
  • Store Name/Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Consulted with

Total Adjustment Figures YTD

  • Internal Adjustments

  • Dumps

  • Theft

  • Cyclic or Full Stocktake

  • Total Adjustment Percentage

Stock Control

Negative SOH

  • Print the current days negative SOH report and randomly check 50% to ensure timely corrective action has occurred

  • Review the administration folder. Are the negative SOH reports actioned and signed?

  • Check the Business Alerts (traffic lights) in ISIS. Are all alerts actioned? If not, why not?

Cyclic Counts

  • Review the cyclic count roster for the previous 2 weeks. Has it been completed?

Stock Rotation

  • Check a sample of high risk dated lines. Example, chips, tap king, cask wine.<br>Have these lines been entered in the 5,5,5 report?

  • Has markdown action been taken on lines approaching use by date?

Dump Adjustments

  • Visually investigate the industrial bin. Has the stock been recorded?

  • Is the ullage area being managed appropriately

  • Review the administration folder. Have all dumps been investigated?

  • How many staff are completing dumps?

  • Is the dump sheet being utilised and recorded on a weekly basis?

  • Is recovered stock actioned correctly? <br>Placed back on show or in stock reserve

  • Check under gondolas for stock.<br>What dollar value was recovered?

SOH Internal Adjustments

  • List the last four weeks total internal adjustments<br>Review the internal adjustments and investigate any excessive entries or unusual activity.<br>Detail findings and what action was taken?<br>

  • Week 1

  • Week 2

  • Week 3

  • Week 4

  • How many staff are completing adjustments?

  • Are parent codes being adjusted?

  • Print the gap scan report for the current day and visually check lines that have been scanned are action

  • Print and review the previous weeks markdown report. Have reasons for markdowns been explained and documented?

  • Print and review orders by expected date. Are all orders within 2 weeks?

Price Integrity

  • Using the RF unit perform a price check on 10 lines displayed in the store. <br>Does the scan price match the ticket?

Initial Counts

  • Review the initial counts in the system.<br>Detail the findings

WBS - Stand alones.

  • Check that the store funds in code 7080 on the WBS is reconciled to the ALH custodian to ensure the correct funds are held in the store

  • Print and review previous weeks WBS and check the following<br>Does code 60 = code 911?

  • Print and review previous weeks WBS and check the following<br>Does code 10 = code 165?

  • Print and review previous weeks WBS and check the following<br>Does code 718 appear if store safe did not balance?


  • Review the stores register Variance report for the previous week. <br>BWS - Have all register variances of $10 or more been investigated and resolved?<br>DAN MURPHYS - Have all register variances of $50 or more been investigated and resolved?

  • Review register over/shorts report for the previous to ensure the required spot checks are completed.<br>2 times per day

  • Were individual pick ups completed below $200 in BWS or $1500 DAN MURPHYS?<br>How many pick ups exceeded the limit and who was reasonable?

  • Print and review the un recalled saved transaction report for the previous 2 weeks. <br>Have all transactions appearing on the report been investigated?

  • Print and review the operator void report. Were there reasons to justify voids?

  • Re print the previous weeks refunds with reason report. Were any anomalies investigate?

  • Have all no sales have a reason? View dockets to verify.

  • Pull each register draw apart. <br>What was the total dollar amount recovered?


  • Reconcile the store funds held in the intellisafe to the previous weeks closing weekly balancing value.<br>What was the variance?

  • Re print the daily journal and check the pick ups do not exceed the $200 or $1500 limit.


  • Print and review the cash office audit report for the previous week. Have all required safe checks (one per day) completed?


  • Are the EAS gate fully operational?

  • Are door/drive buzzers operational?

  • Are locks on cabinets lockable or are they damaged?

  • Does the store require more dummy cameras and/or mirrors?

  • When was the last time the safe combination/s were changed

  • Are systems free from team members who have been terminated or transferred?<br>Check ISIS, Back office.


  • Is the monitor at the FOS working?

  • Are all CCTV cameras operational?

  • Do cameras cover high risk area?

Alarm Panel

  • Review the alarm panel. Are current users up to date?

  • Are there any alarms isolated?

  • Does the current key holder information held at the store match the information sent to CMS?<br>Are the key holders up to date?

Hold Up Alarm

  • When was the Hold Up alarm last tested? Contact CMS to verify

  • Ask a staff member to locate the Hold Up alarm and ask the staff member to explain its correct use.


  • Are all security rooms kept locked when not in use?

  • Randomly check 10 lines for tagging disciplines. <br>Is there consistency with tagging?

  • What is the standard of the stockroom/reserve area?

  • Check stockrooms. Detail the stock levels

  • Do team members ensure the store is locked prior to cashing up?<br>View CCTV footage for the prior night?

  • Can team member recite the 5 C's?

General Observations

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.