Area -
Conducted on
WestConnex M4E - Parramatta Rd Civil
M4E - WORKPLACE INSPECTION NO 34 Working near concealed services
Area Supervisor:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
- Karly Douglas
Lead Inspector:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
- Karly Douglas
Other members of the inspection team?
Additional auditors
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
- Karly Douglas
Another auditor
Have all options been explored to eliminate the need for workers to work in the vicinity of live services?
Has a Pre-Start Briefing been conducted? Did it contain all of the controls to be utilised to manage the risks associated with working near concealed services?
Have plant operators had their competency evaluated?
Does the SWMS detail the hazards and controls specific to working near concealed services?
Is there a valid work permit in place for the work being performed?
Take a photo of the Valid Permit and the Permit register
Does the work pack contain a ‘Dial Before You Dig’ drawing showing the location of underground utilities?
Take a photo of the drawings.
Has a site survey been carried out to check for surface indicators of utilities, for example light posts, valve pits, pit covers?
Have suitable cable and pipe locating devices been used to confirm position of the utilities (remember these devices can’t detect plastic pipes)?
Are cable and pipe locating devices calibrated/serviced as per manufacturer’s requirements?<br>
Are drawings available that show the location of all services?
Has ongoing verification of services been undertaken through potholing, ground penetrating radar or similar?
Has the position of underground utilities been marked on the surface?
Take a photo of services marked on the surface
Have all underground utilities near machine excavation work been positively identified through pot holing with non conductive tools?
Is a competent safety observer in place when excavating around underground utilities?
Are all workers outside the Plant Operating Zone of any operating plant?
Are exposed services adequately supported/protected?
Please enter Items requiring action
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Action Required:
Action assigned to?
Due Date
Provide evidence that the Corrective Action/s, has been completed controlled or eliminated.
Take photo of evidence to close
Date action closed
Lead Inspector to sign
Other members of the inspection team to sign: