Title Page
M4E Site
Work Pack Area / Activity /Task
Conducted on
Area Supervisor
Person(s) conducting this Observation.
Other Observation team members
1. Work sequence undertaken as per Work Pack
Take a photo of the area your observing
1. Working at Heights - above 2 meters
How is work being preformed ?
Is Operator ticketed and VOCed
Is EWP prestart completed
Are safety harness / lanyards inspected and tagged<br>(Red) Jan - March<br>(Green) April - June<br>(Blue) July - Sept<br>(Yellow) Oct - Dec <br>
Is the EWP set up on a stable surface clear of open edges
Is there a valid and in date Scaff-Tag
Please take picture of valid scaff tag
Is work platform suitable for task being preformed
Is platfrom ladder on ladder register
Is ladder being used correctly
2. Is activity being preformed Near Mobile Plant
Are controls in place to prevent workers from entering POZ
What controls are being used
Are Controls in place to temporarily halt mobile plant prior to worker entering the POZ
Is positive communication in place between worker and mobile plant
All ground engagement tools / implements been lowered to the ground prior to entering POZ
Plant controls are disengaged to ensure that inadvertent operation or movement cannot occur
Plant operators hands have been visibly removed from the controls
Any motion of the plant has ceased
3. Are any Temporary Works being used ie:<br><br>- Formwork <br>- Scaffolding <br>- Crane or Piling Pads<br>- Excavation Support <br>- Lifting Point Design
Has a Certified design been developed by and engineer, has it been verified for use, has a pre loading inspection been completed by a competent person.
Attach picture of certification or Pre-load ITP
Contact supervisor and cease works
4. Is work being carried out near Live Services
Have all known services been physically identified, operators know the safe approach distances as per the Permit?
5. Working Near Live Traffic
Have suitable barriers been erected to protect workers
Are Minimum Deflection Zones clearly marked
6. Does work involve Mobile Cranes or Lifting Operations
Has a Lift Study, Plan been identified for the lift
Has a Pre-Lift Start Card been used in compliance
7. Does Activity involve working on or coming in contact with Live Electricity
Have all energy sorces been isolated
has there been a test for dead prior to work
Work Area
1. Are walkways and exclusion zones clearly delineated
2. Are personnel using the designated walkways ?
3. Are Barriers, signs and information tags are visible, legible and in place.
4. Is the work area free of dust ?
Can the dust be prevented
Are workers using suitable respiratory protection (P2 Dust Masks)
5. Is the work environment Noisy?
Are workers wearing as a minimum Class 4 or above hearing protection where mandatory hearing protection is prescribed?
6. Housekeeping is well controlled
All Leads are off the ground
Tools and materials are stored neatly and away from walkways
Plant, tools and equipment being used are correct
Have pre-start checks been completed on mobile plant or equipment by the operators?
Does Mobile Plant or Equipment have a current inspection tag indicating this months?
Materials used are verified as acceptable
Inspection, test and control points being observed
Environmental controls in place
SWMS Review Checklist
Has SWMS been signed off by the Project Manager?
Have all the workers signed onto the SWMS?
Photo of the SWMS sign on page
Have there being any changes to the SWMS?
Has the Project Manager authorised these changes?
Are all the controls in place?
Are there any new hazards not identified in SWMS?
New Risk Identified
New Risk
Describe New Risk
Picture of new risk
Suggestion on how new risk can be controlled
Is work proceeding in compliance to the SWMS?
Do the workers know to stop work if a non compliance is identified, and only restart when the SWMS can be complied with?
Please enter Items requiring action
Action Required:
Assigned to:
Date due
Take a photo of close out evidence
Date evidence of action was controlled or closed
Lead observer to sign
Add other observers name(s)