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  • Conducted on

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Personal Hygiene

  • Food handlers are fit for work and show no symptoms of illness<br>(e.g. diarrhoea and vomiting).

  • Clean clothes or aprons are worn during food preparation and food service.

  • Ensure no jewellery is worn.

  • Hair is kept tidy and covered with clean caps or hair nets where appropriate.

  • Fingernails are short, clean, unpolished and without nail accessories.

  • Sores, wounds or cuts on hands, if any, are covered with waterproof and brightly-coloured plaster.

  • Hands are washed thoroughly with soap and water frequently and at appropriate times.

  • Food is handled with clean utensils and gloves.

  • Disposable gloves are changed regularly and/ or in between tasks.


  • Receiving area is clean and free of food debris, boxes and other refuse.

  • Food supplies are obtained from licensed or approved sources.

  • Incoming food supplies are visually inspected upon receipt.

  • Incoming chilled and frozen products arrived at appropriate temperature.

  • Raw and ready-to-eat food are well separated and properly contained.

  • All food supplies are promptly moved to proper storage areas.

Food Storage Area (Food)

  • Food storage area is clean, free of pests, dry, well-ventilated and in good state of repair.

  • Dry goods (e.g. canned food and drinks) and other food items are stored neatly on shelves, off the floor and away from walls.

  • Food is protected from contamination; packaging is intact and no products are found with signs of spoilage.

  • Food packaging and storage containers are properly labelled, indicating the content and date of expiry.

  • Proper stock rotation system such as the First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) system is used for inventory management.

Food Storage Area (Non-food)<br>

  • Non-food items (e.g. insecticides, detergents and other chemicals) are not stored together with the food items.

  • Personal belongings are kept separately in the staff locker area or cabinet, away from the food storage area.

Cold Storage

  • Freezers and chillers are maintained at the correct temperature: chiller 0°C to 4°C; and freezer not above -12°C.

  • Freezers and chillers are kept clean and well-maintained.

  • Food storage units are not overstocked to allow good air circulation.

  • For walk-in freezers and chillers, food items are stored neatly on shelves and off the floor.

  • Food items are properly wrapped/ covered in proper containers and properly labelled, indicating the content and date of expiry.

  • Proper stock rotation system such as the First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) system is used for inventory management.

  • Cooked / ready-to-eat food are stored above raw food.

  • Temperatures of the freezers and chillers are monitored with a functioning and calibrated thermometer.

Food Preparation

  • Food preparation area is clean, free of pests and in good state of repair.

  • Hand washing facilities are easily accessible, in good working condition and soap is provided.

  • Food is not prepared on the floor, near drain or near/ in toilet.

  • Ingredients used are clean and washed thoroughly before cooking.

  • Frozen food is thawed in chiller, microwave or under running water.

  • Proper work flow and segregation of areas with no criss-crossing between raw and cooked / ready- to-eat food areas.

  • Proper separation of cooked food / ready-to-eat food, raw meat, seafood and vegetable to avoid cross-contamination.

  • Different chopping boards, knives and other utensils are used for cooked / ready-to-eat and raw food.

  • Food is cooked thoroughly to the required core temperature.

  • Food is cooled rapidly before refrigeration.

  • Ice machine is kept clean and well- maintained.

  • Only ice is stored in the ice machine to prevent contamination of the ice.

  • Equipment, exhaust hood, crockery and utensils are kept clean and well-maintained.

  • Dirty / soiled equipment, crockery and utensils are washed immediately after use.

Non-food Related

  • Equipment, crockery and utensils are not chipped, broken or cracked.

  • Adequate number of covered refuse pedal bins are available and refuse is properly managed and disposed.

  • Refuse bins are properly lined with plastic bags and covered at all times.

  • Refuse is properly bagged before disposing it at the waste disposal area / bin centre.

Hot Holding / Cold Holding

  • Food items are properly wrapped / covered in proper containers and protected from contamination.

  • Cold dishes are held at 0°C to 4°C.

  • Hot dishes are held above 60°C.

  • Cold and / or hot holding units are kept clean and well-maintained.

Delivery (if applicable)

  • Food transport vehicles are kept clean and free of pests.

  • Non-food related items (e.g. insecticides, detergents and other chemicals) are not stored in food transport vehicles.

  • Food items are properly wrapped/ covered in proper containers and protected from contamination.

  • Food is transported at appropriate temperature using hot and/ or cold holding units.

  • For time-stamping compliance, food is time stamped. The time stamp should indicate the time the food is cooked and to be consumed.

Waste Disposal Area / Bin Centre (if applicable)

  • Waste disposal area / bin centre is clean, free of pests and free of spillage.

  • Refuse bags are disposed into the refuse bulk bin and are not placed on the floor.

  • Refuse bulk bins are kept closed at all times.

Toilets (if applicable)

  • Toilets are clean, dry and well- ventilated.

  • Basic amenities such as soap, toilet paper, hand dryer/ paper towel and waste bins are available.

  • Toilet fittings facilities are in good working condition.

Training and Certificates (Compulsory documents)

  • All food handlers have Basic Food Hygiene certificate and a valid Refresher Food Hygiene certificate (if applicable).

  • Food Hygiene Officer has a Food Hygiene Officer certificate.

Records and Documentation (To maintain records and documents)

  • • Daily temperature monitoring record (Chiller)

  • • Daily temperature monitoring record (Freezer)

  • • Daily temperature monitoring record (Cooked food)

  • • Daily temperature monitoring record (Hot/ Cold holding temperature)

  • • Supplies receiving form

  • • Cleaning and maintenance records for equipment, ventilation and exhaust system

  • • Pest control record


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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.