Title Page

  • Premises Name & Address

  • Client Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Accompanied by

Audit Details

  • Introduction

  • Scope

  • Background

  • Summary

Audit Questions


  • Is up to date ‘Health and Safety Law’ notice displayed?

  • Is up to date Safety Policy Statement displayed?

  • Is copy of current Employers Liability Certificate displayed?

  • Is there a current Health & Safety Policy covering employee activity at this site?

  • Do employees at the site have access to the policy?

  • Are summaries of risk assessments, hazards and control measures specific to the work area available?

  • Are risk assessments available for individual service users?

  • Is an up-to-date Fire Risk Assessment available?

  • Are all persons provided with a suitable induction, including fire safety procedures?

  • Are records of safety meetings/staff briefings kept?

  • Are records of Safety inspections/Audits kept?

  • Are accident/incident report forms and internal accident report forms available?

  • Are documents in languages other than English available?


  • Are all contractors selected from an 'Approved Contractor List'?

  • Are Risk Assessments/Safe Systems of Work/Permit to Work provided by contractors?

  • Do contractors receive adequate H&S / Emergency Procedure/Induction Training prior to work commencing?

  • Do contractors provide health and safety information, including a valid Insurance Liability Certificate?

  • Are contractors only allowed to appoint sub-contractors following express authorisation?


  • Are all relevant persons informed of the procedures and the identity of the person responsible for reporting of accidents, near miss and property damage?

  • Are all relevant persons informed of the procedures and the identity of the person responsible for the first aid facilities and administrating first aid?

  • Are all relevant persons informed of the location of the first aid facilities and the accident record book?

  • Is the first aid box clearly identified?

  • Are the contents of the first aid box suitable and sufficient?

  • Are the contents of the first aid box regularly checked and replenished?

  • Are the first aid facilities readily accessible at all times?

  • Are there sufficient qualified first aid personnel in the workplace?


  • Is there a means of fire detection and warning system is in place?

  • Is the fire alarm and detection system maintained and records kept?

  • Is the fire alarm tested weekly and records kept?

  • Are alarm sound levels adequate in all areas (including with all doors shut)?

  • Is there a procedure in place to ensure the alarm sound level can be heard in all areas?

  • Are escape routes and exits unobstructed and clearly marked?

  • Are escape routes and exits illuminated by emergency lighting (including external areas)?

  • Is emergency lighting maintained adequately?

  • Are housekeeping arrangements satisfactory?

  • Is portable fire-fighting equipment provided?

  • Is the portable fire-fighting equipment maintained?

  • Is the portable fire-fighting equipment easily accessible?

  • Is suitable signage displayed on firefighting/protection equipment?

  • Is a documented fire procedure in place?

  • Are people trained in the fire emergency procedure?

  • Are there responsible persons appointed to supervise the safe evacuation of the premises?

  • Are fire drills routinely practised?

  • Has a suitable fire evacuation assembly point been designated?

  • Are smoking prohibition signs clearly displayed at the entrances and around the premises?

  • Has a suitable external area been designated for use by smokers?


  • Are electrical systems (lighting, power circuits etc.) tested at suitable intervals?

  • Are portable electrical appliances tested at suitable intervals?

  • Do appliances appear in good condition?

  • Do plugs, sockets, leads etc appear in good condition?

  • Have trailing leads been eliminated?

  • Are there enough sockets (i.e. not overloaded)?

  • Are procedures in place for dealing with faulty equipment?

  • Are employees trained in the safe use of equipment?


  • Has programmed maintenance been set up for replacing of lamps reporting defective lighting?

  • Has programmed maintenance been set up for cleaning diffusers?

  • Are lighting switches located in easily accessible positions adjacent to door entry positions to avoid risks during entry or exit from the building?

  • If external lighting is provided, is it adequate and sufficient

  • Are lighting levels on corridors and stairs adequate?


  • Is the boiler room kept secure?

  • Is the boiler routinely maintained and records kept?

  • Are Gas Safety Certificates or similar available?

  • Are portable gas heaters suitably inspected and maintained?


  • Has a water hygiene risk assessment been carried out?

  • Is a water hygiene management system in place?

  • Are water temperatures are checked and records kept?

  • Is water supply equipment maintenance in place and records kept?

  • Is there a water tank for the building?

  • Is the water tank room kept secure?

  • Is suitable signage displayed on the water tank room door?

  • Is access suitably controlled?


  • Are restraints in place to restrict opening to 100 mm?

  • Is all glazing and frames in good condition?

  • Do all glazing materials appear appropriate (i.e. safety glass, Georgian wire glass etc.)?


  • Has an asbestos survey has been carried out and is it available?

  • Is an asbestos register provided at the property?

  • Is an asbestos management system in place & records available?


  • Are the floors of even, sound construction and not slippery?

  • Are all floor coverings adequate and sound?

  • Are pedestrian traffic routes free from obstruction, trailing cables, equipped with suitable handrails where necessary (suitable for disabled persons)?

  • Are any changes in levels clearly marked (i.e. steps between floors)?

  • Are procedures in place to clean up spillages?

  • Are carpets in good repair (i.e. free from frayed edges) and flat and even?

  • Are floor areas free from obstructions and tripping hazards?


  • Do all external areas (e.g. gardens, patio areas, play areas), available for use by relevant persons, appear to be in good order and suitably maintained.

  • Are footpaths maintained and free from signs of significant damage?

  • Are suitable handrails provided on stairs and ramps?

  • Are any roof areas which are accessible from ground floor level suitably secured?

  • Are canopies well maintained and free from obvious signs of damage?

  • Are guttering, drains and other drainage hardware well maintained and free from obvious signs of damage?

  • Under snow/ice conditions are their facilities for gritting, clearing and closure of routes (e.g. external routes)


  • Are thermometers available at convenient positions to enable staff to check temperatures?

  • Is the surface temperature of radiators and pipe work less than 43°c?

  • If no, are control measures in place to protect vulnerable users?

  • Is the temperature comfortable?


  • Are there adequate toilet and washing facilities?

  • Are facilities cleaned and well maintained?

  • Is storage provided for staff belongings?

  • Are employees provided with adequate breaks away from the work area?

  • Is the premises regularly cleaned, in good repair and decorative order?


  • Is kitchen equipment suitably maintained?

  • Is kitchen equipment stored securely where appropriate (i.e. knives)?

  • Are floors kept clean, slip resistant and dry?

  • Is food stored correctly (i.e. at correct temperatures etc.)?


  • Are machine interlocks working?

  • Is there adequate separation of soiled laundry?

  • Are lint traps cleaned regularly?

  • Is there sufficient ventilation?


  • Are car parking arrangements satisfactory?

  • Is the car park maintained and free from signs of significant damage?

  • Are traffic control signs in place?

  • Is the car park adequately illuminated?

  • Under snow/ice conditions are their facilities for gritting, clearing and closure of routes (e.g. external stairs.)


  • Has an Access Audit been completed?

  • Is an Access Audit required?


  • Are passenger or good lifts provided?

  • Where necessary are statutory inspections on equipment being carried out by competent persons, e.g. hoists, lifts, etc.

  • Is the equipment maintained in an efficient state?

  • Have employees been trained to use the equipment provided with records retained?

  • Where the use of work equipment involves a specific risk, is the use of that equipment restricted to authorised personnel?

  • Does the work equipment incorporate any warnings or warning devices that are easily identified and understood for reasons of health and safety?


  • Have all hazardous substances that are either stored or used on the premises been identified, listed and material safety data sheets obtained?

  • Have COSHH assessments been undertaken?

  • Is all necessary personal protective equipment available to all workers who use or come into contact with a hazardous substance or biological agent?

  • Has information been given in writing to workers on hazardous substances/biological agents that they use or come in contact with and the risks that are associated?

  • Has training been given in writing to workers on the task and the use of hazardous substances together with training on the safety precautions and remedial actions to be taken in the event of an accident, spillage or other dangerous occurrences?

  • Are cuts and grazes always covered with waterproof dressings?

  • Are basic hygiene procedures in place, including regular hand washing?

  • Are procedures in place for cleaning up spillages?

  • Are employees offered immunisation against Hepatitis A/B?

  • Are pesticides and other gardening chemicals locked away?


  • Does this premises generate clinical waste?

  • Is clinical waste segregated from general waste and properly bagged in yellow bags/containers?

  • Is clinical waste storage secure?

  • Is clinical waste regularly collected and disposed of at suitable facilities?

  • Are there procedures in place to deal with spillages?

  • Are sharps disposed of in properly constructed sharps containers?


  • Is the waste cleared regularly?

  • If waste is stored in the workplace, is it kept in suitable receptacles?

  • Is the central waste storage area or bin store kept clean?

  • Is the central waste storage area or bin store well away from the building to remove / reduce the arson threat?

  • If any waste is contaminated or hazardous, are special arrangements made for its disposal?


  • Has suitable Personal Protective Equipment been issued to workers who are exposed to risk to their health and safety while at work?

  • Has suitable Personal Protective Equipment been issued to workers who are exposed to conditions that require special work clothing?

  • Is the Personal Protective Equipment appropriate for the:<br>a) risks involved?<br>b) conditions involved

  • If Personal Protective Equipment is not issued on a personal basis, do workers have clear instructions where to obtain it?

  • Is the Personal Protective Equipment inspected, cleaned and repaired/replaced when necessary?

  • Have the staff been instructed in writing to report any loss or defect in any Personal Protective Equipment?

  • Is appropriate accommodation provided for Personal Protective Equipment when not in use?


  • Have manual handling tasks been assessed for risks and preventative measures implemented?

  • Is moving and handling avoided wherever possible (i.e. by providing lifting aids or altering work methods)?

  • Are appropriate lifting aids available and used?

  • Is equipment (i.e. beds) adjustable where possible?

  • Are employees trained in the use of lifting equipment and handling techniques as appropriate?

  • Are there sufficient employees to carry out work?


  • Is access to areas at height is strictly controlled?

  • Is the use of access equipment is strictly controlled?

  • Is a register of all access equipment available?

  • Is access equipment routinely inspected, serviced & maintained and records kept?

  • Are employees instructed and trained in the correct use & selection of access equipment?


  • Is there a reporting system in place for instances of violence at work?

  • Do employees know how to report incidents and are they encouraged to do so?

  • Is an assessment of risk of violence made and problems identified?

  • Have a range of preventative measures been considered (i.e. environment, staffing, personal security, training etc.)?

  • Are preventative measures implemented and recorded?


  • Is there a policy on workplace stress?

  • Have risk assessments been completed?

  • Have preventative/remedial measures been implemented?

  • Is the effectiveness of measures monitored?


  • Do any employees carry out lone working?

  • Have Risk Assessments & Safe System of Work been developed to protect Lone Workers?

  • Have prohibited lone working activities been brought to the attention of relevant persons?


  • Are any employees classed as DSE users?

  • Have users been asked to complete a self-assessment form?

  • Have issues identified been actioned?

  • Have workstations been assessed and action taken in order to reduce risk?

  • Are eye and eyesight tests provided where required?

  • Have employees received information or training on the safe use of DSE?


  • Are children living in the property or could they be in the future?

  • Have all employees undergone a DBS check?

  • Are all contractors asked to provide evidence of DBS checks if children are present?

  • Are all fixtures children could climb secured to the wall (Wardrobe, shelving units, etc.)?

  • Do all radiators have protective guards?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.