Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all team wearing clean and appropriate uniform
Is hair clean and tied back , and where required hair nets being worn
Are moustaches and beards neat, clean and well trimmed
Is only permitted/ religious jewellery being worn
Are fingernails short, neat and free from polish
Are hand wash areas stocked with soap, hand towel and hot and cold running water - 10% deducted if failed
Are hand wash areas clean
Are freezers operating between -18 and -24 with any corective actions recorded
Are all fridges operating below 5 degrees within a tolerance of 8 degrees and with any corrective actions recorded. 10% reduction if failed
Are all handles, seals, shelving , walls and ceilings cleaned and well maintained
Are raw and RTE food stored seperately. 10% deduction if failed
Are all products labelled correctly, rotated and in date. 10% deduction if failed
Is the ambiant area clean and tidy
Are all products in the ambiant store labelled correctly, rotated and in date, including products that have been decanted
Is there any food stored on the floor in the ambiant stores
Are all ambiant open packs sealed or stored in a lided container
Are there any chemicals stored in the outside the COSHH cupboard
Are all food handlers showing good personal hygiene standard
Are all cuts and boils or wouns covered with appropriate plasters/bandages
Are all equipment and utensils clean and maintained in a hygienic state of repair
Are the correct chopping boards being used
Are raw and RTE foods being prepared seperately and safely. 10% fail if not
re food products being prepared in small batches
Are there any food handlers eating or drinking while preparing food
Are allegen proceedures documented in place and being practised by team
All all food items correctly segregated . 10% deduction if not A
Are all FOH team knowledgeable about allegen proceedures
Are all BOH team knowledgeable about allengen proceedures
Are all cooked and reheated temps recorded and documented in accordance with critical limits
Are all cooked temperatures to a safe level and if not corrective actions recorded . 10% deduction if failed
Are adequate cooling temperatures in place and being documented
Are all hot foods at 63 degrees or above and is recorded correctly - 10% deduction if not
Are all cold food kept below 8 degrees as per HACCAP and recorded in the daily diary
Is the temperature and time of food recorded when taken out of the temperature control
What actions need to be completed
Are allegen and GM food signs clearly displayed
Are food temperatures being recorded every 2-3 hours
Are there probe wipes and workng probes available
Are all cleaning materials and equipment well maintained and stored
Are cleaning checks being completed and recorded
Is there adequate PPE / sanitizer and detergent available Are
is the ice machiine clean and cleaning record up to date
Are all windows to food areas kept closed or fly mesh fitted
Are all doors to the fod areas kept closed and fitted with rodent strips
Are there any access points for pests throughout and around the food area
Are all insecutors in clean working order and positioned correctly
Are all overhead lights working and covered with shields to prevent contamination from broken glass
Are all floors walls ceilings and wndows and screens clean and well maintained
Is there any significant potentia imminent risks of health and safety to employees or members of the public e.f pest activity. 10% deduction if failed
Are there any slop/trip hazards throughout the aea
Are the fire extinguishers in correct positions, not being obstructed and correctly signed
is there a first aid box containing appropriate materials
Are all PAT testing stickers in date
Is the health and safety board up to date
Are all electrical fictures and fittings in safe good working order and being used correctly . No daisy chain or cracked sockets
Ask a selection of team if they are aware of emergency proceedures
Are COSHH risk assessments available and up to date
Are ladders locked away, only accessible to competant and trained members of the team
Are all fire risk assessments complerte and up to date
Are waste bins being kept clean
Is the waste being managed to prevent any build up or overflow of waste
Is the wastage being seperated for recylcling