ?

  • Line Check to be conducted after viewing previous weeks variance report?

  • Comments on Line Check.

  • Photo of line check from Zonal

  • Bottles Beer and Draught lines are in date?

  • All dairy is in date?

  • Evidence of pour tests being conducted ?

  • Ice machines are clean, inside and out?


  • Was the cellar locked on arrival?

  • Was the cellar tidy?

  • Are all gas cylinders buckled up and safe or at least laid flat if empty?

  • Does cellar door have risk of asphyxiation poster on it?

  • Is cellar free from any chemicals?

  • Is appropriate PPE located in the cellar?

  • Nothing bulky or heavy is stored above shoulder height?


  • Are all bartenders in full clean uniform including all marks?

  • Do all bartenders have their zonal fob with them for shift?

  • Ask a bartender about brand values?

  • Ask bartender to recommend 3 different beers with as much as possible detail?

  • Did the bartender demonstrate good knowledge of NWTC beers (ABV, price, brewer location & tasting notes)

  • Ask a bartender food spec question?

  • Ask a bartender about allergen procedure?

  • Comments on Bar Staff [HOTSPOTS]


  • No damaged to walls, floors or ceilings?

  • Walk in fridge is organised and tidy? [nothing stored on the floor]

  • Is the correct labelling process being used? [nothing out of date]

  • Are all work surfaces clean and ready for service ?

  • All Chefs are in Correct Uniform, Including footwear?

  • All blue roll dispensers are clean and full?

  • Hot water is available ?

  • Wet floor signs are available ?

  • Hand wash procedure being followed?

  • Correct chopping boards being used?

  • Correct prep aprons being used ?

  • service utensils are kept in sanitiser?

  • Kitchen Comments


Maintenance & General Attention Detail

  • Have the cleaners been checked out following the cleaners checklist and all tasks completed to standard?

  • All light bulbs, light fittings and chandeliers fully working? (no white LEDs)

  • Are all windows clean inside and out?

  • Is the plant room free from obstructions, clean and locked?

  • Is the boiler room free from combustible materials and obstructions and is the door locked?

  • Are there any other noticeable maintenance issues that need to be dealt with? (Detail below)

Pest Control

  • Are ALL traps for insects & rodents in restaurant area baited and hidden away?

  • Are all the FOH & BOH areas free for any signs of infestation? (-20 if not) <br>

  • Is the unit proactive in making notes on the pest walk around sheets, the internal/external of the building and identifying any holes bigger than a standard pencil? <br> <br> <br>

  • Check pest control log - have any points raised by last visit been actioned? (-20 if not)

  • Is the unit following the pest control walkround and completing daily reports (ask MOD to talk through the procedure)? (-20 if not)


  • Are the toilet cubicle partitions clean and well maintained? Floor clean and dry? Toilets clean and fully functional?

  • Is there a clean and operational toilet brush in each cubicle?

  • Does the alarm in the disabled toilet work?

  • Are the sanitary bins clean (ladies/disabled)

  • Is the baby changing unit clean, fully working and safe? Is there sufficient amount of baby wipes and nappies in place?

  • Are all soap dispensers and hand dryers working, clean and polished where possible?

  • Are the toilet seats in good condition and not loose?

  • Are there any other noticeable points with regards to the toilet facilities? (Detail below)


  • Have all the previous months action points been actioned? (check last month report) <br>

  • Are internal & external escape routes free from obstruction & do all fire doors open freely? (Walkaround with MOD & check)<br>

  • Are all fire extinguishers & emergency lights free from obstruction and are all fire points covered with guards ?

  • Are all the FOH fire extinguishers full in chrome including signage?

  • Is there a high visibility jacket near the access fire panel ?

  • Is there a fully completed daily staff list for all departments located next to the fire panel?

  • Does the unit have a minimum of 4 first aiders? (List all first aiders)

  • Does the MOD know how to complete a fire alarm test?

  • Does the MOD know how to test the emergency lighting?<br>

  • Is there a rubber mat underneath the main fuse box?<br>

  • Are the ladders in safe working order? <br>

  • Are all waste areas free from debris and do all bins contain the correct waste?

  • Are cleaning chemical available for use, labelled correctly, stored correctly & COSHH sheets to hand ?

  • Is there PPE available for the bar & kitchen?<br>


  • Complete safe count. Is everything in order?

  • Can MOD list all brand values and explain what each one means?

  • Is managers declaration completed by all current managers on trail?

  • Has Fire Alarm Test and Emergency Lighting Test been completed weekly and on time?

  • Has the visitors log been filled in?

  • Does the manager on duty know how to log onto the Compliance Centre, including password?

  • Can the MOD show how to complete an accident report?

  • Can the MOD explain alleged food poisoning reporting procedure?

  • Have all the accidents been actioned on the compliance centre?

  • Have all actions from the latest Audit/ FRA been actioned?

  • Is Risk Assessment folder signed by all current managers including Head Chef and Sous Chef?

  • Is the red licensing file available with up to date premises license and copies of all personal licenses?

  • MOD can Log into the CCTV and access footage if required?

  • Is FSMS signed by GM and HC?

  • MOD can explain the FOH uniform policy?

  • MOD can explain units current NPS and most recent assessment score?

CPL [Inductions, Safety Sign Offs and Courses]

  • Has all staff completed CPL courses? (allow 2 weeks leeway for new starters) (-10 if not)

  • Have all staff compleated Inductions on CPL?

  • Have all staff completed the company training sign off, on CPL?

Trail App DD

  • Has MOD completed daily tasks so far?

  • Has restaurant been completing their DD daily and on time, no missed tasks? Check dashboard report for past month.

  • Has bar been completing their DD daily and on time, no missed tasks? Check dashboard report for past month.

  • Has kitchen been completing their DD daily and on time, no missed tasks? Check dashboard report for past month.

  • Have all department check outs been completed daily on trail? Check dashboard report for past month.

  • Have fire drills been carried out? Ask MOD to show the report on trail.

  • Has a management meeting been completed within last 7 days?


  • Is there a Manual Handling poster available and visible BOH?

  • Does unit have Fire Evacuation Procedure in place and displayed back of house and staff trained on it? Ask few staff members.

  • Is there an up to date Fire Marshal poster?

  • Is there an up to date First Aid poster?

  • Is Challenge 25 poster displayed BOH only for staff?

  • Is Employers liability certificate displayed?

  • Is there a copy of the premises security policy available for staff to read?

  • Is there a copy of the major incident policy available for staff to read?

  • Is the Hospitality Action Employee Assistance Program poster displayed on the notice board?

  • Is there an Employee Handbook on display in a communal area?

  • Is there Tribes current poster on display?

  • Is NWTC Thoughts poster up on display?

  • Are the current and following weeks rotas displayed and signed by the GM?

  • Are running incentives clearly displayed on staff boards?

  • Are current HQ communications up on staff board?


  • Carry out GDPR audit around the site - is everything safe and secure? (-20 if not)

  • Has all documents been uploaded on Fourth? Check random staff member


  • Unit Summary

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.