WestConnex M4E - Parramatta Rd Civil
Conducted on
Parramatta Road - Area - Activity - Task
Area Supervisor:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Lead Inspector:-
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Other members of the inspection team?
- Daniel Taylor
- Simon Baldwin
- MIchael Paton
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiororski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Joe Vu
- Danielia Cullura
Another auditor
Has a Lift Operations Coordinator (LOC) appointed for the project?
Tom Gabris is CSJ's appointed lifting coordinator, contact Tom - Gabris, - for any Lift Study and Lift Plans sign off's or information regarding lifts that are required.
Are lift plans prepared by a competent person in accordance with the Safety Essential for Mobile Cranes and Lifting Operations?
All lifts must be risk assessed according to the Lift Matrix classifications.
What type of lift is being conducted
- If the load is more than 50Te TG must sign off the lift Plan
- If the load is under 50Te and bewteen 75% and (0% of eth Crane Capacity a Business Unit Engineering Manager
- Gross Load between 15Te - 50Te and under 90% of the rated crane capacity
- Gross load under 15Te and under 75% or crane capactity
Is a lift supervisor appointed to ensure lifts are carried out as per the Lift Plan or Lift Study?
Ask the lift supervisor to sign this as part of the inspection
Is the work being undertaken in accordance with the SWMS, Lift Start Card, Lift Plan or Lift Study (as appropriate)?
Take photo of the Lift Start Card or lift Study / Plans
Is there an approved SWMS in place?
Have all the crew signed on to the current SWMS
Ask them to sign on to the SWMS
Is the work being undertaken in accordance with the SWMS, Lift Start Card, Lift Plan or Lift Study (as appropriate)?
Take a photo of the lift.
Have exclusion zones been established?
Has an exclusion zone been established for
- Windrow Earth Berm
- Concrete
- Jersey Water Filled
- Engineered Plant
- Steel crowd control
- Perimeter temp fencing
- Webbing
- Flagging
- Witches Hats
Take a photo
Is the crane travelling on or set up on suitable ground? Approved by a certified geotechnical engineer if required by the Lift Plan or Lift Study?
What are the ground conditions?
- Stable ground signed of by Geotech
- Heavy Vehicle designed Haul Roads
- Clear of underground services
- Ground packers in place
Take a photo of the operational area and /or the stability of the crane
Are the outriggers supported as per the Lift Start Crad, Lift Plan or Lift Sudy?
Take a photo of the outriggers supported position
Are the outriggers barricaded to prevent inadvertant contact by passing plant or vehicles?
Take a photo identifying outriggers are suitably protected against traffic
Has all lifting equipment marked with SWL and within current inspection and test dates?
What colour is the current inspection tag?
Take a photo of current inspection tags
Has all rigging equipment e.g. slings, chains, spreader bars and the like are to be inspected, tagged and certified for use by a competent person prior to use?
What colour is the current inspection tag?
Take a photo of current inspection tags
Is all documentation (e.g. logbook with completed pre-start, OEM, Plant Risk Assessment, lift chart) available for each crane to be utilised?
Take a photo of the logbook page
Is a calibrated test weight available where required by a Lift Plan or Lift Study?
Ask the crane operator / Lift Supervisor what was assessed during the calibration test?
- Load cell accuracy
- Ground Conditions
- Alarms worked for radius
Is the appropriate signage on the barricading to highlight the lift hazards?
Is barricading in place to restrict access?
Take a photo of barricading and signage in place
Are cranes lifting above 90%? NB Then there must be an approved Essentials Exception in place
Has a means of communication means been established between the Crane Crew?
What means of communication are being used?
- Hand signals
- Radio
- Whistles or Horns
- Voice
Has the communication system been tested before the lifts commence?
Have the crew completed
- A walk through of the lift
- Identified any hazards
- Clear path away from other plant or LV's
- Not lifting over any one
- Reversing into anything
Are tag lines used to control loads? Consider length, non conductive fibre and thickness (16mm)
Hands are not being used to control the loads, tag lines are being used
Action required?
Allocated to
Action due
Lead Inspector to sign
Other members of the inspection team to sign: