
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Add location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Add media

  • Is all plant and equipment on site detailed on the site asset register?

  • Is there a detailed site Macro Plan for planned preventative maintenance work available on site?

  • Are copies of previous engineers job sheets available on site within te site file? (Cross reference to macro)

  • Are all maintenance logs on site up to date?

  • Are all forms onsite controlled in acordance with the IMS?

  • Is there a site dilapidation report?

  • Is all equipment used on site calibrated and assigned to the correct user? E.G. gas analysers, ATMs and Light meter etc.

  • Are all tools that the engineers use assigned on the tool register?

  • Has the correct PPE and uniform been issued to the operatives and is it in good condition?

  • Is there evidence of the employees induction on site?

  • Are statutory notices clearly displayed, current and endorsed as appropriate?

  • Are all Servest RA's suitable and sufficient (are they appropriate to the task, do they identify all the relevant hazards and control measures?) Are site specific RAMS available?

  • Are the RAMS communicated to all those exposed to risk?

  • Are the engineers completing Job Specific Risk Assessments? (JSRA)

  • Has the HSE File on site been reviewed at least annually?

  • Is there evidence of permits to work for previous working on site and if so have they been correctly completed?

  • Are there copies of previously completed supervisors H&S inspections in the HSE site file and have all actions been closed out?

  • Is the general condition of the workplace/site free from hazards likely to affect the public and or third parties?

  • Is there adequate signage regarding fire exits, escape routes and hazards etc?

  • Are all emergency exits clear and sufficient?

  • Have operatives access to appropriate washing and toileting facilities?

  • Are there appropriate rest facilities available?

  • Is fresh drinking water available?

  • Has the site got appropriate first aid provision? (First aider, first aid boxes etc?)

  • From discussion do site operatives know how to access first aid and what to do in the event of an emergency situation?

  • Is there a safe access and egress to roof areas? Are the correct controls in place for work to be carried out safely?

  • Has the operative sufficient barriers and signage to warn and protect third parties?

  • Are all work areas adequately lit?

  • Do plant rooms etc. have noise hazards?

  • Is work suitably managed in high risk areas such as vehicle movement areas, confined spaces and remote locations?

  • Are all contractors on site evaluated and on the Servest approved list?

  • Are all subcontractors competent for the tasks being carried out? Is evidence of competence available?

  • Is there evidence subcontractors have been inducted onto site?

  • If applicable, have subcontractors been subject to an inspection and have any issues been raised? Are any issues resolved?

  • Is the correct access equipment provided and used for tasks? Is the WAH Hierarchy being used?

  • Is there evidence that all access equipment I.e. step ladders etc. have been logged and inspected?

  • Is there adequate protection for work areas eg. barriers, signs, notices, tape?

  • Are all doors and hatches accessing opening onto unprotected edges secured using a permit controlled key?

  • Are harnesses used on this site? Is there evidence of operatives training and harness inspection records?

  • Are all personnel that are required to use mobile scaffolding and MEWPs competent to do so and is evidence of competence available?

  • Have all operatives received the correct WAH training for the tasks they are undertaking?

  • Are all electrical tools, cables, plugs, leads, etc. in good condition?

  • Is all elctrical equipment used 110v or battery operated? Where 203v equipment is required is an independent RCD in use?

  • Are distribution boards protected with insulation mats etc?

  • Is there adequate electrical signage inc. warning, hazard, and emergency notices?

  • Where electrical work is being undertaken, do the operatives, including subcontractors, hold the correct qualification? (City and Guilds, 17th Edition etc.)

  • Are all substances/materials safely and securely stored?

  • Do operatives have the correct PPE for all the substances/materials used?

  • Where stationary air conditioning and refrigeration systems contain more than 3kg of ODS are leak tests carried out at least annually?

  • Are eyewash stations available where chemicals are in use?

  • Have suitable and sufficient COSHH assessments been undertaken and communicated to operatives?

  • Are COSHH assessments regularly reviewed and amended as appropriate?

  • Are MSDS available for all substances/materials used and on site?

  • Is an asbestos survey/register available for this site?

  • Are the health risks associated with asbestos adequately managed?

  • Have operatives received asbestos awareness training and do they know what to do if suspecting asbestos is present?

  • Where applicable have all incidents and near misses been reported, investigated and closed properly?

  • Are appropriate emergency arrangements detailed within the site HSE file?

  • Are there an adequate means of tackling a fire if correctly trained to do so? Are extinguishers the correct type and in service date?

  • Is the fire assembly point clearly defined?

  • Are audible and visual warning devices in place where required?

  • Have operatives undergone fire safety training where required?

  • Has a list of Wastes relating to thiscd site been created and waste streams identified (with EWC Codes Assigned)?

  • Is the client site registered as a hazardous waste producer? Detail the number and registration date (applicable where a site produces 500kg or more of hazardous waste per year)

  • Are there facilities available on site for waste disposal including segregation if required?

  • Is a lamp coffin available on site for the storage of reduntant tubes?

  • If waste is transferred off site, is there evidence of Waste Transfer Notes being completed?

  • Are consignment notes for hazardous waste being completed correctly?

  • Is all waste collected/transferred by a licensed waste contractor

  • Are hazardous liquids kept safely on site and is bundling provided?

  • Is a spill kit available to operatives if required? Are operatives trained in the use of a spill kit?

  • Are hazardous liquids kept safely in the van?

  • Is a refrigerant log book in place on site and completed correctly?

  • Where stationary air conditioning and refrigeration systems contain more than 3kg of ODS are leak tests carried out at least annually?

  • Is it part of the Servest contract to maintain the interceptor? Are records kept?

  • Add signature

  • Are operatives carrying out maintenance on refrigeration equipment holding the correct qualifications? I.e. City and Guilds?

  • Are all ODS transferred from site in refillable containers and stored correctly in vehicles?

  • Are quality checks carried out on gas operatives' work?

  • Are consignment notes available for transferring of refrigerant?

  • Is all gas work carried out by qualified gas engineers? Check gas safe card details

  • Are gas analysers used on site by operatives calibrated?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.