Site Engineer:
Conducted on
Inspected by:
Are all materials and equipment stored correctly?<br><br>
Are storage areas clearly defined?
Are all areas clean and tidy?
Is there flooding of site or neighbouring properties?
Are roads clear of mud and debris?
Hazardous Substances/Chemical Management
Are flammable liquids, fuels and gases stored correctly?
Are all containers labelled correctly?
Are MSDS's available and accessible to employees?
Are spill kits available and fully stocked?
Are refuelling bowsers or dedicated refueling area located away from the stormwater system or waterway?
Are ACM and coal tar being managed and disposed of appropriately?
Is there any visible ground contamination?
Erosion & Sediment Control
Are stockpiles located appropriately?
Are diversion pipes present and fit for purpose?
Are catchpits adequately protected?
Are waterways adequately protected?
Are stockpiles covered?
Is sediment tank(s) operating properly?
What is the level of sediment buildup in sediment tank?
Are sediment/silt fences installed correctly and fit for purpose?
Are 2 hour checksheets complete?
TSS level below 150mg/L?
Oil/water separator functioning properly?
Is discharge path clean?
Is overpumping occuring consistent with the Wastewater Overpumping Guide?
CIPP Processes
Is there a plan for the proper disposal of curing water?
Has this plan been adequately communicated to staff?
Is there a contingency plan in place for any spills to the natural environment?
Is sewage being bypassed? If so, what plans are in place in the event of a pump malfunctioning, blockage or other event leading to an uncontrolled overflow?
Is there any evidence of spills onsite that have the potential to discharge to a waterway, the stormwater system and/or affect ground vegetation?
Is there adequate equipment/materials on site to deal with any spills (e.g. appropriately sized spill kit, spare pumps, hoses and fittings)?
Are chemicals, fuels etc being used onsite stored appropriately?
Is there any evidence of spills/leaks?
Is vegetation fenced off adequately?
Is the dripline clear?
Is the're any visible damage to surrounding vegetation?
Are pumps/generators appropriately located?
Are noise mitigation measures in place?
Do pumps and generators meet noise standards?
Is dust managed appropriately?
HAIL site monitoring sheet complete?
Site works managed in accordance with SMP?
Overpumping secure?
Are environmental risks/hazards identified on HSE board
Site access stabilised?
Does the site have an FCC site environmental folder
Is there a site specific consent for this project
All consents in site file?
EMP visible?
Environmental Advisor/Inspector