Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Group Policy & Responsibilities
1.1 Has a manager with responsibility for health and safety been appointed?
1.2 Has the manager appointed for health and safety responsibility been trained to a minimum IOSH Managing Safely in order to undertake their duties ?
1.3 Is there a copy of the qualifications certificate on file for the manager responsible for H&S at the site
1.4 Has the site GM been trained to a minimum of IOSH Managing Safely in order to take accountability and responsibility for overall H&S management at site ?
1.5 Is there a copy of the qualifications certificate on file for the GM in respect of their H&S qualification ?
1.6 Is a current copy of the Group H&S Policy (HS01 dated 2011), signed statement of intent clearly displayed in a prominent position (e.g. H&S notice board) ?
1.7 Is a current copy of the Group H&S Policy Organisation & Arrangements individual responsibilities accessible to all employees (e.g. available on the H&S notice board ?
1.8 Is there clear documentary evidence (names and signatures) to confirm that all employees have read and understood the Group H&S Policy Statement?
1.9 When questioned, are employees aware of their individual H&S responsibilities and where this information s stated?
1.10 Is H&S clearly identified as an agenda item at all site management meetings?
1.12 Is H&S clearly identified as an agenda item at all departmental meetings (e.g. FOH, GYM, F&B, Nursury/Crèche etc)?
1.13 Have all ten folders identified within the revised H&S strategy been setup, and are ready for population with all H&S documentation?
Risk Assessment / Safe Systems Of Work
2.1 is there a master index for all risk assessments?
2.2 Have all completed risk assessments Been completed by a competent person (e.g. minimum of IOSH Managing Safely)?
2.3 Have all activities and tasks (excluding those in connection with the pool plant room and poolside life guarding arrangements) been subject to the completion of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment?
2.4 Are all sections of the risk assessment complete (e.g. hazards suitably identified, risk controls suitably identified, risk rating complete)?
2.5 Are all risk assessments dated and signed by the person who has completed them?
2.6 Have all risk assessments been signed and dated by the site General Manager?
2.7 Is there evidence to suggest that risk assessments are reviewed in order to progress further controls identified?
2.8 Have all risk assessments been reviewed within the last twelve months? Is there documentary evidence available to support this?
2.9 Where appropriate (e.g. following an accident, change of use of area or activity etc) has a review of the current risk assessment been undertaken and additional risk controls implemented as necessary?
2.10 Is there clear documentary evidence in the form of a signature sign off document, to confirm that all site employees have read and understood all risk assessments (as appropriate) on file?
2.11 Is there a documented index in place for all safe systems of work?
2.12 Where identified as a risk control measure as part of the risk assessment process, (with the exception of the pool plant room and pool life guarding arrangements) is there a completed safe system of work on file for all tasks and activities
2.13 Have all site employees been trained in safe systems of work appropriate to their job task? Is his evidenced with a signature sign off document?
COSHH - Excluding Pool Plant Room
3.1 Has a COSHH inventory been completed for all hazardous substances?
3.2 Following a review of the site. Have all hazardous substances been included in the COSHH inventory identified above?
3.3 Is there a copy of the manufactures chemical material safety data sheet on file for all hazardous substances identified in the inventory?
3.4 Has a suitable and sufficient COSHH risk assessment been prepared for all hazardous substances identified on the COSHH inventory based on the information contained on the manufacturer’s safety data sheet?
3.5 Are all chemical substances stored in their original containers?
3.6 Are all chemical substances stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s chemical safety data sheet and COSHH risk assessment?
3.7 Is access to chemical substances restricted with appropriate security measures (e.g. locked cupboard doors, separate secure chemical storage container)?
3.8 Are emergency eye wash facilities available in all areas that chemical substances are stored (e.g. eye wash bottles or mains fed eye wash station)?
3.9 Are emergency eye was station bottles suitably maintained (e.g. bottles in date and un-opened, clearly visible with signage)? Is this clearly documented and recorded?
3.10 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a signed document in place for all employees to confirm that they have been trained in the use of hazardous substances in line with their job role?
3.11 Has the hazardous substance training been completed within the last twelve months for all employees?
3.12 Are copies of manufactures chemical safety data sheets and COSHH risk assessments available in all areas where chemical substances are stored?
3.13 Is appropriate warning signage in place in all areas where hazardous substances are stored?
Fire & Evacuation
4.1 Has a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment been prepared for the site?
4.2 Following the completion of the Fire Risk Assessment. Have all actions arising from the risk assessment been formulated into an action plan?
4.3 Have points within the action plan been suitably addressed and signed off?
4.4 Have weekly fire alarm tests been consistently completed and a record maintained?
4.5 Have quarterly fire evacuation drills been completed and suitably recorded?
4.6 Have quarterly fire evacuation drills been completed and suitably recorded?
4.7 Has an annual inspection been undertaken of all portable fire fighting appliances?
4.8 Has action been taken for all issues raised during the course of an annual portable fire fighting equipment inspection (e.g. extinguishers replaced as appropriate)?
4.9 Have fire evacuation plans been produced and placed in relevant positions around the premises?
4.10 Have local fire and emergency evacuation procedures in line with the evacuation plans been produced for the premises?
4.11 Has consideration been given in the local fire and emergency evacuation procedures to those members and employees who may be affected by the Equality Act?
4.12 Has fire warden training been undertaken at this site?
4.13 Has fire extinguisher training been undertaken by all site employees?
4.14 Has a procedure for dealing with members who may be in a state of undress or using wet side facilities been suitably identified within the local fire and emergency evacuation procedures?
4.15 Has a procedure for dealing with children who may be utilising the Crèche/Nursery facilities been suitably identified within the local fire and emergency evacuation procedures?
4.16 Have Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) been prepared for members and employees subject to the Equality Act?
4.17 Are all fire exit routes around the facility free from obstruction?
4.18 Are all fire exit doors subject to daily inspection (recorded on daily safety facility checks) and freely opening when checked?
4.19 Are all internal fire resisting doors in good condition (glass where applicable not damaged, hinges in good condition, door closer in position and doors closing correctly, intumescing strips in place and not damaged etc)?
Seriuos Incident Management Manual (SIMM)
5.1 Is a photocopy of the SIMM retained within the emergency evacuation bag?
5.2 Has the SIMM been updated to reflect current regional managers/directors including contact details?
5.3 Has Part 6 of the SIMM been updated to reflect current site employees and job roles?
5.4 Is the evacuation bag checked as part of the daily H&S checks?
5.5 Are two working torches located with the emergency evacuation bag?
5.6 Are at least two hi-viz vests located within the emergency evacuation bag?
5.7 Is there a readily available supply of foil blankets available with the emergency evacuation bag?
5.8 Are pens/pencils located within the emergency evacuation bag?
5.9 Has a copy of the SIMM been issued to all site managers and DM’s to be retained off site?
5.10 Have managers and DM’s been trained in the use of the SIMM and is this adequately evidenced with a sign off sheet?
5.11 Are managers and DM’s trained in the reporting of Serious Untoward Incidents (SUI’s)? Is this evidenced in the form of a sign off sheet?
5.12 Is the manager on duty conversant with the procedure to be adopted in the event of a toxic gas release (chlorine gas)?
5.13 Is the manager on duty conversant with the procedure to be adopted in the event of emergency evacuation alarm activation (fire alarm)?
Pool Safety Operating Procedure (PSOP)
6.1 Reviewing the site rota, are there at least three employees on site at all times who hold an NPLQ qualification and are competent to respond to a pool emergency?
6.2 Have daily checks been undertaken and recorded in respect of poolside emergency response alarm points?
6.3 Have remedial actions been completed for any alarm points recorded as not working?
6.4 Does the site have a minimum of two fully functioning EMS pagers?
6.5 Are the pagers held by site employees in a position to respond and provide assistance in an emergency situation?
6.6 Is signage located within the changing room area detailing the swimming pool lifeguard arrangements?
6.7 Is pool depth signage located on poolside in at least two positions and clearly visible?
6.8 Is ‘no running’ signage located on poolside in at least two locations and clearly visible?
6.9 Is ‘no diving’ signage located on poolside in at least two locations and clearly visible?
6.10 Are poolside emergency response alarm points clearly signed in accordance with the pool lifeguard arrangements?
6.11 Are there a minimum of two ‘throw bags’ located on poolside?
6.12 Is there a minimum of one ‘torpedo buoy’ located on poolside?
6.13 Are reach poles located on poolside?
6.14 Where applicable, are lifeguards dressed in appropriate uniform?
6.15 Are all pool tank lights functioning correctly?
6.16 Are all main pool hall lights (including high level lights) functioning correctly?
6.17 Are the duty lifeguards identified on a master rota for the site?
Lifeguard Management
All N/A
Pool Plant Room Management including COSHH, Risk Assessment & Safe Systems of Work
8.1 Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been prepared for the filling of sodium hypochlorite day tank or granudos dosing system (as appropriate)?
8.2 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.3 Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been prepared for the filling of sodium bisulphate day tank or changing of sulphuric acid container (as appropriate)?
8.4 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.5 Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been undertaken in respect of the delivery and storage of pool plant room chemicals?
8.6 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.7 Have safe systems of work been prepared for the filling of a sodium hypochlorite day tank or granudos machine?
8.8 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above safe system of work has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.9 Have safe systems of work been prepared for the filling of the sodium bisulphate day tank or changing of the sulphuric acid container (as appropriate)?
8.10 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above safe system of work has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.11 Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been prepared for the changing of a flocculent container or the dosing of aluminium sulphate?
8.12 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.13 Has a suitable and sufficient COSHH assessment been prepared for either calcium hypochlorite or Sodium hypochlorite?
8.14 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above COSHH risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.15 Has a suitable and sufficient COSHH risk assessment been prepared for either sodium bisulphate or sulphuric acid?
8.16 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above COSHH risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.17 Has a suitable and sufficient COSHH risk assessment been prepared for either aluminium sulphate or PAC (flocculent)?
8.18 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above COSHH risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.19 Have suitable and sufficient risk assessments been prepared in respect of backwashing pool filters?
8.20 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that training in the above risk assessment has been undertaken by all site employees (relevant to job task)?
8.21 Is appropriate warning signage in place adjacent to all chemical day tanks and dosing systems to warn of chemical hazards?
8.22 Are all chemical day tanks (as appropriate) protected by suitable bunds capable containing 110% of the day tank capacity?
8.23 Are all chemical storage bunds free from debris and water?
8.24 Are all dosing lines ‘sleeved’ continuously from dosing pumps (or granudos machine) to injector points and appropriately colour coded?
8.25 Are all full pool plant room chemical containers stored within a suitable bunded storage area away from other chemicals (no possibility of mixing)?
8.26 Are all empty pool plant room chemical containers stored within a bunded storage area away from other chemicals?
8.27 Are empty calcium hypochlorite containers disposed of via an authorised hazardous waste carrier? Is there documentary evidence in the form of a waste transfer not or invoice to evidence this?
8.30 Review current and previous pool and spa testing log sheets. Are pool and spa testing log sheets (as appropriate) printed out in colour?
8.31 Are all pages of the pool and spa testing log sheets present (including back action sheet)?
8.32 Reviewing present and past pool and spa log sheets (as appropriate), are chemical levels maintained within acceptable parameters at all times? If outside of acceptable parameters, has a record of action taken been made on the action sheet?
8.33 Has a safe system of work been prepared for the action to be taken if the pool or spa (as appropriate) chemical levels fall outside of acceptable parameters?
8.34 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that all site employees (as appropriate to job role) have been trained in the above safe system of work?
8.35 Do all site employees undertaking pool tests hold a minimum of a Pool Plant foundation qualification? Is this evidenced with a copy of a certificate on file?
8.36 Are all employees engaged in the filling of day tanks or dosing equipment suitably qualified, holding a valid (within last 5 years) three day Pool Plant Operators Certificate? Is this evidenced with a copy of the certificate on file?
8.37 Is personal protective equipment supplied and in good condition as specified in the COSHH assessment and material safety data sheet?
8.38 Reviewing the site rotas and qualification certificates, is there a fully trained and competent three day pool plant operator on site at all times the site is operational?
Water Hygiene Management – including Legionella
9.1 Has an L8 risk assessment been prepared for this site within the past two years?
9.2 Has the L8 risk assessment been printed off and placed within the legionella management folder?
9.3 Have all action points arising from the L8 risk assessment been completed and signed off by the site General Manager?
9.4 Has ‘responsible person’ training been undertaken by both the General Manager and H&S/Ops Manager?
9.5 Have shower temperature checks within the ladies changing room been undertaken every month?
9.6 Are the ladies shower temperature checks (recorded pre-mixer valve) within acceptable parameters?
9.7 Are the ladies shower temperature checks recorded on the current L8 risk assessment provider’s documentation?
9.8 Have shower temperature checks within the male changing room been undertaken every month?
9.9 Are the male shower temperature checks (recorded pre-mixer valve) within acceptable parameters?
9.10 Are the male shower temperature checks recorded on the current L8 risk assessment provider’s documentation?
9.11 Have the temperatures of a minimum of three running outlets been recorded every month?
9.12 Are the temperatures of the running outlets within acceptable parameters?
9.13 Have the running outlet temperatures been recorded on the current L8 risk assessment provider’s documentation?
9.14 Is the pool plant room emergency drench shower or mains fed eye wash station tested at intervals of at least once per month? Is this adequately evidenced with a signature sign off sheet?
9.15 Has a complete annual record of all microbiological water testing results been maintained?
9.16 Where a ‘fail’ has been detected, is the appropriate remedial action recorded on the bottom of the microbiological testing report? Is the form signed to confirm that remedial actions outlined have been undertaken?
9.17 Is a safe system of work on file for dealing with Pseudomonas Aeruginosa?
9.18 Is a safe system of work for dealing with E.coli?
9.19 Is a safe system of work on file for dealing with a high TVC (colony count)?
9.20 Is there a safe system of work on file for dealing with coliforms?
9.21 Is there a safe system of work on file for dealing with a legionella outbreak in a shower area?
9.22 Is there a safe system of work that details the procedure to be adopted for descaling and disinfecting shower heads?
9.23 Is there documentary evidence in the form of a sign off sheet to confirm that all employees (appropriate to job task) have been trained in the above safe systems of work?
10.1 Are cardiac drills conducted on a monthly basis and records suitably maintained (non NPLQ but hold FAAW)?
10.2 Are first aid boxes checked on a weekly basis and stocks maintained as appropriate? Is this adequately evidenced with a sign off sheet?
10.3 Does the defib contain two batteries that are within date?
10.4 Does the defib contain two sets of pads that are unopened and within date?
10.5 Are daily safety facility checks completed on a daily basis and signed off? Are remedial actions noted on the action sheet and signed off when complete?
10.6 Is all gym equipment and spin bikes suitably maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines in respect of daily cleaning and maintenance, weekly maintenance and monthly maintenance?
10.7 Is emergency lighting tested on a monthly basis and suitably recorded? Are all remedial actions completed and signed off?
10.8 Has a fixed electrical (EIT) testing regime been completed within the last 12 months and a copy of the report retained on file?
10.9 Have all code 1, 2, and 3 electrical faults recorded on the report been addressed? Is this suitably documented?
10.10 Have all items of portable electrical equipment been subject to Portable Appliance Testing within the last 12 months?
10.11 Have all items of electrical equipment identified as a ‘fail’ within the report been removed from site or repaired? Is this adequately evidenced?
10.12 Have all gas appliances (boiler, cookers etc) been tested by a competent person within the last 12 months? Is this adequately evidenced?
10.13 Has the site passenger carrying lift (if appropriate) been subject to a six monthly Zurich inspection? Is this adequately evidenced with a copy of the Zurich certificate on file?
10.14 Has the pool hoist (if appropriate) been subject to a six monthly inspection regime? Is this adequately evidenced with a copy of the Zurich certificate on file?
10.15 Are all flammable materials (e.g. paints, grease, oils etc) suitably stored in a fire proof cabinet?
10.16 Are copies of risk assessments and safe systems of work retained on file for all third party contractors?
10.17 Is there a locally produced documented review system in place to document and review all contractor documentation on at least an annual basis?
10.18 Is there a clearly documented local induction process for all contractors working on site?
10.19 Has the contractor permit to work system as identified in HS21 been implemented? Is this adequately evidenced?
10.20 Are the contractors signing in and out sheets complete in all respects?
10.21 Are all accidents and incidents reported on the Datix system?
10.22 Is the manger on duty aware of the procedure to be adopted in the case of a potentially RIDDOR reportable incident occurring in line with Group Policy?
10.23 Are accident investigations completed for all RIDDOR reportable incidents? Is this adequately evidenced with witness statements, accident/incident investigation report forms etc retained on file?
10.24 Is there a local clearly documented procedure/safe system of work in place for cash handling?
10.25 Is there a clearly documented procedure/safe system of work in place for the securing of the building at the end of the working day by employees/contract cleaners? Is there documentary evidence that this has been effectively communicated?
10.26 Are all areas of the premises including back office areas, plant rooms, outside storage areas etc clean and tidy?
10.27 Is the bin storage compound secured when not in use?
10.28 Is all rubbish contained within waste disposal bins(no rubbish on floor)?
Creche & Nursery
11.1 Are all staff working in the facility CRB checked and is there suitable evidence to support this?
11.2 Have sufficient Staff within the facility received training in the Paediatric First Aid
11.3 Is there sufficient evidence to support this (certificates)
11.4 Is a copy of the Company “Crèche & Nursery policy” readily available and is there evidence that staff have been made aware of its detail?
11.5 Are monthly Fire Evacuation drills conducted and are these suitably recorded?
11.6 Are “Finger Guards” present on all doors within the facility?
11.7 Are “sleeping Baby checks Suitably Recorded?
11.8 Is there a suitably qualified First aider on duty at all times the facility is open?
11.9 Are all staff areas suitably identified with clear signage and are they kept secure?
11.10 Is suitable PPE identified for activities such as Nappy Changing, available, and is it used?
11.11 Is all waste disposed of in the correct manner, and is clinical waste segregated from non clinical waste
11.12 Are all toys and play areas maintained in a clean and tidy state?
11.13 Are all hot water outlets thermostatically controlled and is the risk from scalding addressed correctly?
11.14 Is there a documented procedure for action to be taken in the event of outbreak of Illness or disease?
11.15 Is there a documented procedure in place for recorded and reporting accidents illness and injury to staff and children?
Executive Summary
A visit was made on the 21st of November 2011 to the consumer wellbeing site in Battersea to conduct an annual health and safety audit.<br><br>During the visit the following points were noted;<br><br>• Sign off sheets need to be completed by all staff to document staff training in respect of policies risk assessments, risk assessments, safe systems of work and COSHH<br>• Risk assessments have no review dates<br>• Risk assessments need to be signed off by both the general manager and the h&s/ops manager<br>• A COSHH inventory needs to be completed for the site<br>• Chemicals are not stored correctly e.g. chem. Aqua and aerosols<br>• Safety data sheets need to be placed where chemicals are stored<br>• Formal fire training needs to be undertaken at site<br>• A copy of the SIMM needs to be placed in the emergency evacuation bag<br>• The SIMM needs to be updated to reflect all managers at site<br>• There is only one torch in the emergency evacuation bag<br>• When questioned the manager on duty was not fully aware of his responsibilities during a fire evacuation<br>• Signage needs to be placed near the bromine<br>• The back action sheet on the spa log sheets need to be filled in when chemical levels fall out of acceptable parameters <br>• There is not always a 3 day pool plant operator on site at all times<br>• Remedial actions are still outstanding on the L8 risk assessment<br>• Shower checks need to include cold water temperatures<br>• Outlet temperature checks need to be completed monthly<br>• There is no SSOW on file in respect of disinfecting shower heads<br>• Flammable material is not stored in a fire proof cabinet<br>• RAMS’s are not on file for all third party risk assessments<br>• There is no contractor review system in place<br>• The crèche team are not carrying out monthly fire evacuation drills<br><br>I can confirm the overall score for Battersea is amber at 80.1%<br>