Title Page

  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Location

General behaviour

  • The employees are familiar with the ricks and dangers connected with their activity and their working place

  • The employees respect the safety rules while in the production area

  • There are well visible pedestrian and transport routes

  • The production area is being regularly cleaned

  • The production area is well illuminated

  • The maintenance areas are protected with safety fences

  • Observations to "General behaviour"

  • The employees use correctly the PPE?

  • The used PPE are suitable for the performed activity and guarantee the required protection level?

  • The work clothes and PPE are clean?

  • Observations to "Personal protection equipment (PPE)"

  • Is there the risk for an employee to hit himself / or get hit while performing his production duties?

  • Is there the rick for an employee to be crushed by something while performing his production duties?

  • Can an employee fall from a certain height?

  • Can an employee get burned / frostbite?

  • Can an employee receive an electric shock?

  • Can an employee be injured when moving loads manually?

  • Observations to "Position regarding rick situation"

  • Are the used tools and equipment suitable for the performed production tasks?

  • Are the tools and equipment used correctly?

  • Are the used tools and equipment in good conditions?

  • Are there any protective devices on the equipment?

  • Are stairs, platforms, and railings (fancings) in good condition?

  • Observations to "Tools and equipment"

  • Are there dedicated procedures regarding the performed activity?

  • The employees are previously instructed on how to perform safely the activity?

  • Before the beginning of the activity, a briefing was performed?

  • Is the equipment reliably disconnected from energy carriers when performing maintenance works?

  • Observations to "Procedures and instructions"

  • Is there order in the workplace?

  • Are the aisles free? Is there any risk of stumbling?

  • Are there dedicated storage areas?

  • Are materials and equipment stored safely?

  • Are the pits protected by manholes, shelters or fencing?

  • Are there safety signs and posters indicating the risks of a certain workplace?

  • Is local lighting of the workplace sufficient?

  • Observations to "Order at the working place"

  • Are fire extinguishers available and in good condition?

  • Is access to fire fighting equipment guaranteed?

  • Are flammable materials properly stored?

  • Are the routes and exits clear for evacuation?

  • Observations to "Fire safety"

General observations and activities

  • General observations during the audit

  • Activities

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.