Title Page

  • Location Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • TRIM Container #

  • Document No.

Inspection Details

  • Request Type

  • Request Reference Number

  • Contact Name

  • Telephone Number

  • Description of Building


  • Piers/Footing base on flat even solid ground i.e. bearing capacity

  • Piers/Footing must be free of water, loose soil/debris, mud, tree roots, water or sewer pipes prior to pour

  • Piers/Footing trenches are required depth, width and centres in accordance with Structural Engineers design, BCA or complies with AS2870-(2011)

  • Is Piers/Footing location general layout in accordance with approved Development/CDC or Construction Certificate plans for building

  • Is the foundation under concrete slab i.e. controlled or rolled fill adequately compacted so as to provide a solid bearing capacity in accordance with part of BCA

  • Is a High-impact moisture resistance vapour barrier installed for slab on ground construction in accordance with of BCA

  • Is vapour barrier membrane lapped 200mm at all joints and taped sealed

  • Is vapour barrier taped closely sealed around service pipe penetrations, sealed where any puncture or tears

  • Is vapour barrier membrane placed under entire bottom surface of concrete slab, sealed and extended under edge beams up to ground level

  • Is steel reinforcement in accordance with approved structural engineers plans, BCA or complies with AS2870

  • Is steel reinforcement adequately fixed and tied into position

  • Is steel reinforcement slab mesh overlapped 200mm, and reinforcing bars lapped across full width at footing corner or ‘T’ intersection junction

  • Is steel reinforcement footing mesh straight, reinforcement bars 500mm lapped/spliced, supported on bar chairs spaced at 800 centres for steel mesh

  • Does steel reinforcement have adequate concrete cover i.e 40mm to unprotected ground or edge board

  • Is steel reinforcement the correct size or alternate mesh bars sizes used

  • Is a drop edge slab rebate provided to concrete slab in accordance with provisions of of BCA

  • Is reinforcement bars i.e. 2m in length diagonal tied to underside of top mesh provided at re-entrant or internal corners designed for shrinkage control in accordance with of BCA

  • Concrete finished floor level shall be a minimum 300mm above ground level

  • Is a “Physical Termite Barrier” provided between the existing structure and proposed building addition

  • Submit a Structural Engineer Certificate for variations to engineer’s design

  • Submit a ‘Peg-out Survey’ report to ensure approved footing/slab position or finished floor levels to AHD prior to pouring concrete

  • Restore cut/fill ground levels not in with Council’s policy or approved plans

  • Excavated/filled areas adjoining site boundaries must be protected or supported by retaining walls-Engineering design to be submitted


  • Inspection of the aforementioned revealed that the work is:

  • Above rating subject to the below additional works (If unsatisfactory, then must book a re-inspection after completing works):

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.