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Completed forms are to be kept readily available (preferably on site) for the duration of construction works, after which time shall form pat of the CDM Health & Safety file.
Sensible Monitoring Audit Completed By:
Site Manager:
Contract Number:
Project Title:
Conducted on
Previous Inspections
Any H&S actions identified shall be entered onto Audit / Inspection Action Log and brought to the urgent attention of the appropriate personnel as soon as possible. Contractor / Project Manager to be notified of actions required / taken.
1) Have any previous inspection been carried out on the management of sub-contractors? if so;<br>a) Are the most recent reports available?<br>b) Have all the major findings been actioned?
Attach any images relevant to question 1 here.
Policy and Procedures
2) Does your organisation have policies, procedures and systems in place for the;<br>a) Selection of sub-contractors?<br>b) Management of sub-contractors?
Attach any images relevant to question 2 here.
Selection of Sub-Contractors
3) What is the process for the selection and appointment of sub-contractors?
Attach any images relevant to question 3 here.
4) Provide evidence to demonstrate that this process has been adhered to.
Attach any images relevant to question 4 here.
5) How is the selection of sub-contractors / suppliers controlled?<br>NOTE: Process for selection of contractors may be via an AVL.
Attach any images relevant to question 5 here.
6) Does the selection and appointment process identify the minimum requirements for a sub-contractor HS&E Management System?<br>NOTE: <br>- H,S&E Management system <br>- Compliance with Principal<br>- Contractors Policy, Procedures and Site Rules Management of H,S&E Risks<br>- Incident / Accident Reporting<br>- Occupational Health Surveillance<br>- Environmental Management<br>- Competence. Proven Track Record.<br>- Resource (people, equipment)
Attach any images relevant to question 6 here.
7) Demonstrate that the process for the selection of sub-contractors includes for the assessment of competency?
Attach any images relevant to question 7 here.
Management of Sub-Contractors
8) What information is received from a sub-contractor prior tot he commencement of work activities?<br>NOTE:<br>Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Evidence of Safe System of Work (SSW) i.e. Permit to Work?<br>Site Induction Known Risks i.e.: Hazardous areas legal requirements, procedures and standards. <br>Written work instructions, Site Rules and Plant Details. Work Location.
Attach any images relevant to question 8 here.
9) Within your organisation, who is responsible for the review of risk assessments and method statements submitted by the sub-contractor?
Attach any images relevant to question 9 here.
10) How is the review carried out and the outcome communicated back to the sub-contractor?
Attach any images relevant to question 10 here.
11) Prior to the commencement of a work activity, how are personnel informed of:<br>a) Method Statement?<br>b) Risk Assessment?<br>c) Roles and Responsibilities?<br>NOTE: 'Personnel' includes principal contractor and sub-contractor.
Attach any images relevant to question 11 here.
12) Immediately prior to the commencement of a work activity, how is the competency of sub-contractors personnel assessed?
Attach any images relevant to question 12 here.
13) How is H,S&E information disseminated to sub-contractors?<br>NOTE: Is feedback encouraged in HS&E forums / meetings / formal consultations?<br>Check minutes / actions to see if raised are addressed / incorporated in the policies.
Attach any images relevant to question 13 here.
14) What action is taken if a sub-contractor deviates from the method statement?
Attach any images relevant to question 14 here.
15) What system do you have in place for accident / incident reporting, and how is this communicated to your sub-contractors?
Attach any images relevant to question 15 here.
16) How are lessons learned and subsequently communicated and shared with sub-contractors?
Attach any images relevant to question 16 here.
17) How does your organisation ensure sub-contractors have suitable arrangements in place for:<br>a) Supervision?<br>b) Management of their contractors?
Attach any images relevant to question 17 here.
18) Demonstrate that a system in place to ensure sub-contractors receive, or have received, appropriate training and instruction to enable them to work safely in compliance with current health, safety and environmental legislation?<br>NOTE: Principal contractor should include sub-contractors in relevant briefing / training sessions and retain records.
Attach any images relevant to question 18 here.
Auditing and Inspection
19) Is there a process for the auditing and inspection of sub-contractors activities?<br>NOTE: look for a written process, including remedial action and close out approval procedure.
Attach any images relevant to question 19 here.
20) Provide evidence to demonstrate that the requirements of this process have been adhered to.
Attach any images relevant to question 20 here.
21) Does the process clearly and adequately record:<br>a) The scope of the audit / inspection?<br>b) The findings of the audit / inspection?<br>NOTE: Visit to site me be recorded and a record of action taken retained. There should be evidence that inspections are being carried out by the Principal Contractor.
Attach any images relevant to question 21 here.
22) How are findings of audits and inspections addressed in relation to:<br>- Non-compliance with legislation><br>- Non-conformance with organisational policies and procedure?
Attach any images relevant to question 22 here.
23) How are the actions resulting from audits and inspections: <br>a) Reported<br>b) Tracked<br>c) Closed Out
Attach any images relevant to question 23 here.
Extra Notes
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Sign Off Audit
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