
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Outside and D/T Lane

  • Patio and tables clean and free of rubbish

  • All bins usable and doors shut

  • Car park and road clear of rubbish

  • Menu boards clean and showing correct products

  • Cod clean

  • Window 1 & 2 clean and clear of litter

  • Glass, doors and posters clean, neat and correct


  • Tables clean

  • Floor and baseboards clean

  • All bins usable and clean

  • Glass clean

  • All lights working and digital picture frame on

  • Condiment bar stocked

  • Colouring pads and crayons available

  • Walls, wood features and feature wall clean

Female customer toilets

  • Toilet Bowls and seats clean

  • Floor clean

  • Mirror clean and smudge free

  • Sinks clean

  • Toilet roll stocked

Male customer toilets

  • Toilet Bowl and seat clean

  • Urinals clean

  • Floor clean

  • Mirror clean and smudge free

  • Sinks clean

  • Toilet roll stocked

Disabled customer toilets

  • Toilet Bowl and seat clean

  • Floor clean

  • Mirror clean and smudge free

  • Sinks clean

  • Toilet roll stocked

  • Nappy changing unit clean

  • Alarm cord free

Male Crew Toilet

  • Toilet Bowl and seat clean

  • Floor clean

  • Mirror clean and smudge free

  • Toilet roll stocked

Female Crew Toilet

  • Toilet Bowl and seat clean

  • Floor clean

  • Mirror clean and smudge free

  • Toilet roll stocked

Crew Room and back corridor

  • Bin Usable

  • Table clean

  • Floor clean

  • Crew room PC, TV and arcade machine clean and working

  • Corridor floor

  • All doors, glass and kick plates clean

  • All posters up and neat and straight


  • Floor clean (Look under the shelfs)

  • No empty B I B's

  • Stock organised and nothing on the floor

  • Tool box area tidy

Back Yard

  • Rubbish compacted

  • Bun trays and cages neat and tidy

  • Cardboard flat

  • All coats hanging up

  • Back door shut

  • Floor clean


  • Stock organised and nothing on the floor

  • Floor clean

  • Walls and Door clean

  • All products rotated

  • Temperature oC


  • Stock organised and no open boxes

  • Floor clean

  • Walls and Door clean

  • Temperature oC

Food Preperation

  • Reg Onions (Max 6) to be made

  • Chicken defrost (Max 4) to be out of the freezer

  • Salads large (max 6) to be made up

  • Salads small (max 4) to be made up

  • Promo buns to be out of the freezer

  • Promo defrost to be out of the freezer

  • Donuts to be out of the freezer

  • Cookies to be out of the freezer

  • Choc muffins to be out of the freezer

  • Toffee muffins to be out of the freezer


  • Sinks clean and clear

  • Strainers in sink

  • Bin usable and lid on

  • Enough cloths ready, all clean red and grilled cloths in sanitised water, all dirty cloths in hot soapy water

  • Mops, dry and wet, clean and organised

  • Hand wash sink clean and soap filled

  • Ice machine 3/4 full?

Grill area

  • Temping rack stocked and dated

  • Bins usable

  • All buns stocked and through

  • Grill tools and tray clean

  • Clean grill cloths and pots

  • Fronts and backs of grills clean

  • All meat stocked and dated

  • Dressing table stocked and dated

  • Sauces stocked and dated

  • Red cloths in pots

  • Mac/Qtr/Promo boxes stocked

  • Toasters clean and setup

  • Wrap and call trolley clean and stocked

  • DPSC complete and hand timer on

  • Shake and sundae stocked up and clean on top

  • Floor clean

Chicken station

  • Chicken freezer stocked and dated

  • Stainless clean

  • Oil quality and level acceptable

  • Red cloths in pots

  • Boxes and wraps stocked

  • Printer stocked

  • Sauces stocked and dated

  • UHC chart in use and followed

  • Floor clean

Fry station

  • Fry hopper filled and set to correct level

  • Stainless clean

  • Oil quality and level acceptable

  • Correct number of vats on for the projected sales.

  • Fry cupboard and salt stocked

  • Floor clean

  • Fry station clean with cloth

  • Top of station clean with advertising tents

Window 1

  • Change in till

  • Window clean

  • Tidy and organised (Trolly and work top)

  • Floor clean

  • Tills and monitors clean and working

  • Note checker working and being used

Window 2

  • Windows and window sills clean

  • Floor clean, under stations (especially under ice bucket and DT trolley)

  • Coffee machine clean, stocked and dated

  • Hot chocolate machine clean, stocked and dated

  • B I M stocked and dated

  • Chiller stocked, dated and rotated

  • Happy meal boxes and toys stocked

  • Ice, ice baby

  • Receipt printer stocked

  • D/T trolley stocked

  • Box of each sauce in cupboard

  • Hot cups and lids stocked

  • No sauces in cups or stocks in bags

  • Red cloths in pots (one on D/T side and 1 in the BIM)

  • Bin usable

Front counter

  • Bags stocked and tidy

  • Cups and lids stocked and tidy

  • Hot cups and lids stocked

  • Shake machine clean and syrups stocked up

  • Flurry toppings and sauces clean and stocked

  • Floor clean, under stations and trolleys

  • Ice, ice baby

  • Coffee machine clean, stocked and dated

  • Chiller stocked, dated and rotated

  • Red cloths in pots (1 on the coffee machine and 1 at the front of the shake machine)

  • Dessert cabinet clean, stocked and dated

  • Change in tills

  • Receipt printers stocked

  • Till toppers and menu boards showing correct products

  • Doors and glass clean

  • Bin usable

Managers Office

  • Read managers Diary and notice board

  • Bin usable

  • Desk clean and oragnised

  • Floor clean

  • Select date

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.