Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • To be carried out minimum once per year - twice per year if a high turn over of workers (or other depending on customer requirements and seasonality of supply). Where possible this audit is to be carried out at (one of) the labour agency’s premises. However, it may be carried out by phone/email at the auditor’s discretion. Potential issues raised by workers during interviews should be followed up (normally anomalously). Select the names and hours of at least 2 recent agency workers and any agency vehicle reg nos used, prior to the audit

  • Name of Labour Provider

  • (Business Trading Name)

  • Date

  • Registered address

  • Address where audit undertaken (if different to above)

  • Person/s carrying out the audit

  • On behalf of which labour user?

  • Labour Provider person/s present (with job titles)


Labour Provider - general

  • 1. GLAA Licence number

  • GLAA Licence - upload or take photo

  • 2. GLAA last visit date

  • 3. GLAA non-compliances and/or corrective actions viewed?

  • 4. Any outstanding non-conformances?

  • 5. Has the Labour User subscribed to the Active Check system on the GLAA website for this Labour Provider?

  • 6. Is the labour agency a member of ALP or other trade association? If Yes give details below:

  • 7. Is the labour agency registered with Stronger Together?

  • Key managers attended the “Tackling Modern Slavery in UK Businesses and Supply Chains" workshop or similar in-house training based on it?

  • Is the Company a Stronger Together Partner? If so request link.

  • 8. Is the labour agency third party audited – e.g. Clearview? If Yes give details below: e.g. last cert date

  • 9. Is the Labour Agency linked to the labour User on SEDEX?

  • 10. Any third party audit outstanding non conformances? (detail below if Yes)

  • Detail

  • 11. Is contractual paperwork with labour provider in the Business Trading name above?

  • 12. Is contractual paperwork with one of the Principal authority/authorized persons listed on GLAA cert?

  • If No who?:

  • 13. Public Liability Insurance Provider (attach cert photo, pdf or enter details below):

  • Public Liability Insurance Provider:

  • Policy Number:

  • Liability/cover limit (£):

  • Expiry date:

  • 14. Does the Labour Provider provide accommodation to the workers supplied to the Labour User?

  • If Yes, an Accommodation Audit should be conducted at least annually - has one been completed?



  • 15. How does the labour provider recruit it’s workers? Tick all that apply

  • 16. Workers do not have to pay a recruitment fee (directly or indirectly) to the agency? If No and fees are paid provide details.

Contract with labour user

Contract between labour provider and labour user

  • Information may in the form of a Contract plus TOB/Supply Service Schedule/Agreement etc

  • 17. Is contract between labour provider & labour user documented and signed by both parties?

  • Date contract last reviewed?

  • 18. Does the contract or TOB or Supply agreement include reference to the following?:

  • -minimum payment period (if no work on arrival)

  • -charge rates

  • -payment terms between labour provider and user

  • -minimum wage compliance

  • -payment terms between labour provider and worker

  • -if subcontractors used, how these are managed

  • -working hours

-health and safety management aspects covered in contract etc

  • -health and safety risk assessments

  • -health and safety training

  • -provision of PPE

Labour provider Information

Labour provider information

  • 19. Company registered number

  • 20. VAT number

  • 21. PAYE number



  • 22. Does the labour provider provide transport to workers supplied to this Labour User? From accommodation to LP site or airport to LP or LP to LP? (If No, go to question 28)

  • Go to question 29

  • 23. Is it optional?

  • 24. Does the worker have to pay? (please give details in Notes):

  • 25. Does the labour provider have a PSV operators licence? (if >8 passenger seats)

  • Add photo of PSV operators licence

Vehicle and driver details

  • 26. Insurance cover seen for vehicles used transport workers?

  • Insurance Provider

  • Expiry Date

  • 27. Vehicle Reg No (example at random from records or a vehicle seen in use)

  • Evidence of current vehicle tax payment seen - may be a screen shot or email

  • Add photo of evidence of vehicle tax

  • MOT - evidence seen of in date MOT certificate

  • Is any vehicle designed to take >8 passengers?

  • Is vehicle PSV registered?

  • Drivers name - (example from records or known driver)

  • Drivers licence viewed - add picture of licence

  • Driver has PCV entitlement (+/- professional competence certificate) if >8 passenger seats



  • 28. Does your labour provider conduct face to face interviews with potential employees?

  • 29. Does the interview include?:

  • -employment history

  • -literacy

  • -ability to understand English & communicate

  • -confirming legality to work at the site

  • -confirming any disability

  • 30. Are records kept to confirm this (with date & name of interviewer)?

  • 31. Please list induction documents issued by labour provider or take photos (if first visit/new docs since last audit) (indicate any translations available for each doc where relevant):

  • Photos or pdfs of induction docs

  • 32. Please describe any further training carried out by labour provider (eg. videos, labour user specific training):

  • 33. State how translations are undertaken if documents are mainly in Englis4


  • Comments and recommendations:

  • Signed on behalf of labour user:

  • Date:

  • Signed on behalf of labour provider/agency:

  • Thank you for your time and co-operation

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.