Title Page
Teacher's Name
Subject / Course
Semester/School year
Conducted on
Please confirm if the following criteria are apparent
Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Teacher interaction with students
Student interaction with other students
Establishing a Culture for Learning
Importance of content
Expectations for learning and achievement
Student pride in work
Managing Classroom Procedures
Management of instructional groups
Management of transitions
Management of materials and supplies
Performance of non-instructional duties
Supervision of volunteers and paraprofessionals
Managing Student Behavior
Monitoring of student behavior
Response to student misbehavior
Organizing Physical Space
Safety and accessibility
Arrangement of furniture and use of physical resources
Communicating with Students
Expectations for learning
Directions and procedures
Explanations of content
Use of verbal and written language
Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Quality of questions
Discussion techniques
Student participation
Engaging Students in Learning
Activities and assignments
Grouping of students
Instructional materials and resources
Structure and pacing
Using Assessment in Instruction
Assessment criteria
Monitoring of student learning
Feedback to students
Student self-assessment and monitoring of progress
Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Lesson adjustment
Response to students
Name and Signature of Evaluator