Title Page
Drill Audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
Engine Hours -
Drill ID
Oil, Water to Required Level
Any Visible Leaks (oil/water)
All Hoses free of damage and fuel injector line clamps tight
Drive shaft greased and no excessive movement in universals or bearings
Operators seat serviceable
Housekeeping to required standard
First aid kit in Cab and serviceable
All levers and controls serviceable
Engine/operating gauges serviceable
Windows clean and free of cracks
Operation of doors and latches
Serviceability of door seals
2-way/mine radio serviceable
Is cab pressuriser monitor functional
Fire extinguishers & suppression system serviceable, tagged and within date
Tracks and rollers serviceable
Tracks to correct tension
All lights working and serviceable
Battery isolator is a lockable type and serviceable
Test for dead on starter isolator (engine should not start or wind over)
Carousel, A frame and tower free from damage, and no visible cracking
Hydraulics and compressor fluids to correct level
Air pipelines, hoses and couplings are to required standards and free from defects
Regulators, hoses and accessories installed correctly and free from visible defects
Pump drive box free of damage and oil at correct level
Mast cap bolts tight and free of damage
Equaliser bar free of visible cracking
Dust skirts in good order and dust collector housing has no holes
Machine Guarding
All machine guarding in good repair and in place
Machine guarding made to required standards
Guarding can be removed for maintenance purposes
Pressure Vessel
Pressure vessels are free from visible defects
Pressure vessel statutory inspections are up to date
All pipelines, hoses and couplings are to required standards and free of defects
Air hose whip checks in place
Regulators, hoses and accessories installed correctly and free from visible defects
Access systems
Secondary access ladder(s) free of damage
Permanent access systems - stairs, walkways, handrails etc, to required standards and free of damage
Personal Protective Equipment
Are work areas signposted where mandatory use of PPE is required
Is appropriate PPE available where required
Is PPE used where required and maintained by operators
Is appropriate respiratory protection provided in hazardous areas, eg. Dusty environment
Notices and Signs
Are appropriate notices and signs placed at suitable locations around the workplace - Check rods out of ground (Sticker) - Stability Limits (Sticker) - First aid kit (Sticker) - Drill Bit Performance (Sticker) - Emergency procedure (Sticker)
Are signs the correct size, colour, shape etc, as per standards, and positioned to ensure they are seen and understood
Are notices and signs free of damage - Can they be clearly read and understood
Name of person conducting audit