
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Contracts Manager

  • Copied to


  • Built to specification

  • Hoarding licence displayed

  • Signage

  • Client branding presentable

  • Is the hoarding stable and secure

  • Maintenance and presentation

Loading Bay / Zone

  • Banksman for reversing deliveries

  • Vehicles separated from pedestrians / public

  • Fire point

  • Temp storage area

  • Clean and tidy

  • Adequate signage

Site Access & Egress

  • Clearly identified

  • Safe and secure

  • Sign in sheets / Access control report

  • Required signage

  • Clear of materials and hazards

  • As per Logistics and Fire drawings

  • Safe access to welfare and offices

Welfare & Accommodation

  • As required by law

  • As per Logistics plan

  • Segregated from work area

Site Offices

  • Clean and tidy

  • Statutory signage

  • Tea making area

  • Facilities monitoring form

Drying Room

  • Clean and tidy

  • Heating

  • Seating / hooks / lockers

  • Privacy

  • Facilities monitoring form


  • Clean and tidy

  • Drinking water

  • Fridge, microwave, kettle

  • Seating

  • Separated from work area

  • Signage

  • Facilities monitoring form

Site toilets

  • Clean and tidy

  • Ladies toilet available

  • Warm water

  • Supplies (hand soap/paper)

  • Suitable for number of operatives

  • Mirror

  • Facilities monitoring form

Waste Management - General Waste

  • Bins and/or skips provided

  • Stored in bins

  • Segregation of waste

  • Disposed of on a regular basis

Waste Management - Hazardous Waste

  • Drums provided

  • Segregation of waste

  • Correct forms used

  • Certification for removal

  • Dry area allocated for hazardous materials

Housekeeping and Storage

  • Clean and tidy

  • Good access to materials

  • Good access to work areas

  • Managed storage areas

  • Pallets used


  • Signs required by law

  • Directional signage

  • Information signage

  • Prohibitive signage

  • Hazard signage

  • Displayed level and clean

  • Damaged signs replaced


  • Disclaimer form signed

  • Pre-works picture survey

  • Correct choice of material

  • Quality of protection

  • Maintenance

Working Platforms - Mobile Towers and Podiums

  • Safe to use

  • Scaff tags available

  • Scaff tags updated every 7 days

Trip Hazards

  • Removed if possible

  • Highlight unrecoverable hazards

  • Signage displayed to identify it

Plant and Machinery

  • Safe use of plant and machinery

  • Operated by trained operatives only

  • Reporting issues or damages to PC

  • Lifting equipment checked and recorded

  • Safe use of abrasive wheels


  • Required PPE worn by all operatives

  • PPE being worn correctly

  • Spare PPE for LLS in site toolbox

  • Visitors PPE available and managed

Delivery Management

  • DMS used

  • Awareness of Logistics/Fire Plan

  • Booking deliveries

  • Management of deliveries

  • Daily reports produced

Contra-charge System

  • Daily C.A.R. notes and pictures

  • Actioned C.A.R.'s copied to client

Fire Warden duties - Fire Points

  • Location as per fire plan

  • Inspection date within 12 months

  • Bell or alarm in place

  • Signage Displayed

  • Correct number of fire points

  • Muster point (clearly identified)

  • Duties in case of emergency

Fire Warden duties - Fire Exits

  • Clear

  • Signage in place

  • Monitored at least 3 times a day

Fire Warden duties - Smoke Detectors

  • Isolations/Re-instatements

  • Covers

  • Designated smoking area

First Aid

  • First aid kit displayed for easy access

  • Eye wash available

Level of Knowledge

  • Site daily activities

  • Risk management

  • Health & Safety issues

LLS Company presentation

  • Hats and Hi-vis

  • London Labour Supply t-shirts & sweatshirts

  • Cleanliness

Paperwork - Site Inductions

  • Induction form made site specific

  • Forms completed by all employees

  • Copies issued to office

Paperwork - MSRA

  • All relevant MSRA issued to client

  • Register completed

  • Site specific

  • Relevant RA's attached

  • Relevant COSHH Assessments attached

  • Relevant Manual Handling Assessments attached

  • Lifting Plan

  • Signed by supervisor

  • Confirmation signed by relevant operatives

  • MSRA Approved

Paperwork - Accident procedure

  • Forms and procedure available

  • Accidents recorded and faxed

  • Records of accident issued to client

  • Accident procedure closed out

Paperwork - Hand Arm Vibration (HAVS)

  • HAVS Assessments site specific

  • Signed by relevant employees

Paperwork - Training Certificates

  • CSCS

  • Other certs

Paperwork - H&S Auditing and inspections

  • Supervisor's H&S Inspection (weekly)

  • Contract Manager's monthly

  • LLS Actions for previous audits actioned

  • Health & Safety Audit

Paperwork - Permits

  • Hot works permit

  • Use of steps permit

  • Other permits

  • Signed off at the end of the shift

Paperwork - Toolbox Talks

  • Register

  • Correct choice of toolbox talks

  • Signed by all employees

  • Carried out weekly

  • Issued to client


  • Small plant & tools

  • Electrical equipment

  • PAT testing (LLS) and hired equipment

  • Harness inspection

  • Mobile towers and podiums (weekly)

  • Fire point checklist (weekly)

  • Weekly hoist inspection

  • Beam hoist load check

  • Lifting equipment and accessories

  • Mobile crane and HIAB checklist

  • Forklift inspection

Waste Paperwork

  • LLS Waste and Delivery Notes

  • Waste Notes and Certs

  • Waste Monitoring Audit completed

Plant and Equipment Paperwork

  • Plant requisition forms

Plant and Equipment Paperwork - At Delivery

  • Correct no. of items

  • Checked and recorded any damages

Plant and Equipment Paperwork - At Return

  • Correct no. of items

  • Checked and recorded any damages

  • Issues reported to Contracts Manager

Plant and Equipment Paperwork - Hire and Off-hire Log

  • Issued to client weekly

  • Cross-checked with hire log

  • Hire to Sale items

Paperwork - Staff

  • Copies of ID

  • Passport and visas

  • NI Numbers

  • Supervisor CV and photo on record

Paperwork - Allocation Sheets

  • Up to date

  • In detail

  • Issued to client weekly

Complaints system

  • Awareness

  • Process

Logistics Manager's actions

  • Reported accidents (copy required)

  • Actions from previous Audits revisited

  • LLS contact details (as per contacts list)

  • Completion date

  • Walk-round with Ganger

  • LLS Security Procedure

Logistics manager review

  • Good communication skills

  • Client liaison

  • IT competence

  • Organisational skills

  • Presentation

  • Time management / effectiveness

  • Productivity


  • Contract Manager's Signature

  • Supervisor's Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.