- ARKLATEX - Little Rock
- ARKLATEX - Shreveport
- ARKLATEX - New Orleans
- BOR - El Paso
- BOR - McAllen, Del Rio, Laredo
- DFW - Dallas
- DFW - Fort Worth
- NMOK - New Mexico
- NMOK - Oklahoma
- SCT - Austin
- SCT - Houston
- SCT - San Antonio
Conducted on
Prepared by
Building Number / Name
Please describe how this review is being conducted.
Building Inspection
Is this building participating in the Waste Diversion Measure to answer EO13514?
Why not?
What % was reported during the previous quarter?
Is this facility meeting the FY14 goal of 30% waste diverted to meet the EO13514 requirements?
What % was reported during the previous quarter?
Is there a local recycling program available?
Does the recycling center charge to recycle?
How much?
Does the recycling center provide revenue back to GSA?
How much?
What recyclable material is the custodial contractor accepting?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
What additional recycling programs are available?
Does the facility have adequate recycle bins?
Does the facility have a Green Team?
What events are sponsored by the facility Green Team?
Do tenants receive a newsletter about being environmentally friendly or about recycling?
Does this GSA office purchase post-consumer products?
Does this facility participate in the Federal Green Challenge?
How is the waste stream calculated for this facility?
Program Compliance
Program Reviewer
Field Office Representative