
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • This report must be completed for ALL incidents even when a detailed report is completed.

    This report is to be completed no later than 24 hours after the incident.

    Completed forms are to be emailed or faxed to the Executive Assistant.

Event Details (to be completed by the person reporting the incident).

  • Name:

  • Date and time of incident

  • Date and time of investigation

  • Project Name

  • Manager:

  • Environmental incident details

  • Environmental Impact Details. (Outline app./ communities impacted and extent of impact.). Include photos and drawings as appropriate.

  • Add media

  • Add drawing

  • Environmental incident category (refer to descriptions at the end of this report)

  • Permits in place

  • Enter other permits in places

  • Involved persons

  • Person involved
  • Name

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Address

  • Location of incident
  • Is a detailed investigation required for this incident?

  • Investigation to be completed by:

  • Select date

  • Additional information.

  • Have any MNES been impacted?

  • Provide details of MNES impacted

  • Have any State listed species or communities been impacted?

  • Provide details of species / communities impacted.

  • Further action take:

Corrective Actions

  • Remedial actions required

  • Action:
  • Description of action

  • Who is to complete the action?

  • Action is to be completed by when?

  • Verified action completed by:

  • Date action completed

Review and sign off

  • Project / scheme manager

  • Select date

  • Manager / Supervisor

  • Select date

  • Environmental Manager

  • Select date

  • Report is to be emailed / forwarded to the Environment Manager

Corrective Actions

  • Remedial actions required

  • Action:
  • Description of action

  • Who is to complete the action?

  • Action is to be completed by when?

  • Verified action completed by:

  • Date action completed

Environmental Incident Categories descriptions and examples: Minor Where the environmental impact is limited and is confined within the work site. Environmental impacts are readily addressed through clean up or changes to work practices. Breach of a project or contract EMP. NB: Minor incidents that have a high frequency of recurrence are indicative of underlying issues associated with work practices. This in turn increases the potential for these minor incidents developing into significant incidents. Examples: Uncontained hydrocarbon spillage less than 200 L Dust suppression spray failure without causing off site impact. Erosion controls not in place but no environmental factors on site for an event to occur. Exclusion zones not marked. Major Incident involving offsite environmental impacts that requires significant resources to address and if left untreated could accumulate to a significant impact. Non-compliance with statutory requirements or environmental criteria requiring reporting to authorities. Examples: Clearing outside of approved area less than 100m square. Over spray of herbicides damaging nearby crops or native vegetation. Dust monitoring results exceed statutory criteria. Failure to comply with environmental protection requirements. Detectable sediment load within waterways downstream of construction. Unauthorised clearing of rare flora. Significant Any onsite or offsite environmental incident resulting in significant long term environmental harm. An incident resulting in prosecution under environmental law. Non-conformance with contractors EMP occurring within the worksite where the environmental impact is significant and has the potential for an offsite environmental impact. Examples: Unauthorised clearing of a large area of vegetation greater than 100m square. Actual pollution of waterways e.g. By onsite or offsite fuel spills or excavation of works. Significant impact detected on threatened flora and fauna.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.