Title Page
Conducted on
Engineer Details
Engineer Name :
Tech ID :
Region :
Contact Phone Number :
Customer Details
Visit Number :
Customer Name :
Customer Postcode :
Product Type
Is the issue with Broadband or TV?
Broadband Information
What type of Broadband is the issue with?
Who is the 3rd party provider?
What router does the customer have?
What make and model is the customers Older Sky router?
What is the make and model of the 3rd party router?
Router Serial Number :
What is the issue with?
Details of Issue (please include as much information as possible) :
Please describe corrective actions taken to resolve the issue :
STB Information
STB Type :
What is the make and model :
Version number :
Serial number :
Software Version :
Viewing card number :
Customer Set up
TV Make and Model :
STB Connectivity (Picture)
How is STB connected?
Is the issue related to a TV Link?
Are there multiple TV's being run off one link (i.e. Using a splitter)?
STB Connectivity (Audio)
What Connection is being used?
Is there any other connected equipment?
What other equipment is connected?
- Games Console
- DVD / Blu-Ray Player
- Amplifier
- Media Streaming Device
- Other
What other equipment is connected (Type / Make / Model)?
What is the make and model of the Games Console?
What is the make and model of the DVD / Blu-Ray player?
What is the make and model of the Amplifier?
What is the make and model of the Media Streaming Device?
On Demand Connectivity
Who is the Broadband Provider?
Who provides the customers Broadband?
What is the make and model of the router?
What router does the customer have?
What is the make and model of the router?
Router Serial number :
How is the Box connected to the router?
What is used to connect the box to the router?
What type of On Demand Connector?
Issue Details
Is the issue permanent or intermittent?
How often is issue Present?
Please describe how often the issue occurs :
Have you seen the issue?
Please describe the issue (include as much information as possible) :
What Channels, if any, are affected (please use the EPG number)?
Does the customer have Multi Screen?
Are the other boxes affected by the issue?
What is the Multiscreen STB Type?
What is the make and model?
Version Number :
Serial Number :
Software version :
Viewing Card number :
External Setup
What dish is installed?
What dish is being used?
LNB Type :
LNB Make/Model if known :
Cable Type :
Approximate length of cable :
Export completed form to : digi.techsupport@bskyb.com
In the subject line of the email please specify
TV ESCALATION for TV issues or
BROADBAND ESCALATION for Broadband issues.