Instructor Name and Date
Conducted on
Level Taught
- Intro to Splash
- Splash 101
- Splash 201
- Ripple 101
- Ripple 201
- Ripple 301
- Ripple 401
- Wave 201
- Wave 301
- Wave 401
- Wave 501
- Surf 301
- Surf 401
- Surf 501
- Surf 601
Setup and Presentation
Setup and Presentation
Instructor was at window sill waiting for students with name sign and skill sheet on cone. Enthusiastic greeting as students arrived.
Instructors Lane was setup with equipment appropriate for level, name sign facing outwards and skill sheet facing instructor. Bench and Island available if applicable.
Instructor was in proper uniform and had whistle available.
Instructor Energy, Volume, Voice Inflection, Enthusiasm
Instructor Energy, Volume, Voice Inflection, Enthusiasm
Warm up: warm and friendly greeting, enthusiastic, ENERGY Sets the tone for the class!
Talked in a way that captured/kept attention: voice inflection, volume, enthusiasm, ENERGY
Genuinely praised each swimmer and gave High 5's (ENERGY)
Effective Swim Lesson
Effective Swim Lesson
Safety: never turned back, always aware of where the kids were, lose a point for each time back was turned. Entire instructor audit score goes to zero if hey turn their back more than 2 times.
Swimmers actively engaged 90% of the time (27 minutes): activity on bench: skills related or interactive
Circle swim: correct pattern, on right side of lane (Swims in Square Pattern), used 6-8 lengths for each skill. 1st child finishes last. Multiple swimmers swimming at the same time for higher levels.
SEDP: told the story (On the Bench), explained the skill, demonstrated the skill, practice and provide feedback. Story was engaging and imaginative appropriate for level. Taught to all learning styles (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic)
Corrected the participants effectively: hand on, tried different ways of explanation , re-demo
Used equipment effectively: accurately, briefly, as a step towards the skill, proper level
Managed class: control, positive management, multiple methods if needed, utilized swim supervisor if necessary
Lesson Wrap Up: Talent Show
Lesson Wrap Up: Talent Show
Demonstrated to parents during talent show: Showed skills worked on in class and narrated, gave homework & feedback sandwich with positive/constructive/positive,
Ended: on time, got all students out of water and handed off to parents safely
Understands Life Time Swim: taught correct curriculum, had updated skill sheets and utilized them for progressions and building relationships with parents.