Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Reason for Audit
Major Works
Site specific (Tender has been awarded)
Re assessment
Reason for reassessment
Tender evaluation Major works
If a contract is awarded a site specific SMP must be developed and reassessed
Minor works
Site specific (Tender has been awarded)
Re assessment
Reason for reassessment
Tender evaluation Minor works
If a contract is awarded a site specific SMP must be developed and reassessed
1.1 Is there a Work Health and Safety(WHS) policy authorized and or signed by the organizations senior management, clearly stating the overall WHS objectives and demonstrates a commitment to improving WHS performance?
1.2 Does the policy include a commitment to comply with relevant WHS legislation and other requirements ?
1.3 Is the policy documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees ?
1.4 Has the policy been revised within the last 12 months and relevant to the organisation ?
1.5 Is there a process to identify legal and other requirements that are applicable to its activities, products and services ?
2 OHS Management Plans
2.1 Has a review of the Safety Management Plan (SMP) been conducted in the last 12 months
Review date of SMP
3.0.0 Identification of Hazards, Hazard/Risk Assessment and Control of Hazards/Risks
3.0.1 Has the organisation documented site specific hazards?
3.0.2 Are the high risk construction activities for the site listed ?
3.0.3 Is there a documented procedure to identify hazards in the workplace ?
3.4 Is the hierarchy of controls used to manage risk ?
3.1.0 Emergency Preparedness and Response
3.1.1 Is there a site specific emergency plan with location of emergency assembly point, site emergency contacts and full site address ?
3.1.2 Are all potential emergency situations identified and emergency procedures documented for preventing and mitigating the associated illness and injury?
3.1.3 Is there a first aider and contact number identified on the signage ?
3.1.4 If provisions of 1st aid is left to the subcontractors, is there a process to ensure compliance occur. ? (If this is the case every subcontractor must have a a first-aiders on site and first aid kits)
3.1.5 Does the site have a process to signal an emergency ? Detail method below.
3.1.6 Is there a schedule for testing emergency evacuation ?
4 Structure and responsibility
4.1 Has the organization defined, documented and communicated the areas of accountability and responsibility (including those imposed by WHS legislation) of all personnel involved in the SMPs operation?
4.2 Has the organisation demonstrated commitment to WHS training with respect to the level of work being undertaken ?
5 Consultation & communication and reporting
5.1 Is there a process for consulting workers WHS management decision?<br><br>
5.2 Is there a process for consultation with workers on a regular basis ?
5.3 What process is used for consultation ?
- Monthly WHS meetings
- Weekly WHS meetings
- Weekly tool box talks
- Fortnightly tool box talks
- Other
If other, what process ?
5.4 Is there a process for ensuring important WHS information is communicated to workers ?
5.5 Does the organisation have a procedure to cover WHS performance reporting ?
5.6 Does the organisation have a procedure to cover reporting on hazard identification ?
5.9 Does the organisation have a procedure to cover Defence Housing Australia (DHA) reporting requirements ?
6 Information, instruction and training.
6.1 Is there a clearly identified induction procedure that complies with Commonwealth WHS regulation 316 ?<br>
6.2 Is the principle contractor or their representative identified as responsible for delivering site inductions?
6.3 Is the requirement to have a current construction induction card clearly indicated ?
6.4 Is there a clearly defined set of site rules ?
6.5 Are workers offered the chance to access and read the site safety management plan ?
6.6 Are high risk licenses and certificates of competency asked for where applicable ?
7 Incident notification, reporting, investigation and prevention.
7.1 Does the organisation have a procedure for notifying incidents deemed notifiable the relevant WHS regulator and DHA ?
7.2 Does the organisation have a procedure for responding to, investigating and preventing incidents?
7.3 Is there clear instruction that a site is to be preserved until clearance is given by the Regulator and DHA WHS officer ?
7.4 Has the organisation identified circumstances where health surveillance is required as required by Commonwealth WHS regulation 58 and have a process for satisfying the requirement.
7.5 Does the organisation refer to Audio metric testing where PPE is used as a control measure?
8 Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
8.1.1 Does the safety management plan require a SWMS for every high risk activity prior to work commencing as required by Commonwealth rWHS Regulations 299, 300,301, 302 and 303.
8.1.2 Is there a process for reviewing and approving a SWMS prior to work commencing ?
8.2.0 SWMS review process cover
8.2.1 A step by step logical sequence for the task ?
8.2.2 The organisation doing the work is identified on the SWMS ?
8.2.3 That the SWMS is specific to the site
8.2.4 WHS hazards are identified;
8.2.5 That workers have participated in developing the SWMS
8.2.6 Hazards are controlled
9 Electrical safety
9.1 Is there an electrical safety section in the SMP ?
9.2 Does the section refer to AS/NZS 3012:2010 Electrical installations for construction and demolition sites, as required by Commonwealth WHS Regulation 163 ?
9.3 Does it refer to testing and tagging of portable electrical equipment every 3 months minimum ?
9.4 Does it have an isolation procedure. That includes lock out and tagging of incomplete and live circuits?
10 Plant and equipment
10.1 Is there a procedure to assess risks associated with plant at the workplace ?
10.2 Is there a procedure to ensure operators of plant are appropriately trained and licensed ?
11 Traffic management
11.1 Is there mention of safe delivery and movement of construction materials ?
11.2 Does the plan address traffic management on and near the site ?
12 Hazardous substances
12.1 Is there a hazardous substance register ?
12.2 Is there a procedure for the safe storage and handling of hazardous substances ?
12.3 Asbestos
12.3.1 If the presence of asbestos is present, does the plan manage this risk ?
13 Risks to services
13.1 Does the plan address risks to underground services such as gas, electricity, water, and communications
13.2 Does the plan mention pot-holing to identify services ?
13.3 Does the plan address over head services ?
14 Issue resolution
14.1 Is there a procedure for Resolution of WHS issues ?
14.2 That the entity responsible for addressing the issue is identified ?
14.3 That the severity of the risk and number of workers possibly exposed is taken into account ?
14.4 That if requested by any party, details of the issue and its resolution be set out in a written agreement ?
15 Return to work
15.1 Is there a return to work policy for injured workers to work ?
16 Records and Record Management
16.1 Has the organisation established, procedures for the identification, maintenance and disposition of WHS records, as well as the results of audits and reviews?