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  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Location
  • Personnel

General Leisure Safety

Risk Assessment

  • Have Risk Assessments been completed for all areas and activities using the forms and guidance from Ezesafe and are they suitable, sufficient and site-specific

  • Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been completed for swimming pools in accordance with HSE guidance documents HSG179 to determine whether permanent poolside supervision is required

  • In hotels where there is no manned reception in the leisure facility are there monitoring controls suitable and sufficient and are records up to date

Safe Systems of Work

  • Are safe systems of work available for all hazardous activities and have these been signed and dated by the Club Manager or "competent person"

  • Is there a documented safe system of work for handling chemicals in the pool plant room, especially for filing chlorine and acid tanks (where appropriate)

Chemical Safety & PPE

  • Is there suitable personal protective equipment available for the handling of pool chemicals eg gloves, goggles, respirator, apron, overall, boots, etc in a range of sizes. Are chemical scoops, equipment etc colour coded& is there a spare set of PPE available outside the plant room for use in an emergency

  • Is PPE in good condition & respirator filters within date

  • Are chemical storage areas kept locked and are suitable safety warning signs displayed

  • Are acid and alkaline chemicals stored separately or if kept in the plant room are they stored well away from each other

  • Are chemical safety data sheets available for all chemicals used within the facility and have COSHH assessments been completed

  • Is there a copy of the COSHH folder available at the hotel reception?

  • Is there a PPE summary sheet available in the COSHH folder indicating the type of PPE which must be worn for each chemical used in the club

Control of Legionella

  • Has a legionella risk assessment been completed of the club within the last 2 years by a "competent person" and is this readily available

  • Have all remedial actions from the risk assessment been completed, signed off and dated

  • Are shower heads discalced and disinfected at least every 3 months


  • Are there at least 2 "competent persons" within the leisure team or Maintenance team who have completed a recognised level 3 pool plant operators course & certificates available

  • Have all employees who operate pool plant equipment been adequately trained and deemed to be competent?

  • Are all team members who instruct in the gym & freelance instructors registered with either the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) or CIMSPA as an exercise & fitness Affiliate or Practitioner with current certificates available. (CIMSPA Affiliate is equiv to REPs level 2 (fitness instructor) CIMSPA Practitioner is equiv to REPs level 3 (personal trainer)

  • Have all employees been trained on the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and safe systems of work relevant to their workplace activities and deemed to be competent?

First Aid

  • Is there a qualified Pool Attendant or Pool Emergency Responder AND a qualified first-aider available on shift at all times the facility is open and are relevant certificates available (from 01.04.2017 the Pool Emergency Responder (PER) qualification replaces the current pool Responder qualification.

3rd Party Providers

  • Do 3rd party providers providing coaching or instructing activities (PTs. Group exercise instructors, swim schools etc.) have £10 million Public Liability insurance and beauty therapists and hair salons have £5 million PL insurance & are copies of current certificates available as well as evidence of competency for the services they provide?


  • Is access to the club controlled eg do all residents/guests sign in before using the facilities, members issued with swipe cards etc

Plant Room

  • Is access to the plant room restricted to only authorised users, kept locked when not in use and a chemical safety warning displayed outside

  • Where chemical day tanks are positioned close to each other are they separated by a sturdy and substantial dividing structure to prevent cross contamination of chemicals

  • Are day tanks clearly labelled and colour coded

  • Is a chlorine gas detector installed and annual service records available

  • In an eyewash station readily available and within date

  • Is there sufficient sand available to deal with a significant chemical spillage in 25 litres


Leisure Club Operating Standards (SOP)

  • Has the Kew Green Leisure Club SOP been personalised to the facilities and activities at this hotel

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

  • Has the Kew Green Leisure Club EAP been personalised to the facilities and activities at this hotel

Swimming Pool & Spa Pools

  • Where the swimming pool and spa pools are not fully visible from the club reception is CCTV installed and / or mirrors provided to enable adequate viewing of all areas of the pools

  • Are visual or CCTV checks completed at least every 15 minutes which clearly shows the bottom of the swimming pool in all areas and are records up to date? Are bather loads also recorded

  • Is all rescue equipment in place eg ropes, life belts, safety hooks etc

Daily checks

  • Chemical dosing tests completed every 2 hours

  • Are daily check sheets available & up to date, including opening, 2 hourly , closing checks of the sauna/steam room & 2 hourly checks of all areas

  • Is appropriate action taken when results fall outside the required parameters and is this recorded

  • Are the daily Spa Pool Backwash and Clean records up to date?

  • Water clarity at the deepest part of the pool recorded

  • Is the temperature of the swimming pool maintained between 28-30oC & the spa pool between 36-39oC

Weekly checks

  • Are the full system drain, clean and disinfection of spa pool - records available and up to date?

  • Has the weekly swimming Pool Langeller Water testing and Index Result been completed and recorded?

  • Is the balance tank accessible, inspected and cleaned

Monthly checks

  • Have the monthly safety checks been complted?

  • Bacteriological tests completed & results satisfactory?


  • Is there a Health Commitment Statement or PARQ screening in place for members when joining & for hotel residents and guests

  • Gymnasium equipment - daily safety checks in place

Sauna & Steam Rooms

  • Is the woodwork and seating in sauna in sound and solid condition with no dangerous timbers that have been protusions/splinters or are overly blackened or scorched

  • Is there a service contract in place for the sauna/steam room and records available with evidence of all remedial H&S repairs as recommended by the service contractor actioned

  • Kew Green brand standard sauna & steam room safety signage in place including warning sign above steam

  • Is there evidence of all sauna & steam room safety checks being completed Pre-opening, 2 hourly, closing,weekly & monthly in line with KG safety check proc's

  • Are sauna cabins clean,free of dust,debris,loose combustible materials

  • Is sauna masterboard/heat proof insulation board on the walls around and above the sauna stove/heater in good condition, secure with no cracks

  • Are sauna temperatures temperatures restricted to a maximum temp of 100oC

  • Are steam room temperatures restricted to a maximum temp of 50oC

  • Are emergency alarms available and linked to Reception

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.