WestConnex M4E - Parramatta Rd Civil
Conducted on
Parramatta Road - Area - Activity - Task
Area Supervisor:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Lead Inspector:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Other members of the inspection team?
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Another auditor
Correct type of barricade selected for hazards identified in accordance with the SWMS?
Note: (Refer to Barrier Selection Guide) Coloured warning tape, rope, cones or flasher units alone do not serve as a physical barrier and shall only be used as a temporary measure. Flagging must have information tags containing reason for flagging and name of contact point)
What type of barriers have been selected
- Windrow Earth Berm
- Concrete
- Jersey Water Filled
- Engineered Plant
- Steel crowd control
- Perimeter temp fencing
- Webbing
- Flagging
- Witches Hats
Has permanent / semi-permanent metal perimeter fencing of at least minimum 2.0m height installed around work site to prevent unauthorised entry?
What type of fence is around the perimeter
- Steel Temp Fencing
- Hoarding
- Other
If other is it adequate to prevent prevent unauthorised entry?
Do barricades have appropriate information and warning signage?
They should identify the type of activity or hazard, have the contact details of the responsible person and a date implemented in clear writing
Where a person is at risk of falling, is physical edge protection is installed in accordance with the Safety Essential for work at heights?
What type of edge protection is in place
- Has fixed edge protection been installed with hand rail mid rail and a toe board
- Safety Nets
- PerimeterScreensing
- Penetration Covers
- Exclusion Zones
Does the edge protection comprises of a handrail, mid-rail and toe board that is permanently or temporarily fixed.
If it is a scaffold structure above 4 meters has it been accompanied with a completed Scaffold Handover Inspection Checklist and Scaffold Handover Inspection Certificate.
Are Jersey barriers interconnected?
Take a photo of them
Are Plastic jersey barriers where used, filled with water?
Take a photo
Does the barricading encompass the entire potentially affected area of the hazard?
Has an exclusion zone been established for
- Protection from falling objects
- Protection around excavations
Is this sufficient to control the hazard or activity
Is the barricading constructed so that it is capable of remaining anchored in position during inclement weather?
What type of bracing does the fence have?
- Bracing a interval no more than 5 meters apart
- Fixed bracing to a permemant structure
- Bracing ever 10
- Bracing more than 10
Are all access ways clearly demarcated to avoid workers walking into hazardous areas?
Is there overhead protection provided where there is a potential for falling objects or where persons are working in close proximity or directly overhead?
What type of overhead protection has been installed
Where earth berms are formed is the material able to withstand imposed plant load, minimum height of earth berm must be 50% of the height of the largest tyre on plant operating in the vicinity?
What is the largest type of vehicle or mobile plant using this route?
Is this safe or at risk?
Are all signs and barricades kept clean and maintained in a good condition and well illuminated?
Do the barricaded areas have designated points(s) of entry?
Action required?
Allocated to
Action due
Lead Inspector to sign
Other members of the inspection team to sign: