
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Main audit area

  • Shop

  • If checking bar check latest CMI audit for possible action points

Previous audit finding

  • Have areas identified in previous audit been action and what were they?


Customer service

  • Staff in uniform and are efficient, helpful, organised and projecting a positive attitude

  • Queue and flow well managed?

  • Efficiency and speed of service appropriate to the conditions

  • Leaders staff and guests liaised and engaged with where appropriate

  • What has recent feedback been are the team aware and actioning?

Health and safety

  • Cleaning rota in place and upto date

  • Area behind tills clean and free of litter

  • Front of shop clean, tidy and litter free

  • Pick n mix area clean throughout service scopes in place, procedure for disposing of waste

  • Fire escapes clear and where needed unlocked for service

  • Stocked first aid kit available

  • Shop opening times displayed

  • Last recorded freezer temperature check

  • Temperature checks happening regularly

  • Chemicals stored and used as per COSH guidelines

  • Items on display in date

  • Front on house items being stock roasted

  • Stock room stock being rotated

  • Stock room items being stored correctly ( where possible not over head height

  • Staffs understanding of current department objectives

  • Date of when risk assessments where last updated

  • Risk assessments in place and content correct


  • Observation on staff performance

  • Staff programme on display

  • Staff files up to date

  • Reviews upto date, quality of content

  • Observation frequency and quality

  • Question staff on operating procedures,possible questions what to do if your till doesn't cash up, what would you do if a guest complained, what temperature should the fridges be at

Rangeland merchandising

  • All items stocked as within approved range

  • All core range products are stocked

  • All items are clearly and correctly priced

  • Stock is cleaned and well presented

  • Confectionary does not take up more than 10% of total shelf space

  • None banded items do not take up more that 20 % of total shelf space

  • Banded products outwards facing

  • Shelves, fridges stocked no spaces

  • Space around tills utilised

  • Low margin confectionary only available by tills

Vending machine

  • Vending machines fully stocked, clean outside and in

  • Vending machine fully operational ( including, drinks machines and tea and coffee machines)

  • Planogram on mars machines being adhered to

  • Are machines appropriatly placed to maximise profitability ( consider all types snack, drinks and tea)

  • Are cash boxes padlocked

  • Question staff on procedure for reporting faulty machines

Financial awareness

  • Outlet is cashed up on a daily basis

  • Question staff on procedure for dealing with discrepancies when cashing up (till reading vs actual banking)

  • Float checked to ensure it is correct

  • Banking and float securely stored

  • Retail senior aware of current SPH and are able to comment on why it is at that level

  • Retail senior aware of current GP% and is able to explain why it is at this level

  • Deliveries being checked on arrival

  • Retail senior able to talk through and demonstrate the system in place for processing purchase orders and delivery notes/ invoices

  • Staff are able to talk you through the procedure to follow if stock leaves the venue without being paid for (wastage, transfer to another department)

Retail stock sheet to be discussed with retail manager

  • Period sales compared with till readings and necessary re counts completed

  • Total stock levels are within agreed parameters

  • Revenues and deliveries are input on retail stock sheet on a weekly basis

  • Any general comments

  • Action points from this audit

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.