Engineer tech No.
Engineer Name.
Job number and customer name.
Conducted on
Engineer is to hand this over to the customer to answer the following Questions:
Did the engineer explain adequately what work he was there to do for you today?
Did the engineer demonstrate the system to your level of understanding?
Did the engineer show you the MY SKY app? Above
If NO did he explain why you don't have this service and how you can get it?
Over the whole visit has the engineer shown you anything new or provided you with any service that you didn't have before? Please comment.
Did the engineer make you aware of any sales options today?
Over the next few days you may receive a text/email survey inviting you to comment on today's visit has your engineer mentioned this to you?
For information the question to expect from sky is:
how likely are you to recommend sky to a friend or colleague based on today's visit. (By this engineer) note the question will have a sliding scale of 0 to 10 whereby 10 means great service. The question directly relates to the visit conducted today by the engineer and should not be answered to reflect any other visit or correspondence with sky.
Thank you for your feedback -
Thank you for completing this short survey. I hope my engineer lived up to your expectations. To further comment on any part of the service you received today you can email the engineers manager. Email address will be given upon request.
Please now return the iPad to the engineer. Many thanks your feedback is appreciated. -
This section is for completion by the engineer.
Did you replace the dish?
photo of dish
Did you replace the cable
photo of cable
Did you replace the F-connectors
photo of F-connectors
Did you run the mesh tool?
copy of mesh diagram
Did you run Data loggers?
Add screen shot of mini logger percentage.
Engineer confirmation
This Section is for the engineer ONLY
Thank you -
Note this survey is an official document set in line with your current plan. It is your responsibility to ensure (as per your Plan) that every customer completes the survey. Please indicate below (if unsuccessful) why? The survey will be used to measure your success on customer satisfaction in line with your NPS. Note results may be reviewed against the verbatim reports for accuracy purposes and customer follow up calls may be made to follow up any issues found on the surveys.
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