Title Page
Site conducted
- Mainternence
- Warehouse & Distribution
- Production
- Technical
- Admin/Finance
- Sales
- HC/Marketing
Location / Specific area
Conducted on
Prepared by
Team Members
Task / Process Information
Job / Procedure Ref#
What task is being preformed (Description / Scope of Work)
Permit No.
Zoom-In on the Area, People and Tools
Do you require a permit to work?
Is the procedure available & are you familiar with it?
Are there any other work activities in the area that can impact my task.
Are there any other departments influenced by my task?
Am I and fellow workers physically capable & not-fatigued, trained, competent and authorized to do the task safely?
Are the tools to be used inspected, calibrated, correct for the job and SAFE?
Do all team members have the correct PPE and safety equipment to perform the task safely as per the procedure / instruction where available?
Has the correct equipment been isolated, locked-out and tested?
Red Tag Number
Is the area in which the task will be performed clean and organised, and are work and walk surfaces cleared?
Are there any barricades, demarcation, or warning signs in the area where the task will be performed?
Have any incidents occurred in this or a similar area, or for this or a similar task?
If YES provide details:
Evaluate the Hazard
Process Safety (e.g. hazard/flammable chemicals, heat, pressurized system)
People transportation (e.g. traveling in own or company provided vehicle/transport)
Product transportation (e.g. Hazchem or cargo in transit)
Occupational health/hygiene (e.g. hazardous chemical, noise, manual work)
High-risk machinery (e.g. moving vehicles, fixed moving & rotating machinery)
Working at heights (e.g. people, objects or loads at heights)
Working with electricity (e.g. energized equipment including high / low voltage
Confined spaces (e.g. working in tanks, vessels, excavations)
Structural integrity (e.g. integrity of dam wall, bridges, buildings, scaffolds, hoists)
Non-process fire ignition (work near e.g. veld, wood, paper, electricity, etc)
Security (e.g. valuable goods, political instability, crime, worker behaviour)
Product quality (e.g. production -, external provider- or quality processes)
Working around liquid bodies (work in/around e.g. effluent dams, tanks )
Explosive management (e.g. explosives, blasting, in-process manufacturing)
Reafirm Controls
Process Safety List Controls
People transportation List Controls
Product transportation List Controls
Occupational health/hygiene List Controls
Environment List Controls
High-risk machinery List Controls
Working at heights List Controls
Working with electricity List Controls
Confined spaces List Controls
Structural integrity List Controls
Non-process fire ignition List Controls
Security List Controls
Product quality List Controls
Working around liquid bodies List Controls
Explosive management List Controls
Reaffirm Behaviors
Always use your PPE
Secure yourself while Working at Heights
Be Authorized and Competent
Verify Ignition Source
Concentrate While Driving
Avoid Suspended Loades & Moving Vehicles
Isolate and Zero Energy Testing
Confined Space Atmospheric Toasting
Work Permit Required
Follow Journey Management Plan
Assess and use Safe Walking and Work Surfaces
Avoid Awkward Body Positioning
Maintain Good Housekeeping
Keep Clear from Nip Points
Apply and Adhere to Warning Systems
Conduct Safe Pushing/Pulling
Stay Clear of Line of Fire
Keep Eyes on Path/Task
Follow Manual Handling & Lifting Techniques
Conduct Pre-Job Preperation
Use Safe Tools and Equiopment
Opportunity to Correct
Description of deviations
Responsible Person
Deviation Fixed
Can you proceed safely with the task?