Title Page
Site conducted
Employee/Contractor Name:
Conducted on
Prepared by
Line Manager
Task description:
Are employees adhering to the minimum PPE requirements when entering the plant?
Are the employees wearing PPE as indicated on the permit to work or risk assessments and/or safe work procedures?
Is the prescribe PPE worn accordingly when handling hazardous chemicals?
Is the safety data sheet for each hazardous chemical being handled readily available to all who may be exposed?
Is the PPE inspected and in a good condition? (Replace damage PPE immediately)
Is the PPE suitable for the potential hazardous situation that may occur? Choose PPE to match the hazard.
Are contaminated PPE disposed in marked bins?
Does the PPE not introduce other hazards? (Discuss with the employee being observed)
Is the user trained on the use and care of specialised PPE? E.g. harness, Breathing apparatus etc.
Comments: Where deviations have been noted, indicate the corrective action taken. Also report the matter to the supervisor
Auditors signature: